Here's a list of things to do:
1 Take a walk
2 Run/Jog
3 Go to the gym
4 Swim (If you don't know how, learn to)
5 Dance (If you don't know how, learn to)
6 Volleyball (Learn how to play if you don't know how to)
7 Basketball
8 Baseball
9 Soccer
10 Track
11 Cricket
12. Any other sport I forgot to mention
13 Jumprope
14 Eat right (No more fast food, candy, ice cream, chocolate, whipped cream, browines, doughnuts, chocolate etc. For at least 1 week)
If you think you can't do 14, I got two words for ya. WILL POWER.
You can do it. Just get up and force yourself to. I hate getting up and walking/biking to school and espiecaly running the mile at school but I do it anyway. I have to walk to school Mondays and Fridays, lugging a trombone case and a 10 pound backpack on my back. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays I bike to school with a 10 pound backpack on my back. I have to go uphill to get to school. If I can do that on my puny bike, I bet a million bucks you can get up and have fun to lose weight.
(I recomend treadmill)
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