Well-known member
I know I said this the other day, BUT I LOVE KEELEY! : ) You always seem so bubbly and happy. And I love happy people. <33 ILY~
Awwww! That really made me smile.I know I said this the other day, BUT I LOVE KEELEY! : ) You always seem so bubbly and happy. And I love happy people. <33 ILY~
Nuuu, I'm not Michaela's friend anymooore ! D:MILLIONTH TIME I HAVE POSTED IN THIS TOPIC!
I'll copy/paste my friends list. xD
My Friends [alphabetical order]:
Ahlex [Mr.Brightside/Mr.Morbid/blue♣slip]
Allie [LOUDERnow./wildcat_gal_101]
Anime [Animespazztron789]
April [FireCracker/Try Honesty]
Becca [[-Horizons///]]
Beth [.tee.hee...x]
Brittany [Trainwreck]
Botan [botan1220]
Ceci [X.Waffles]
Chris [bB (Big Bob)]
Cinder [Cinderpelt]
Claus/Sophie [x.Sophie/Sophie Norris]
Crow [Hatakekla/XxCrowxX]
Dalton [RazorbladeCupcakeX/MaybeTomorrow]
Diva [Penguins.]
Dmo [+DAVID]
Ella [EPIC.FAIL/Sir.Gary]
Emmy [F A L L E N for Y O U]
Ginny [Ginny Tonic/shs415]
Grace [Worst.Username.Ever]
Hershey [Hershey_Princess]
HinaLuvsNaru [Hinata Luvs Naruto]
Kadee [Phobic]
Katie/Wolfie [[xxHoney...]/Kate.]
KK [kk442]
Kelsey [ZOOMrocks]
Krystal [`Krystal]
Lee [;.;LEEWhit;.;/'Lee]
Leafie [Leafpool]
Lukie [Luke./Lucas Brightside]
Miley [Disenchanted/LostInStereo.x]
Mimi [Chell]
Monstr [.:Monster:.:Trucks:./Tom Felton]
Sango/DS [DemonSlayer5050]
Sarah [x.Bleachie]
SG [x.Dreamer/Sleepinggirl]
Skylar [Paper*Cut]
Soha [x.Soha]
Sorlink [MusicIsDaBomb/Reverse This Curse]
Star [starfire.]
TK [Goggle-Face]
TW/P [TamaW/pants]
Vivienne [Ryancloud.x/Neon Tiger./Clouds.]
Zoe [Zoe cola]
Zoria [Zip]