Interesting Cho Jinsei Information!


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Yes... I gues yes-asia must get a lot of orders... I hope I am patient enough, and that the surprise isn't spoilt... I hope to scan and publish the instructions here, and erm... when they arrive, I hope to find a person who can translate them!!

there is a translating page at tamasquare but it'll take a...g...e...s to tranlate every word! lol!

p.s your mesenger is full!

erm.........1 problem spiffy...when i typed something in, in English (in the altavista translator) and i clicked translate to japanese it came up as ????

perhaps your computer can't read the Japanese symbols...hiroshima it was called I think... I am not too sure how you solve that though.. You may need a specia program or an update fo something... :furawatchi:

perhaps your computer can't read the Japanese symbols...hiroshima it was called I think... I am not too sure how you solve that though.. You may need a specia program or an update fo something... :furawatchi:
we haven't got any japanese installment or anything.........its all ????? to me!

well since you oredered one there is none in stock, and i was about to order one, BUT either i get one when yesasia get more in OR i wait for jason to get one

well since you oredered one there is none in stock, and i was about to order one, BUT either i get one when yesasia get more in OR i wait for jason to get one
Oh lol! I thought there were three left when I ordered it so that can't be it... Oh well, no problem, Yes-asia often stock and restock... They vary a lot from day to day, so don't worry!

yesasia's stuff is usually cheaper that e-bay's.....yesasia's stuff dosen't arrive for ages though! o_O anyway it sounds cool that they can connect to computers!

my mom just ordered mine off of yesasia. I am sooo excited ;) , spiffy, maybe we can have a group hatch together?

Hey, that is great! Well, mine'll be coming in Januarym, so if yours comes then too, it should arrive at the same time. I still need help with the instructions thoughm so if anyone knows Japanese. And concerning the Tama Station... what happens?

And as for computer connection, is there also an ability to mate online? I'd love to do that, imagine connecting t other Tamatalkers!

Hey, that is great! Well, mine'll be coming in Januarym, so if yours comes then too, it should arrive at the same time. I still need help with the instructions thoughm so if anyone knows Japanese. And concerning the Tama Station... what happens?And as for computer connection, is there also an ability to mate online? I'd love to do that, imagine connecting t other Tamatalkers!
that would be cool! i can image myself holding my tama up to the computer, and it connects! lol!

there was a member who replied, she said she knows japanese!

I think I'll post I aguide, I'm still learning japanese. I cant read it yet though, but usually when I get a new tama I dont look at directions, I play a bit with it and firgure stuff out for myself. Kinda funny, when I first got a tama I didnt look at the directions o_0

she ordered a few days ago.. and I live in america 0_o so your yesasia may be different.. or maybe I'm wrong ?

she ordered a few days ago.. and I live in america 0_o so your yesasia may be different.. or maybe I'm wrong ?

crap.... apprently my mom got an email saying it couldent be sent! what the hack happened? I guess it suddenly came out of stock??? great... well tell me when theres more. I am not usimg ebay my mom quit ebay and the two curreently being sold are in my opinion rip offs....

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