ilovetama's new tama log


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WOW! Im a kuromametchi!


Just like Alex, my dad's lifetime role model


And i'll marry on Sunday W00t!!!

So... what are you going to name your child, hmmm?? How about fan sugges-

MUM!! I've already decided!

*Ilt bangs head through wall, making a hole of a 2m diametre span :eek: * HOW??

Um, yesterday, right, i was reading T~D's log, and i notice that the last post could be signing off her entire log! :( And i thought to honour her, her tamas, and her unforgetable humour, so I decided to name my boy TD, after TAMA~DUTCH, and my little girl after her first tama in her summer log - Alexis :D

OH, but i must admit... it is quite a good idea...

No it isn't.




And... today ilt and me went to tamatown, and got me a outfit *happy attack*

it was kuromametchi outfit 3, =}}, and then i had i look at Burntsnow's log. and i DEEPLY DISAGREE with what he said : You know what I hate? I hate when people make their Tamagotchis talk in logs! I cannot stress this enough! Honestly, who wants to listen to some kid yapping on, pretending he/she is some Tamagotchi. Honestly, these people need to lay off a bit.

[SIZE=21pt]NO THEY DO NOT argghhhhhhh, i agree that Burntsnow's log is popular, but We tamas have A LIFE! we ARE NOT a kid yapping on, OKAY??[/SIZE]

And anyway, Burntsnow, you might notice that some of the REALLY POPULAR logs all have tamas talking:

Tama~Dutchess' log

FKOD's log

LittleChocoWolf's log

Right? i dont mean to be rude and i appreciate your oppinions but i'd like to point out that many people like these type of logs.



LEWIS! you keep on saying that =S

OKAY, OKAY. anyways, i passed pro debut first go! *sings some type of latin music that ilt dont understand* and... I got my first award-latin!

(we can see that!!)

and... thats about it...


Name: Lewis


Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Stress: 08

Skills: 999/999/999

Genre: Latin

Instrument: Accordian

Toy: Skateboard

Beed: Kuromametchi

Gen: 4G

Age: 3

Points: 10045960p

Band: Thrillaz

Band Members: Thu the Chantotchi & Elaine the Makiko

Love Life: Thu

What a lot of stats *die of tireness*

Woah! ARGGHHH! ilt posted my lovelife??


*fights with ilt although she is dead but he doesn't realise*

EDIT: Ilt just recovered from her unconciousness

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Lolz peepz ive not really realised that im so busy! I didnt really have much time for poor lewis and-

[SIZE=11pt] so u've been ignoring meh all day while u were eating popcorns and watching a film with ur boyfriend? thankz u bitc- [/SIZE]

Geez! talk about being a drama que- um... king. :blink:

hmpphh :D

Hmm... Teenag- i mean... Adult kuromames... :)

~lewis is distracted in a translation guide~ :(

woah! hey check that OUT! kuro means black... So apparently im a black mametchi :D

Um... lewis? I thought ur date with Thu was at 8am?

:wub: oh no oh no oh no!

Gosh chill ur beans buddy :)

*lewis makes a dash for it, but in the hurry he forgot that he is wearing a chefs apron coz he was cooking pasta earlier on. :D *

Lol il post more latr about his date!

~ilt~ [well laterz] B) :D ;)


I just saw the title - ilt's new tamalog. Read it u wont regret it.

I bet those of u that read this are regreting it. BIG TIME! Anyways i like my tamas but no one writes fanmail these days and all ive reiceived is 9 from 6 different tamatalkers. :(

Can sumone pm me whether to just close this log?

Anyways, movin' on- my kuromame married a mimitchi called alice and they had a baby gal! :D :D :D :D :D ! I was like wh00p! 1st Girl in like... 5 gens! In other words, lewis had 8 concerts and had 3 awards! Eeeeek! Yay!

:) and... i kinda NEED to sleep coz its like 11 pm :eek: .

And i'll post more tomoz - mostly details about lewis' marriage. w00t! :D

~ilt~ [so proud!] >: ]

PS: 5th gen. soon! *happy attack* ^^ teehee

So... I'm kinda married.

Hi, Guys, I'm alice

Yeah... um... What's happened to you and Thu?

*To me and Alexis (he's had a baby girl) =] *Um.. well. I went and knocked on her door... she's like, so posh! She's got this independent Victorian mansion, and I was like, so envious, and i kinda just walked in... and that was something that made me cringe. She said to just knock on her bedroom door, and just walk in on the telephone call, and I did. And then... I saw her on bed with thi-


Um, it's actually mushroom, sweetheart :wub: , and she was on bed and-


Yes,please, al, your home made ice cream is Soooo nice!!

