I'm a vegetarian, and I was wondering how many people on TT are vegetarians or vegans. When I refer to animal products in the poll, I mean leather, wool, etc. I try not to use leather basketballs, and I certainly don't wear leather jackets, pants, etc. My shoes are rubber, and with the basketball issue: I'm on the b-ball team at my school, so sometimes I HAVE to use leather. But I don't like it!

I have a vegetarian friend, and she feels strongly about this issue (eating animals). I know some people have religious beliefs that make them a vegetarian or vegan, and some that make them not be able to be a vegetarian/vegan. Some people believe animals were made for us to eat (this one girl in my class... she is so wrong.). But if you believe that, then what about little kitties? Puppies? Squirrels? Rabbits? You don't see us eating THEM every day, so why do cows and pigs have less of a right than cats and dogs? And you wouldn't see someone eating dear old Polly the Parrot, then why would we go and eat KFC? Sorry if I seem offensive on one's beliefs... but I think I raise a valid point.