Is this FAIR?! O.O !?!?!?


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Probably because men don't have SK said...breasts are known to most men as "sex objects". Its like a guy walking around without pants or underwear on. XP (SICK)

Actually when I think about it, a woman walking around with nothing but a bra and shorts on, would seem as if they were wearing a bikini top.And woman do that all the time down at the beaches and other hot places. (The bikini only, not the bra. O.O)

But as a woman it'd be shameful to walk around wuith no shirt. I'd feel naked in front of a crowd. And technically, I would be.

Yes, some men do need to keep their shirt on. But it's okay, not like they want you to look. Some men may want you to loko, but others may just be, well, hot.

And womans breast can be "sex objects" to men, as SK has already stated.

So, why don't we women keep our shirts, on. :D

I just thought about this...(Well not really, but it's been on my mind for a while.)How come its alright for guys to walk around with no shirts on?!

But its not ok for women! D:

Sometimes it can even be disturbing to even look at some guys body... @.@ (No offense)

I personally think it's not very fair at all, epically when its a hot day.

And it's not like breasts are even a sexual organ or anything! -.-

Besides we would be having our bras on anyway, so it'd be alright. o_O


Does anyone agree or disagree with me? =O

i totaly agree!

but see i got something 4 you, wear a sports bra

Well, I don't particularly want to walk around without a shirt because it would make me feel quite a bit uncomfortable. You know what's strange, is that (some) laws are made with the opinion of people in mind. Like (I think this is like a law) you must have clothes on when you go in public. You can't just walk around naked because it is disturbing to many people. Well, I guess the portions of yourself that need to be covered when you wear a bathing suit are traditionally supposed to be covered, so today they are supposed to be covered. It could be different- people could wear clothes covering all other parts of the body EXCEPT those areas... then it would be normal.

If you don't want to read the whole thing, my point is that it's just the way it is traditionally and so it is today.

[SIZE=8pt]well I think that girls do get warmer than guys during the summer because we must wear shirts, but c'mon, if you're really all that hot (sweating) then wear a tanktop and shorts. maybe a cold drink of lemonade and a cool breeze, but topless? you know, i'd rather keep my privacy[/SIZE] :angry: :eek:
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First of all, if you mean no under things under your shirt - that is totally illegal and puberty. It would make you feel un-comfortable..

If you mean going around with a bra on, it would be kind of sickening. It would be in-appropriate for little children or more.

well girls should be able to go topless wiyh bras and i guess it is fair for boys to wear it (at the right moment)go topless

I think its fair.

Women do/have many things that men don't do/have. Like women have's a wonderful thing, but men cant do it.

And who cares if girls cant walk around topless? It would be highly inappropiate.

I already put my input but,

i dont think its right to go topless

eww right?

but wear a sprots bra ya no?

I agree with TamaXTREAM and Tamagirl_Desy. If a woman was walking around pregnant, everyone would say, 'Eeew!'. It would be inappropriate for little children to see. It would be very disturbing and embarrassing to you. It would also be uncomfortable to you.

Me and my sister used to live waaayy far away from the city so there weren't that many people there so in the summer we would play outside naked. (As is:no clothes) And we never got in trouble. When we moved to where we live now we would be naked even though she was 7 and me 10. We don't do it anymore. I think girls should be allowed to go around with a bra, no shirt AS LONG as they wear a sports bra or something like that, no lacy lingerie junk.

well.......ummm.....some men are umm.....dogs as i should call it........and some might get over exited and it could well...get a little messy 0.0

I think we should all pretty much get over the fact that we girls and women can't go in public topless. Since people have always had women and girls wear shirts, it would be very weird if all of a sudden girls and women could go topless in public. I certainly wouldn't enjoy it.


We should all get over it. It's been this way for hundreds of years and will always be this way. There is NOTHING we can do.



2 a degree i do!!!!!! but a bra is considered an undergarmet and r not meant 4 other people 2 c. but if u want 2 walk around w/ just ur bra on go right ahead and b my guest!!!!!!!!!!!!! i walk aroun my house in my bra and pants all the time but people outside of my family dont c me!!!!!!!!

Who said a guys chest couldn't be attractive?
I think it's because a topless woman represents sensuality. I don't even think men should go topless.
(Unlike me) i think men do it just to show off,sometimes......i think....yeah....

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