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Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
hey guys, ive been getting robbed an awful lot and i dont no why?

ill admit i got lots of money on my tama but that cant be it, or

can it??


its a v4

2nd generation

thnx xoxo

I have a v4, and there is no way to prevent it. If you get a lot of fortune hearts, I hear it can be lowered, but theres not really a way to STOP it. The robber doesnt usaully take much though.

I've seen a tip from some site before.what you do is QUICKLY grab something so you can poke the reset button on the back of your tamagotchi,BEFORE the robber robs you,then press download.But I think this is kind of risky,because you can accidentally reset your tama. But if you really want to prevent this from happening,well...this seems to be the only solution. ^_^

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I have also gotten robbed. If you donate some of your points to the Tamaking, this will not happen as often. I donated my points to him, and I didn't get robbed for a while. If you get poop or a snake in the mail, you should donate points to the Tamaking. If you get a heart, points, or a gift, then that means that you donated points to the Tamaking.


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I don't donate gp a lot at all, and mine is almost always different.

But something intresting was that when my health was said to be low on my Kuchipatchi (v4 as well) the tamaking came an gave him a drumstick, that I (luckily) happened to know was his least favorite food... :)

on my v4.5, i only get robbed when my fortune hearts are low, but i've also been robbed when i had full fortune hearts. i guess you just get robbed less. like kylie* said, there's no way to prevent it. i got so mad when i was robbed 800$

well i have a tip on how to prevent the robber from stealing your points! okay when u see the robber come onto the screen quickly grab a pencil and download your tama and then the robber goes away and your points sty in your tama!! its a really good trick and it works becoz i use it all the time. :p :p

:mellow: MEMETCHI7 :mellow:

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