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Well-known member
May 5, 2008
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Hey, how's it going? I interviewed binary and asked 6 questions. Here are binary's answers:

1: Whenever you take care of Tamagotchis for experiments, do you treat them as a pet or as a test subject?

"Generally when I'm running a Tamagotchi, it's a pet. If I am running one specifically for an experient, it's a test subject."
2: Have you ever bought a Tamagotchi off of the Internet?

3: If so, Was it from E-Bay?

"I've purchased several through ebay, and several through Yahoo! Auctions (a Japanese auction site similar to ebay, except non-Japanese residents need to go through an agent such as Rinkya to be able to purchase from them.)"
4: What Tamagotchis are you currently running? (This info was gotten at May 3rd, 2010.)

"One white Tamagotchi-iD currently running, one blue Tamagotchi-iD currently with the batteries out. I put the batteries in every now and then, when I want to connect the two."
5: Are one or more for experiments?

"The blue and the white Tamagotchi-iD are pets, but I'm experimenting in a way. I'm allowing the white one to get old (hoping to reach 99) without mating it. I have a third Tamagotchi-iD that a purchased last week specifically for experimenting. I haven't hatched it yet."
6: Have you ever got Nyatchi on one or more of your Tamagotchis?

"No. I have, however gotten every available character on the EnTama and the UraTama. I have a Kakeibo; a device the EnTama and UraTama can connect to. It rewards you with 1000 GP for each different type of character you connect to it. There's a 10,000 GP reward when you've connected all EnTama & UraTama characters to it."

Thank you binary for taking the time to answer these questions. :)

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