Ya mama!


And so she was on-

LEWIS!! Come here!


Lewis, I know Amelia (my name in realife, but most people call my Amy) must be curious about your previous girlfriend, and you haven't upset me, but can you just stop telling Alexis about GETTING-ON-THE-BED and stuff like THAT?


*Goes back to the living room* Hi! *winks to me* I'll tell you in private *nods towards Alexis*

Okay. ~^=^~

^o^ *Lewis kneels down and plays with Alexis*.

PS: I haven't had a pm from T~D yet but I hope she won't mind me naming the baby girl after her first tama, Alexis. :D

~ilt~ [Teehee]

EDIT: unfinished post. :furawatchi:

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Poof! I'm out off puffs!

Okay! Rest for a while, dear amazing wife :wub:

*Sigh* You and you sweet-talk!

Hey, wanna hear Alexis talk?

She CAN? *Speechless*

Goo. Hi mummy!

Holy lord, fried pancakes, exploding bin bags! My daughter can talk and she's only been born!! T^T (happy tears)

Exploding bin bags!

*Trying to control his laughter*

*ilt = :lol: *


:eek: What??

Exploding bin bags!! HEHE :D

See, she can talk!


I'm a exploding bin bag! w00t

:wub: ;) =O

~ilt~ [ LOL :lol: ]

~Lewis~ [ Muwhahahaha!]

~Alice~ [ :D ]

~Alexis~ [Exploding Bin Bag! :p ]

[SIZE=17pt]Edit: Alexis is still going on about EXPLODING BIN BAGS! ARGHHHHH [/SIZE]

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In ilt's bedroom:

So... She was on bed with this Togetchi and as soon as I walked in she said that she didn't really mean it with me and i was only her playboy... :furawatchi:


Yeah... and i walked out, that little slu-


On bed!

Alexis! How did you get here?


5 minutes later in the dining room:

On bed! Exploding Bin bags, playboy and sluts!

Alexis!! Your language! *Faint*

*How cute! :wub: *

Alexis!! Oh. no I've created a baby monster!

Oooooh! A monster! Mummy faint!


Alice recovered from unconciousness:

Oh. dear, i'm not sure I'd like Alexis to stay on the Earth...

*Alexis comes in* Playboy! Mummy alive!

Um... Alexis, maybe we should let your mother rest...

Mummy angry!

Um... :wub: she is... now that you mention it...

*Alice starts chasing Lewis around*

Ohhhh! I want to play tag!


Well... laterz guys. :eek:

~ilt~ [D'aww] :lol:

~Lewis~ [i don't like This game of tag!]

~Alexis~ [i wanna play tag!] ;)

~Alice~ [My baby is rude! :D :lol: ]

:D B) LATERZ!! B) :p

[SIZE=21pt]Lewis. I. Would. Preferr. It. If. You. Didn't. Throw. Your. Smelly. Socks. On. The. Floor.[/SIZE]

Okay, dudess, chill your baked beans! :p

Smelly socks!


Yes, you're a right smelly sock arent you!

:eek: She is NOT!!

I am too! Smelly sock! Smelly sock. Smelly sock, Smelly--------- soooooock! (i'm an ochestra singer!! :D )

Um... I don't think she knows what a smelly sock is...





~ilt~ [Only me signing off coz they seem to be doing a sponsored silence. :wub: ]


Edit: fix a smaller grammer problem. :furawatchi:

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Right, so i'm SOO envious of those with a tama-go :angry: i can't have one cause i'm not allowed internet shopping and it's not coming to the UK anytime soon, and just saying, Alexis pooped :angry: and she envolved into a cute tamatchi, i'm trying to follow the 'original' ALEXIS (T~D's first tama mentioned in her log.)growth:

[SIZE=14pt]Petitchi(girl [/SIZE] :angry: )- Tamatchi - Chamametchi (i think) - Mimitchi. :angry:

Hey! that's not fair, I don't get to be my OWN character? that sucks. :D

You will, you'll have a different personality all-together, right? :angry:

I guess...

Byez :angry: :angry:

~ilt~ [5th GEN!!!]

Edit: She just went in Preschool.

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Thanks, T~P, but i should remind you that you are NOT ALLOWED to post within other member's logs... :( But, on the other hand, I really appreciate your PM:

I love your log! It's the best!! KEEP WRITING!!
Haha x



Guess what?

Crushed peas.

Not really =] =P

Alexis! Turned! Into! The! Cutest! Chamametchi! Ever!

