if we hav a v3


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What about you can only get certain adult characters from certain teens-like humans! You can't get a saint from a criminal teenager! Sometimes the oddest things happen-an itchigotchi turns into a maskchi! This way you couldn't redeam yourself if you took horrible care of your tama as a child or teen. I do rather like the idea of a family tree with pictures and names, and I wish you could give each other points as presents and have more choices of foods! It would also be good if each character had say 4 or 5 items that only it had, as welll as the other itmes that every character could ware and play with.

NIce Idea... but no human tamagotchis. Maybe, they should set a story.. And the "scientist" who found tha tamagotchis, is the most rarest guy to encounter.

Lets say you took really bad care of your tamagotchi.. it turned into maskichi like above.. then it has babyes, yeah yeah.. but.. whats this! You wake up the next day, and find that not only your baby is gone, but the scientist giving your baby a potion! Oh my, you think to yourself.. but is it only the rarest event EVER and happens on very very very rare occasions, that your baby turns into a new exotic tamagotchi.. And it becomes a whole new generation of tamagotchi! Every character is VERY rare and you CANNOT get it any other way....

thats my idea what SHOULD happen in v3.. but they would never put it in i bet! Too much I guess, even for them.

Heres another Idea.

This is the ultimate idea..

They should have a small usb near the bottom of the tamagotchi.. then.. you plus it in to your comptuer, plug in your tama, of course the price would be aroun 30-50 dollars.. but see you connect to your computer, you have the special downloaded system on your computer. When you log in you can play with others and connect around the world on your screen! If you wanted to connect you would use your tama. And the place you play is like a medow, or daycare and stuff.. and for adults it could be like a small little house where you can marry other players and have children in your small tama hut!!!.. plus they could make schools n stuff! So you can learn how to take care of your tama, and there is a special "learn bar" so your tama could do new features! But it would only be at the meadow/daycare/house/town.. Yeah like tricks could be.. uhmm "Challenge other tamas to a race.." or... "You get a new item! It is a stove." or.. "You unlocked a new place. THe lab" Omg. I could write a whole document on this and then put it on tamatalk!

And then there could be custom content made with the special program that is sold speratley, that lets you DESIGN your own tama. All this inside the general size of a regular tama today. That would the best tamagotchi EVER in my opinion :hitodetchi: Im all jittery now :D

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when a new tama is out it would be great if bandai made 10 ultra cooooooool 1s and they have more games than the usual and a secret feature and they still look the same as the others but u can only get 1 at random! i think that will be soo cool ^_^

I'd just like to send messages to other tama owners that you have connected with!(there are tons of other things i want if htey make a v3!) :ichigotchi:

I think it would be cool if there was a color screen. Oh, and a backlight that would automatically go on when it's dark in the room you're in. Also, it would be sweet if your Tama could like react to your voice or something. Like a voice activated Tamagotchi. :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: .

There should be a bigger variety of games, and things you do when you connected.


these r goos ideas but what do u THINK bandai will make?

I would like him/her to make more interesting characters.And make the tamagotchi you have inside be colored in.
actually, Ive searched on google for v3 and one website said Bandai

is thinking about making v3 in color! :(

But theres bad news too! :hitodetchi: i dont know if this is true cuz Bandai HAS made a

tama in color allreAdy!

i think bandai will make a amusing v3 and it will be simple! (but with extra features!) :p

I doubt they will, but im not always right! :wacko:

I think they should have a beeper, and you call "TAMAGOTCHI?!?" and it will beep!

I also think that would be easy to program :furawatchi:

A peice of cake!

I also have another idea, you could mate with other tamagotchi owners! (from diffrent countrys, the matchmaker brings them!) Again, TOO easy!

I would definitely appreciate a backlight - I like the idea of a sensor - some times its difficult to see if there's not enough direct lighting around. A colored version would be fun (much like the pocket pikachu color) - doesn't have to be fancy - we don't really want to see the price driven up too much.

What might be interesting is have the character react to certain things - light would cause the Tamagotchi to put on sunglasses :furawatchi: Or vigorous movement might cause the gotchi to tumble around on the screen - with consequences for shaking too much of course. In other words, a more interactive form of Tamagotchi. just my 10 yen's worth

every1 want a background lightup! maybe bandai will make 1! but i dont know what the v3 will be like! :wub:

tamagotchi stats:

training-2 bars

0 years old





i want a evolving potion so u can see what it evolves into and the names could be like..10 letters.

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