Kendal, I love you ♥ Sorry I made you miss your bus stop! D:
I wrote your name on my pencilcase the other week. Everyone always says "Who's Kendal?"

I remember, it was last summer we became friends. We MSNed and PMed alot. Those 6 weeks were bad 6 weeks for me, but you made them so much brighter. I love all the things you say, you never fail to make me happy

I definately class you as a best friend of mine. <3 You've put me in a loving mood, I feel a list coming on
Mariaaa - I love you! We're never on MSN at the same time, but our PMs win. I love coming on TamaTalk and seeing I have a PM from you. It brightens up my day. <3
Krystal - Your posts are always so happy. They always make me smile. I love youuu.
Weiwei - I miss the old MSN days. We'd talk for hours and hours. Mostly about pointless stuff. Pens, knives, suns, clouds ILY.
Kristin - You're just amazing. My evil piggy buddy. I love you.
Ksenia - Bean Buddy! Mr Bean's on alot recently. When I watch it, it always makes me think of you. :'D I love youu. ~
I'mma stop there, otherwise it's gonna go on forever. I love you all though ~