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Attempt two at naming [and shaming] who I love.

Okay here is goes. [No order]

Huntr, my first TT friend. I love you very much. Our 8pm meetings rule all, even if they are slowly fading, they shall return soon because my internet is going good now. =D We have our own website, and we have spammed it up to the max. The song we made just PWNZ! It is my favourite song ever. You cat has the most tasty name ever, and I won't eat your kitty, no. -stares- Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that hobos cook beans you are amazing & I love you.

Monstr, ILY! You are so cool! And dun know if you all know this but she loves Tom Felton? Yeah, I'm guessing you didn't know that! xDDDD JK. It was funny when we spent like the whole day PMing, then to TamaChat, then to EB. I love how your name ryhmes there! xDD

Ksenia - ILY. You are very epic!! xD One day we must meet, go to town and hold a hobos hand and ask for candy off strangers! LOL. It made me smile when you said about Keeley at Netball. I was like, wow, what a coincidence. xDDD

Kendal- KENDALKENDALKENDAL! I love you so so so so much Twinny. We were long lost, now we are back together! And yes, twinny, even though you ate my cake and biscuits and do love you still! xD You are very epic, I am so glad I pmed you! =D Bestest!! <33 K-FORCE TO INFINITY AND BEYOND xDD

Emily - I haven't Pmed you alot, but I have Pmed you enough to know you are pretty amazing. You are really kind and thoughtful. Iloveyoulots. <3

Kay - Kayyy-Dawwwg! Suuppp? xD Well, ily lots! You love waffles x3 Thankyou for helping me there! LOL. Imtimidated by cats but not stalker cat? That is quite epic! xDDD

Weiwei -doesn't sleep. xD Thankyou for PMing me! Your really cool and I can't wait to PM you some more! xD Love you =D x

Kate - My new friendling! I haven't pmed you enough to properly get to know you yet but we are still pming so I will get to know you soon! From around TT you seem really epic and fun so I can't wait to PM you some more! =D~<3

Hannah - You're great to talk to. You're really cool! Lavv yaa!

Tother Hannah [Hanatchi] - We Pmed a few times so that makes you my lovely dovely friend! You're really nice and take alot of thought into what you write <333

Christine - Okay, so you don't come here anymore? I'm still mentioning ya! I love sending you letters and msning! You're so epic! My first EVER internet friend. I've known you for about 3years now and I love you so much. You must come on Bebo more!! xDD Kuji, I love you lotslotslots! xx<3

X_Onegai_X - I Pmed you a couple of times, so that automatically makes you my friend! Hahaaaaa!! I love all friends. =D

Esther - Okay, I PMed you once? Yeah. Well, your around TT alot and your really epic and fun so I love you. xDD

Okay, I appologise deeply to anybody I forgot. <3333

Ripcurl, yes, I'mma PM you. Friends? 8D

Edit// I bolded names so you don't have to read that long post to find your name! LOL. x33

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^ILY too! :)

Weiwei, you keep your promise about stalking me someday, and if you don't, IMMA CRRRRYYYY!

YESS!!!! 1000 post! *dedicated to Ksenia and Weiwei. Ksenia= bestiest buddy ILYLAS! ♥ Weiwei= I nicknamed my dog "Rawry" after your username. :)*

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Ksenia - ILY. You are very epic!! xD One day we must meet, go to town and hold a hobos hand and ask for candy off strangers! LOL. It made me smile when you said about Keeley at Netball. I was like, wow, what a coincidence. xDDD
ZOMG YAYY! ~ ILY Keeley.

Lemme tell the world about you and how amazing you are;

Soooo, yeah, you're just seriously amazing. We will definately meet and go to town and hold a hobo's hand. We will ask him for candy. Even if people think that we're married to the hobo, we will continue holding his hand and eating his sweaty hand candy. :) I love how all our convos always end up in stalker + **** + hobo talk. Hehe. ILYYY.

@Skadi: ILY too. I should seriously get to know you better.

And to everyone else who shout-outed to me, I love you. Even if you didn't shout-out, I still love you. xD I love anyone and everyone :) PM me at any time :]]


Teri! I love youuu. If/when I meet Michello, we will go to Fudge Cottage, and we will make sure you come. Even if that means kidnapping you, we will do it. xD I love our epic MSN convos and random talk about pointless subjects that no one needs to know about, hahaha. You will always be our cheesy Terichild Cheerio. <3

And yay for Kay! -RHYMES!- Lemme shout-out to you as well;

KayKayKay, what can I possibly say? You're so very close to me. I also love you just like a sister. I know all your secrets, you know all mine. I so wish I could come to the Canada Games, but mummy can't afford that D: Ah well, no matter what, we will meet -- And I'mma let you jump on me instead :) ILYLAS.