Teehee! :(

~Ilovetama~ [More than anything :p ]

Ilt isn't back from her trip to morrisons so I thought I'll take care of the log for a minute or two. Anyways, I involved into a :angry: ... ;) that's so not fair! I had to be honoured after another tamagotchi, and I ended up the same CHARACTER as her? That means I don't really get a proper life, do I, walking in a shadow. Still, at least I got pro debut on the first go and got a jazz award the minute we finished our third concert... I don't think the other Alexis did that... :( Now I feel REALLY, REALLY, mean. I mean, my great-great-grandad didn't get pro debut either on the first go... It's just, I'm upset that I don't get to be my own character...

*flash back* ["You have a different personality altogether, you are NOT a clone of Alexis, just a normal tama honoured after another." ;) ]

And on the other hand, I don't think that Alexis knew the words smelly socks and playboy and sl*t when she was younger...

(Ghost of Alexis): I did too!

Arggghhh! *faint*

- :eek: Alexis.


What? Alexis came back as a ghost? :eek:

~ilt :eek: ~

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WOW! :wacko: , im mating tommorow? That's SOOO kewl.

Okay, little tart, I'm going to the shop, you comin'?

Yeah, one min. *slaps make up on*, thats better!

*You guessed it. I faint, big time --> [SIZE=21pt]TIME[/SIZE]*

Death of horror for ilt, I guess. :furawatchi:


- Alexis :lol:

PS: My tt buddy T~D may be coming back today [from her camp :furawatchi: ]

PPS: Sorry for the short updates guys. :wacko:

PPPS: Ghost of Alexis (snr.) says hi.

W00t W00t! T~D decided to keep writing, ilt lives forever happily ever after...



Cause Alex, WOULD NOT MATE ARGGGHHH! Oh, well I suppose Alex will get a partner sooner or later...

:) ~ilt~ [i want gen 6!!]

Ilt isn't back from her trip to morrisons so I thought I'll take care of the log for a minute or two. Anyways, I involved into a :) ... :( that's so not fair! I had to be honoured after another tamagotchi, and I ended up the same CHARACTER as her? That means I don't really get a proper life, do I, walking in a shadow. Still, at least I got pro debut on the first go and got a jazz award the minute we finished our third concert... I don't think the other Alexis did that... :( Now I feel REALLY, REALLY, mean. I mean, my great-great-grandad didn't get pro debut either on the first go... It's just, I'm upset that I don't get to be my own character...
*flash back* ["You have a different personality altogether, you are NOT a clone of Alexis, just a normal tama honoured after another." ;) ]

And on the other hand, I don't think that Alexis knew the words smelly socks and playboy and sl*t when she was younger...

(Ghost of Alexis): I did too!

Arggghhh! *faint*

- :D Alexis.


What? Alexis came back as a ghost? :eek:

~ilt :eek: ~
I said 'the ghost of Alexis,' I actually meant that Alexis Senior actually went back to tamatown, so she could only be a ghost when she returned to earth to talk to Alexis (the one that I have.) i did not mean that T~D's Alexis was dead. I hope there wasn't any misunderstandings. :p

And sorry for the short update, but It takes a bit long to do them. I'll do them when i have more time. XD

Alexis don't know i'm posting this but I don't think she'll ever have a baby, unless... she goes for IBS. Which means you do a sumwhat operation and get a test tube baby?? :huh:

Hello? are you posting without me? :nazotchi:

Alex? I had no idea you were at home, I thought you'd gone to work!

Thats not true, and what do you say? I'm never gonna have a little one?

We-ll. . . *hesitates* I dont know.

HUMPH! So post something on the help forum boards!

Well. I dunno. maybe I should just wait...

Yes but -

Alexis, I want you to have a baby as much as you do, but your ancestors never had that problem, so I think it's only a one time glitch... otherwise, I could turn you into a - um - dazzilitchi?

And, may I question, whys that? :<

God, Alex, you sound like a detective here!

Why is it that you want me as a dazzilitchi?

Um, i dunno, maybe more boys'll fancy you and go out with you?

In that case, I am perfectly okay with my appearence, thank you.


WOW! 850 views?? that's so kewl. and maybe you're wondering why I'm writing, that's because ilt is partying. coz of T~D's log. *sigh* and then yesterday she decided that she JUST ISN'T LETTING ME BECOME AN OLDIE. Which I have to say that I'm quite relieved about. But that meant that I have to marry Theo.

Yeah, remember me? I was that cute little kuribotchi that said that I'd marry a makiko when I was older. I was REALLY excited when ilt brought me out and started me up, but when I saw Alexis on pause I was totally narked.

