ilovetama's new tama log


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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
okay... i decided that my old log was draggin' me down a bit. so i wanted to start new. well, kinda new.

this log carrys on from my old one, read it here.

so i currently have 3 music stars (one from my cousin.) ~hehe~

i'll update tonight, and i'm currently trying to find a v4.5.

and... lastly, kamisha and freddie, (my tamas), will have a baby soon (in freddie's case he already has one) plz pm me with ideas of names for twin boys AND girls =D > :ichigotchi: ~"_"~ xx

Hmm... So i gt a destiny star n changed my adorable mimitchi into a beautiful dazzilitchi. Im really ecxited coz shes gonna mate tomoz. Please guys pm me ideas for names!

K: hehe! I love being a dazilitchi :D but somehow i still hasn't gt pro debut. Sad days! :mad:

hmm... no pms? i must be unpopular :ichigotchi: and anyway, freddie left last night, and was a tad overweight =O but ohh well, i decided to name his little son CARLO. and my dazzilitchi is doin fine, she hasn't got pro debut yet :( no matter how many times i practice, i always get oox. can anyone pm me what the last judge is looking for? E.G instrument, practice wiv band, preskul... (wot am i talking about no-one even read this log... :kuribotchi: ) ahh well, and does the band manager come with a mate even when you haven't gt pro debut?

K: im ready to mate =} i want a kuromametchi... or mametchi... or MAYBE that shimashimatchii in the band... i love those characters so much... *daydreams*

Carlo: hehe i went to preschool today AND i gt a dinosaur, look!

dinosaur:n rawwwww!!!!


ME; > :hitodetchi: :marumimitchi: huh?

kim: or a tegetchi might do for me...

that's it guys CARLO is playing with RORY (dinosaur)

and KAMISHA is daydreaming.

ME: *snores* and IM asleep =3

soo.. little carlo is a tad overweight.. but i'll fix that, let me just update his stats:



999/999/999? last time it was 307/297/326??? i pressed reset too many times??


genre:jazz music


2nd gen.

hehe x ;)

C: im sooo amazing, a toddler and already 999 in everything!

ME: "~' o_O um...i think i just discovered a cheat...

C: *whisper*shhh! i want everyone to think im a child genius!

ME: O_O UM HUH?? i already posted what REALLY happened carl, so i dont think they'll believe you now..

C:eek:h =(


ME: so... i discovered that if your on 2nd generation+,


C: =(

ME: you could press the reset button about 5+ times, leaving about 30 secs in between,


C:=( ='(

K: ohh! *very frantic* i didn't mean it to get sooo far! sorry!

*crying sound*

ME: *sigh* you could get the second gen+'s points to go up to his/her parents!! w00t w00t!!

*carlo= STILL CRYING!!*

K: um... you pushin' it now, carl,


WAHHH! :ph34r:

ME: sigh, lets end the update guys. ={{

Hiyia! my dazzilitchi had pro debut and matchmaker visit today.(guitaritchi)

here's a recount of what HAPPENED! :D





mametchi, SOON TO BE husband of kim :D = blue


me :blink: =black

*Knock.* (no answer)

*Knock.* (again, no answer)

*KNOCK!!*, is ANYONE home??


hmm, someone's tired. im ur band manager, kamisha!

arrghh! sorry mr guitar, im kinda tired, *yawn*

hmmm, i can see that!

*yawn* ;)

hmm *rolls eyes* be a bit politer, kim, please. :(

no, no, it's okay, she must be tired, great work though kim last night, mystical did it's concert fabulously! two awards in just one night?? that was totally amaz-

uhhrr-cuuuurrrm *coughs*

oh, as i was saying, i brought you a totally wonderful partner, tommy. (was you just saying?)

A MAMETCHI! arrgh! *jumps happily* hehe! he's hot! i'll get such a lot of girls staring when we go to the pub tonight!


*um... is that wat im for? gaining you envious looks off other gals?* :(

no no no! mmm. lets make babys!

fine... but you must admit, your just cant deny a dazzilitchi!


*15 seconds later*


a baby! :D


ahhh! carl, your sick! :(

C: hmmmph!

ahh well, here's the medicine

C:bluurrgh! *coughs*... but im kind better now... B)

not much is going on... carl went to preschool and hasn't evolved yet... wait! that flamehead his evolved into! :p

C:HEY! that's not nice! :( but i hope the school teacher'll come! :D


C:ya, i meet a coupe of friends and forma ba-

running outa time!

C: and um thats..-

running outa time HERE!!

C: i want to forma band called metalica and then go to judges and get pro de-

OUT OF TIME! end of update. B)

C: :eek: :(

EDIT: hey i've done a looonnnng update without even realising, well, i guess this sentence just makes it longer...

