Guess what?
This is my 4444th post! YAAAY!
It is dedicated to my first four friends ever on TT. In order, they are; Easterberrrrry, Feebee, Vivienne and Krystalleta

ILY all. And everyone else who aren't my first friends. You guys all mean the world to me and I'll never forget any of you. <3
I wanna do a shout-out to Huntr;
ILY, Fred friend! You are amazing, Huntryo. You're one of my spelling words --- I changed hunt to Huntr

Cause hunt is too easy, bahaha. You are the toast of TT. Without you, this place wouldn't be the same. I love you and your Fred-yness. I love you in general. ~ My cat. <3
ZOMG ILY! Shayna, you are also amazing. I am seriously in love with your avatar at the moment --- Spiderman toast is just a true win. I'd swim all the way up to New York just to meet you and be able to spend time with you. Cause ILY, and I know that you're gonna be a true friend for life.
More shoutouts coming soon? 8DD