Yes, but Theo, I knew you wanted a Makiko, but you got a mimitchi instead, haven't you?

*Both tamas*: ilt!

Um, why are you back?

Well, I figured it'll be a bit mean leaving you two, and with all your twin boys...


Well, yeah, I'm sorry.

And, anyway, I just want to say something, If you let me continue?

Sure, kid.

Um, hello? I'm an adult now. :D Anyway, so right after I was downloaded I evolved into a .... Drumroll..... Hinotamatchi! :D And three days later I evolved -

Into... Toilet roll.... Mametchi!

:( :p Hmm. And that's when I saw Alexis *kiss her on cheek*, it was LOVE AT FIRST KISS.

Don't you mean love at first sight?

Nope. I was interested in Makikos back then. Good sweetened old days. :blink: And then I kissed you.

D'aww! ;)

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[SIZE=21pt]HAPPY BIRTHDAY ILT! [/SIZE] WE LOVE YOU! --> :nazotchi:

Yayness! Happy 13 at last!

And I hurt me finger. :nazotchi:

Anyways, Kiki had to be paused yesterday so now he is only 2. but he evolved this morning. Yay! And he's a .... ..... Togetchi ! w00t!

With so much stuff going on, it's really hard to update often, please excuse me guys. :blink:


Kiki: Petitchi (boy) --> kuchitamatchi --> kikitchi --> togetchi. I must make a growth chart for him, since togetchi is one of my most ADORED charcters. :)

But even if I wasn't a togetchi, you'd make one for me coz I'm so SPECIAL. Won't you? :D

I'm not sure...

:angry: Hummph.

Eh? Don't be like that! Okay. I will.

That's right!


AND When I have a baby, I'm gonna name him Drage, and her Sammie.

And, I'm just saying, I went to tama zone and I kinda wanted to get a banner for my log, Y'know? Coz it seems special that it is the first that turned out well, with over 850 views... :unsure:

Thanks to me!

Mmm. Not quite.

Hey! Mean beast. Oh, and by the way, Where's my twin bro?

We-ll, he was put away because I didn't have quite enough time for him.

That's not nice! *Puts on policer officer hat* :huh: So, ilt, when did you put him away?

August 28th, afternoon.

Okay, and in your defence, why did you put him away?

Er - because I didn't have time for two tamas?

Therefore I'm sueing you for 'offence to human - er - tama rights'. You will serve a minimum of 3 month in prison.

*Snaps back to reality.* What?! That's all because I'm looking after you, dumbo.

Wait, are you saying I'm an elephant?

A jolly fat one too!

> :(

One minute, I meant as in -Idiot-, that type of dumbo. Not Dumbo the elephant.

> :(

Well, dont look like that! You asked for it, as plainly as "ilt, please will you call me an idiot?" :)

> :( Not really. :wacko:


Edit: I did '' instead of '' so it turned out black instead of sky blue. :( :wacko:

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Hey Guys!


I got married last night! Look at my wife? She's such a nice kunoitchi!

Hello, everyone, my name is Barbara, an-

????: Bwahahahah! That name is like, so eighties!

Hey! Don't be so nasty! They've only *just* got married!

Oh. Congrats!

Thank you.

Um, I wasn't expecting that. Have you heard anything called sarcasm?

*?!?!* :huh:

Wow, one pure pair of dude and dudesses. Nice.

HUH. *sends ???? flying* :eek: :p Now, as I was saying, we got married. And had a ........ drumroll ......... baby boy!! :D

Um, can we ask for some fan suggestions?


See, Kiki? That child is born to be a-





It's TOGETCHI!!!!!!! :D


Toget -

No! You're both wrong. It's Kuchipatchi.



~ilt~ [ Mametchi! :lol: ]

~Kiki~ [Togetchi! Like me! :D ]

~Barbara~ [Kuchipatch!]

~Baby boy~ [ :eek: ]

EDIT: Please post fan suggestion!

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Um... Sorry guys, but I decided to put my tamas away for the moment. :(


1) Need to attend to school work

2) Nead to organise teams for sports allsorts.

3) My mum says my tamas are ruining my eyesight

4) I don't have that much time for them now - I'll be doing my GCSEs in about one years time

5) And my boyfriend business. (Not going into details)

So... you see. I will continue to play with tamas, just not NOW. :p

Anyways, if you want to PM me, that's all right, and I will still be on tamatalk, but I won't be logging. :angry:

Okay, and I will be back logging probably in mid october or something. LOL, and I'll be logging in this log. :)

That's me done. good luck and good byeee! Miss you guyz... :D

~ilovetama~ [i really, really do!]