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here i am, left with baby amethyst, kim's baby. :)


yes, i realise your hungry.... :p


um... HUH? :huh:


oh. you want some milk?


okay.... i remember you mum stock up for u while she was here...

mamaaa! :(

i know amy, u miss her,but you'll soon like it here...(i hope so anyway :) )

daaa! :)

um. WAT? you what daddy now??!


ummmm... :mimitchi:

mama! *beep. beep*


ima tamatchi! w000t!!!

um okay...?

i love being a child! haha :D *runs wildly*

um.. can you just slow down a little amy?

crashhh! *bash into window and stick to it* :(


muuroh ahh murphh toh murr! :angry:

um.. guys, i think i'll have to attend to amethyst*sigh* :(



so now amy is in her bed with a soft plush and a broken nose =[ :huh:

and carlo is playing music. well... i'd guess i'll take them to tamatown

with poor amethyst like this, she isn't going anywhere in a hurry!

i think ill just nip to the cornershop then...

~ilovetama2010~[worried of thy tama =[ ]

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CARLO: so... ilovetama posted NOTHING about me and

lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of things about %&@\*% amy?

HOW #@^@*@* dare she! :huh:

Amy: fatch fur fanguage! (Watch ur language)

Carlo: no! Im *=\@&% angry can u not see? She posted soooo much about a litl ?@%&= like u?

AMY: [very nervous] she only posted a sentence about me! :) and she said u were playin music.

CARLO: OK!! you @#$%^& little $%^&!! :(

AMY:...? :)

CARLO: meaning you are a clever old ar*e.

AMY: :)

CARLO: well. a !@#$ lot happened today, i gt pro debut and i @#$%^ evolved to a $%^&



dorotchi! w00t!!! B)

yay! :D

AMY: okay...? :huh:

CARLO: i'm gonna #$%^& end this $%^&*( log!!


CARLO: i'm gonna gt married to amy (if she recovers from a flat nose and face :p )

~CARLO~ [ragin'] :)

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Me:CARLO JUSTIN! :mellow:

You posted without me knowin and SWORE at AMY and the LOG? Omg! How dare u, carlo... are u even listening?

Amy: [had to stop the fight] mum will u stop that?

Me: yes carlo even your sister knows bet-

:-O :huh: hey! Whos side are u on? Amy? :S

Amy:[rushing to defence] mum, have u asked him where he gt that language from?

Um. Carlo?

Carlo: I saw u n ur friend on fatbook-

Me: dont u mean facebook?

Carlo: and she said a lot of bad stuff in that verbal fight with sam.

Me: u were supposed to be in bed!

Arhhggh! CARLO! U are grounded for a month of sundays!

Carlo: that means il be free on monday - saturday and next month right mum? :D


Amy: i think thats just an expression ;) . (Whisper) that u'll be grounded forever.

Carlo: :( :'(

~ilt~ [still raging!]:mad:

~Carlo~[sad n grumpy] :(

~Amethyst~ [the peacemaker]:p;-)

EDIT: i think amy and carlo makes a Perfect Couple *lol* :p

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HEY guys!! i just evolve from chamametchi to chantotchi!! :D :D


Um, yea, well, i think its actually a glitch that i can't get pro debut either (my mom couldn't for a LONG while,) :D


you see, me and carl practice the SAME.(i might have practised more right?)

but he pass pro debut on THE FIRST go! and my mum, i can SWEAR that she practiced 1000 times more than carlo's dad, freddie, and she gt pro debut when she had ME! (when she was 5/6) and that IS unbelievable!!! oahh well *sigh* i think i wont ever solve this problem. :(

"pixie lott's turn it up in background" B)

*currently amethyst is practicing with band*

*carlo is playing with a pirate ship*

*and ilt2010 is playing pop music*- "turn it up turn it up to the *TAMAS* that say, we're moving on" and we'll be okay..." :eek:

ARGGGHHH!!!! (that was difinitely ilt) :p

you wat??? tama-go isnt coming to europe? darn bandai!!! :angry:


*amy and carlo= covering ears up* :(

urggh! that's horrible! prejudged favourism! tamago is realease in usa and not uk??? HOLY CHEESE! :( :wacko:

FOR FURTHER DOUBT, look at this Siggy, right?

that doesn't prove much but i've seen other websites!