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^Yay-erz Sennerz! :) I can finally jump on you instead of me being crushed by A giant you. lol You don't know ALLL my secrets. There's one you don't know. I'll tell you once I get MSN working again. lol

Weiwei -doesn't sleep. xD Thankyou for PMing me! Your really cool and I can't wait to PM you some more! xD Love you =D x
ILY too Keeley! You are super duper amazing, but we don't get to PM much because of stupid time zones ):

Well. Here goes. xD

Keel-sel-ee-sel-ee-sel: ohmegollygoshh. I am actually soooo glad you did PM me. How could I have lived any longer without finding you? And yes, I am really sorry I ate your cake and biscuits, but I can make you some more. xD Anyways, yesh, I do love my twinny so muuccchhh. K-FORCE ARE GO! <3333

Kate: OMD I LOVE THIS GIRL. 8DD And her bathroom location. What else is there to say? Ily.~

Weiwei: Looll, we haven't talked much, but I still love you. <33

Ksenia: Woww we haven't spoken in agess. o_O All these new accounts you see. xD Anyways, I hope we can catch up sometime. :)

Oscar: We've PMed eachother, what? Twice altogether? xDD Ahh, well, who knows what the future may bring? Ily. xD

Rachel: I'ved PMed you once. xD Ohwell. I still love you. :p

Monstr: MonstrMonstrMonstr. You, and your crazy Tommie obsession, is epic. I never knew there was someone out there who feels the way I do, about you noww (888) about Tom Felton as you and I do. Together, we shall take defeat Jade! :D

Tori: We've spoken once but I love you.

Vivienne: HIII. -I'mmaforgetaboutyouknow- xDD Loolll. Ily. xDD

I hope I haven't forgot someone. It would be typical of me to, but there's only so much a girl like me can remember. 8D

OHYEAH. Special shout-out to;

Everyone: Thank you for making TT what it is today! I love you all! Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya! xDD

Well. Here goes. xD
Keel-sel-ee-sel-ee-sel: ohmegollygoshh. I am actually soooo glad you did PM me. How could I have lived any longer without finding you? And yes, I am really sorry I ate your cake and biscuits, but I can make you some more. xD Anyways, yesh, I do love my twinny so muuccchhh. K-FORCE ARE GO! <3333

Kate: OMD I LOVE THIS GIRL. 8DD And her bathroom location. What else is there to say? Ily.~

Weiwei: Looll, we haven't talked much, but I still love you. <33

Ksenia: Woww we haven't spoken in agess. o_O All these new accounts you see. xD Anyways, I hope we can catch up sometime. :)

Oscar: We've PMed eachother, what? Twice altogether? xDD Ahh, well, who knows what the future may bring? Ily. xD

Rachel: I'ved PMed you once. xD Ohwell. I still love you. :p

Monstr: MonstrMonstrMonstr. You, and your crazy Tommie obsession, is epic. I never knew there was someone out there who feels the way I do, about you noww (888) about Tom Felton as you and I do. Together, we shall take defeat Jade! :eek:

Tori: We've spoken once but I love you.

Vivienne: HIII. -I'mmaforgetaboutyouknow- xDD Loolll. Ily. xDD

I hope I haven't forgot someone. It would be typical of me to, but there's only so much a girl like me can remember. 8D

OHYEAH. Special shout-out to;

Everyone: Thank you for making TT what it is today! I love you all! Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya! xDD

I love Tamtamkitty07. x33

Well, you're such an amazing photographer and inspire me to take pictures. :D I don't know your name, so forgive me for calling you Tamtamkitty. xP


Well. Here goes. xD
Keel-sel-ee-sel-ee-sel: ohmegollygoshh. I am actually soooo glad you did PM me. How could I have lived any longer without finding you? And yes, I am really sorry I ate your cake and biscuits, but I can make you some more. xD Anyways, yesh, I do love my twinny so muuccchhh. K-FORCE ARE GO! <3333

Kate: OMD I LOVE THIS GIRL. 8DD And her bathroom location. What else is there to say? Ily.~

Weiwei: Looll, we haven't talked much, but I still love you. <33

Ksenia: Woww we haven't spoken in agess. o_O All these new accounts you see. xD Anyways, I hope we can catch up sometime. :)

Oscar: We've PMed eachother, what? Twice altogether? xDD Ahh, well, who knows what the future may bring? Ily. xD

Rachel: I'ved PMed you once. xD Ohwell. I still love you. :puroperatchi:

Monstr: MonstrMonstrMonstr. You, and your crazy Tommie obsession, is epic. I never knew there was someone out there who feels the way I do, about you noww (888) about Tom Felton as you and I do. Together, we shall take defeat Jade! :puroperatchi:

Tori: We've spoken once but I love you.

Vivienne: HIII. -I'mmaforgetaboutyouknow- xDD Loolll. Ily. xDD

I hope I haven't forgot someone. It would be typical of me to, but there's only so much a girl like me can remember. 8D

OHYEAH. Special shout-out to;

Everyone: Thank you for making TT what it is today! I love you all! Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya! xDD


You are my favouriteee!!! I love you very very very much Kendal! Ayeee, I <3 Pming you!! =D








I dreampt about all you guys last night, and I woke up and I started to cry. ):

and now for people I designed AC:WW shirts for:

Weiwei: don't ask, but you have the 'emo' shirt. xD I know your not emo. :)

Ksenia: The cream, tan, and peach shirt with white pokadots.

Chelle: The dark blue shirt with light blue dots.

Starfire: The shirt with the green, lightblue, pink, white, lime, and grey outline with a darkblue star in the center.

Michelle: a cyan "C" at the top left corner, a hotpink "C" in the middle, a lightpurple "C" at the bottom right, a darkgreen heart at the top right, and a lime heart and the bottom left.

Huntr: The lime shirt with a white "F" at the top, a black "L" at the bottom, with a lemon in the center.

Monstr: The shirt with black and grey triangles that says "RAWR"

Oscar: the orange shirt with a hotdog in the center. (y'know, like oscar meyer weiner) xD

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