~Amethyst~ [Hoping 4 pro debut] :(

~Carlo~ [doin' fine though grounded] :blink:

~ilt~ [busy depressed] :angry: :(

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amy's baby=purple

(carlo already left :wacko: )

carlo's baby, maxius = green


while i was busy playing computer games, amy got her pro debut and-


okay...? :mimitchi:

so after i had my pro debut and 2 awards hip hop and rock n roll and carlo had classic and asian music awards we visited each other and we were sure we liked each other and he gave me my first engagement ring (my thoughts = um, can you actually GET a second one ???) so we knew we had to get a family and i loved him and he loves me so we went and had a twin boys, i don't know wat my's gonna be called but his was called maxius and he left yesterday but i didn't coz i really like my baby and i want to stay with him a little longer and i have yet to decide a name for him and- and-, and, um, that's about it! :D

^_^ that WAS sure a long speech!


hey, bro, how y'a doin', eh, ima dj! yo!

um... :eek:

lol man, ima kuchitamatchi and ima perfect being, yo,

um, actually... kuchitamatchi is a bad character...?

shhh! im PERFECT!

luv, im not sure ANYONE can be Perfect. mkay?

i AM! :mametchi:


MUM! i want fan suggestions for BOY names!






[SIZE=21pt]MUMMMMM! :gozarutchi: [/SIZE]

:eek: i'm not sure anyone read this log anymore. :ph34r: coz i only seem to have had one fanmail from t~d (read her log peepz) and that's IT!! :lol:

ANYWAYS, whilst ilt is being depressed, i want to ask fore fan suggestions of names for my son, im actually thinking of rizho, thanks to FKOD's log, but i actually think nemo and kurri are too some very good ideas, or we could alter maxius, and name my son maxie....


OH well, but




???: kay!


that's wat i wanna hear! yatchi! UM, whoever you are!?



~ilt~ [ :eek: again]

~amy~[i love ma baby!]

~amy's baby~[GOO goo!]

~maxius~ [i'm perfect!]


EDIT: hey, 136 views, not that bad after all!

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this is just a copy of what i wrote on the group hatch that burnt snow created,

HAHA! ima kikitchi, i'm PERFECT! see that ilt? ahaha!

*building shakes* :ph34r:

um, ya, um, well. um


um, yo, guys, i formed band with jenny, a chamametchi, (playing the guitar)and louis (on drums) and I, the king of PERFECTNESS is perfecta! (im on accordion!) woot!!

um.. so thats about it okay??


Name: maxius

Skills: 999/999/999

Gender: M

Genre: ASIAN

Instrument: Accordion

Toy: dinosaur (he doesnt get tired of the flipping thing?!)

Points: 30050p (from my previous gen.)

Gen: 3

~Maxius~ [kikitchi perfection]

~ilt~ [confused as hell]

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just a quick update right,


yatchi! ima PERFECT adult, i TOLD you!!

right, max it up, running outa time!

and, my band actually got out pro debut on the first go! YAY

~end of update~


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HEHE! im theo, apparently, daughter of amethyst, a successful musician :D

WOOW! such BIGG words there!

um, and, mummy said to announce that im THEO if she didn't get around to it, and i think when i get older, (I will be STRONGER, they call moi freedom, jus'like a wavin' flag...) um, were was i? oh yes, right um'hmm, when i get older i will marry a makiko, and have a baby, if it's a boy, i'll name him RIZHO(i read FKOD's log, and i liked this name), or, if she's a girl, i'll name her um... ARISSA, yes, ARISSA's a good name (another copy from FKOD ;) ), and um, rizho will be a kuromametchi, and arissa would be... MAKIKO! just like her mother (*sighs dreamily*)

WOAH, such big future plans! :eek:


um... y'know, i actually realised that NO ONE could be perfect, so...

WOOOT!! my little boy's grown up T_T (happy tears!)

um... since i'm a adult and already 2, don't you think im past 'LITTLE BOY'? :D

Awww, you grow up TOOO fast, just as i get used to you, you change *sigh*

ANYWAYS, stats:


Skills: 999/999/999

Gender: M

Genre: asian *sigh*

Instrument: Guitar ?

Toy: helicopter (finally!)

Points:725450p (yay! :D )

Gen: 3

Breed: Mametchi :D


Skills: 355/357/378

Gender: M

Genre: Rock n Roll :p (my prev. 2 gens all had that!)

Instrument: Trumpet

Toy: skateboard (pretty kewl!)

Points:0p :eek:

Gen: 3

Breed: Kuribotchi (THANKS T~D FOR THE TIP!!)

~ilt~ [i love kuribotchi!]

~Theo~ [making future plans]

~Maxius~ [no-one's perfect!] ;)

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Woahh! How come we are always at the bottom? :D

Coz, we suck at keeping a log??

WHAT?? are you trying to offend me or somewhat?

UM... (tryin' to change subject lol :angry: ) well, i thought that maybe, i'll have a child tommorow since ill be 5 at 6PM...

TOO bad, i'm goin to blackpool! HEHE :D

You're leaving us? :angry:

Well, not really, i'm not gonna pause you, just gonna make sure that you 2 are gonna be on pause for the most of the day.

Ahh, thats good.

So, i'm gonna go to blackpool starting tomorrow for a 4 day visit and ill probably be back next tuesday, and -

I thought this log was supposed to be about US? and OUR life and decendants, not about your trips?

Yes, but im just gonna say that i'm going, so our fans won't think its queer that we've not updated, right?

KK :)

ANYWAY, so i might not be able to update for 4 days... And i MIGHT take my tamas down to say goodbye tomorrow, but i might not have time... (gonna leave at about 8 :angry: ) so, max and theo will say goodbye now.

Goodbye, and maybe my child'll be able too update since i'll be leavin' for tamatown on sunday... :angry:

*always the cheerful one* GOODBYE! *make silly face* i'll see you AGAIN!! :angry:


Maxius:(final stats today... :angry: )


Gender: M

Genre: Asian (i guess it stayed there...)

Instrument: Guitar

Toy: Helicopter

Band: Fate

Points: 10716900p

Gen: 3

Breed: Mametchi

Age: 3 (goin onto 4)


Skills: 535/549/535

Gender: M

Genre: Rock and Roll

Instrument: Violin

Toy: Skateboard

Points: 0p (depressing, i know)

Gen: 3

Breed: Kuribotchi

Age: 0

I guess.... thats it

WAIT! we have 351 views guys!!


And... goodbye forever *sniff* =(





(how emotional)

~ilt ~ [sad & excited] sad coz maxius is leaving, (well, i guess theo'll stay with me ... =] ) and excited of blackpool

~Maxius~ [leaving 4ever... ='(]

~Theo~ [i'll always remember you...] and Max?


When you go to tama world, can you ask my mum, amy, the chantotchi, leader of 'Sugababe', to send me some money?

Ummmm... Okay...

Thank you!!

D'awww... there so cute...


EDIT: Colour fail :D

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Gonna leave in like... 12 hours time! w00t! Goodbye tamatalkers

yes, Goodbye...

Goodbye guys, hope you'll enjoy my child when hes older?? :eek:



Right, so on the train i was bored. (yes we didn't go by car, the ride was toooo long XD) and i took out my tamas, and just STARED at it for a minute or two >_>, and i remembered that i had my diary, so i logged in that, and decided that i'll type the logs in when i have time to go on my computer, XD. (i love the face XD don't i??)

August 08, 4am: (yes, i AM a weirdo. XD i woke up and couldnt go back to sleep. =[ )





Gender: M

Genre: Rock n Roll (w00t! X}) :D

Points: 24003470p


Sooo, anyways, i had dear theo on pause :( because i only really had time for ONE tama, and i was really keen to get on generation 4 sooo...

what i did was wake maxius up, because he was like 5yrs, and then set the time to 4:30 (strangely it never works at 12:30) and the band manager came. and he brought a makiko!! :D but i pressed no by accident. :( and then came a maidtchi, but i want that makiko... and tryed several times... and got diyatchi EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you know how annoying that is?? but maxius said that though she's not as pretty as a makiko, she must have REALLY loved him to come SOOO many times, and thats enough (i was deepy touched.) and so i pressed YES. and so... they married and had a baby boy. :( this is my cousins' tama and she gave it too me (she let me borrow it first and then she went of tamas.) XD =) and i got a boy on it on every gen! =< "'><'" 0_o (why so much smilies? :p ) anyways, they were married and were happy, and daisy (the diyatchi) was very kind...

EDIT: 444 views!!

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Sorry, mum was calling me a minute ago and i didnt finish the log, im here to finish it :S

August, 9th, 9am:

Last stats:


skills: 999/999/999

Age: 6

Weight: 30lb

Genre: rock n roll =P

Points: 30023470 =D

and he's currently hoping with the baby. XD (how CUTE =] )

10am: keen as i was to start 4th gen, i didn't want to see Max go. He was such a determined Tama! he got 3 awards, and I was soo obsessed with him...

ANYWAYS: Daisy and Maxius are having a conversation:

Um, max? MAX??

*shouting from other room * Yeah? im here, and have you packed our lugguage to leav-

SHHH! the baby'll wake! *tucks duvet around lewis (their baby) even tighter and sings lullaby*

Right *deeply annoyed :D * so. when art thou and thy leaving?

Shut up! MAXIUS! this is NOT a time to entertain and clone around!

Okay, okay, :p so WHEN are we leaving, tonight or tomorrow?

Shall we leave before the lewis realise we're gone? Instead of tomorrow when it gets really emotional?


*both kiss baby lewis, gathers things, and leave to tamatown*

EDIT: COLOUR FAIL, big time!

SOOO... Maxius and Daisy left baby lewis in my care... =>

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And, just to let you know, Lewis, after his parent returned to tamatown, cried for a while but then perked up a little when i played with him. and i raised his skill points, and then he evolved: here is the evolvement of lewis :L

Babytchi - :kuribotchi: (kuribotchi ) - Hitotamatchi (flame) - and hopefully, he'll involve into Kuromametchi? :)

~ilt~ [4th gen w00t!!]
