})i({ The Tjhan Family Heritage })i({


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Korokotchi (Mattaritchi) is BrownMememamatchi is Orange

Papapatchi is Green

Nightpelt is black

Others are Red



I transformed RIGHT after we did the previous post, Hey.... a new year, a new page!

WE couldn't post again becuse we hadd to go to this house with this dangerous pit of death...

you mean, a swimming pool

It's a pit of death to me


When I grow up, I want to be in the ninja family, because I will look like a cool old ninja dude.

speaking of transformations-


But HOW do you become into a member of a ninja family?

I don't know.

oh well, I'll do some research.


anyhoodle, I predict that I will become either Sukatchi or a Kuchipatchi, unless I turn into a ninja family! I want to be a ninja no matter what it takes!

Does that means your father and I have to be ninja's too?


errr....no comment, at east I won't be as fat.


so this means you will have to be extremely unhappy until you transform

oh well....

It IS reverseable, just eat a steamed bun or use the whistle and you will be back to normal

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Korokotchi is BrownMememamatchi is Orange

Papapatchi is Green

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red
Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 100%

Generation: Two

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 5400gp

Child: Korokotchi

Mother: Mememamatchi

Father: Papapatchi




How do you feel, Korokotchi?


Well, it was your choice to become a ninja.

I will be a ninja tomorrow morning...

geez, no need to be so crabby

You get what you get, and you don't complain!

YOU'RE the one complaining



Sukatchi is Brown

Mememamatchi is Orange

Papapatchi is Green

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 100%

Generation: Two

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 5600gp

Child: Sukatchi

Mother: Mememamatchi

Father: Papapatchi

Well this sucks!

What sucks?

It sucks that I was in middle of finishing off and I ccidentally pressed something and deleted everything!

Yeah, this is what I hate about this HP mini, it's so sensitive!

AND I didn't turn into a nunja after all this miserableness!


Then shortly after my transformation, Nightpelt dragged to this musty place she calls a 'farm' an we stayed there for a while!

You have no idea how hot it is there.....you may not even survive if you were me...

Are you calling me weak?

no...I'm just saying that it is so hot there that I would have to stick you in the freezer to cool down.


And lastt night we went to watch a movie!

Yea, it was Barry Trotter and the meddling hollow!


Sure, whatever.

I wonder if you will turn into a papakizatchi if you married a violetchi...

probably not. but Id rather look like papakizatchi than a like a lightbulb.


Sukatchi is Brown

Mememamatchi is Orange

Papapatchi is Green

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 90%

Generation: Two

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 5600gp

Child: Sukatchi

Mother: Mememamatchi

Father: Papapatchi
By the start of the next month, you will hve to go to the travel show for.....six hours or so


I got school! And other stuff that my parents made me do


like, Maths, Homework, Art, etc.

Poor me....

yeah. Kikitchi also had a little baby boy with kunoitchi,

what does he look like?

he looks like a blue mushroom

that is weird, I looked like this plant, helicopter thing, but a mushroom?

yeah I know right?

That just ridiculous

well, that's YOUR opinion

I know that

You are going to be a lightbulb tomorrow!

Whaddya mean?

You are getting married tomorrow

uh oh....Im getting OLD!

So am I, and your parents will be leaving,


Mum, are you leaving?

Yes, tommorow when you get married

But when YOUR children marry you can come and live with us


I don't wanna marry!

Sukatchi is Brown

Mememamatchi is Orange

Papapatchi is Green

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 100%

Generation: Two

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 5610gp

Child: Sukatchi

Mother: Mememamatchi

Father: Papapatchi


Ugh...I keep forgetting to put the date on. Anyhoodle, Nightpelt is forcing me to get married today, too bad i don't have a little sister.....

Well you must get married!

FINE, Nightpelt, CUT IT OUT!


Stop poking me in the face with that hairdrier!

I just want you to look your best on your wedding day...


Well, we must get to Ms. Busybody's house in 15 minutes...

Ugh..Im gonna be a LIGHTBULB

Hopefully that if you marry a violetchi you MIGHT turn into Papakizatchi.

Nice, always looking on the bright side, arent you?

Yep...Basically, Now sit still....


Okay, this was Nightpelt and Sukatchi's conversation

Yeah, Sukatchi is getting a little bit fidgety


Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamametchi is Lilac

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red



You don't look that bad-

OOH! They're hatching!






Long story short, The Sukatchi, known as me marrried this lovely Violetchi, turned into a lightbulb and had two children.

The children are....



The first thing that said 'ME!' is our Omututchi SON

And the Second 'ME!!' was from our Mimifuwatchi Daughter.

Here is the new 'Legend'

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Mimifuwatchi is Purple

Omututchi is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red
Papa? I feel Yucky....

me twoo.....

I think they're sick...

Where is the medicine kit?

I think it is in the trunk

I'll go get it!



Calm down, now

Here it is!

Now....Mimifuwatchi, eat this nice syrup, okay?


No it's not, it will make you feel better.

No poison?

No poison.

*Slurp* Erlack

Yes, I know right?

Come on, Omutchi....


If you want to be big and strong like daddy, you must have a little bit of this magic potion





Now have a sweet cookie......

youre the best mama.

Papa, do you want soome magic potion?

no thanks! I'm, er....don't need it.

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Sakuramotchi (Mimifuwatchi) is Purple

Ahirukutchi (Omututchi) is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red



We've Transformed!

I look a lot nicer now.....don't I?


Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to do my maths homework!

Homework in the holidays?

I don't understand either.

Can we go to the Tama and Earth expo like Bakutchi did?

After Nightpelt finishes her homework

aww, man!

Yeah, seriousy, Im kinda busy, so no time to log!

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Sakuramotchi (Mimifuwatchi) is Purple

Ahirukutchi (Omututchi) is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red


Now I know the real pain that Papapatchi felt when we played golf.

It's Funny....AGAIN!!!!


Why not?

I don't want to be hit in the bahookie with another golf ball, do you know how hard a golf ball is?

Yeah, short post, I need to do my homework. I'm really a BIG procastinator to the bone

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Sakuramotchi (Mimifuwatchi) is Purple

Ahirukutchi (Omututchi) is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red


We went to the Tama and Earth Expo and we had fun!

Before we forget, here is what we did!

We are HERE!

At the Tama And Eart Expo!

We're going to the North American Employment centre..

Ooh! Lets go to the Sweets Factory!



We caught 21 pieces of candy!


And we got 100gp in prize money!


Pinball Factory!!!




What now?

Iono, you tell me....what do you want to do?

Dunno, what do you want to do?

Whatever you want to do.

What should we do?

GARH! er....Lets go to the European Pavillian!




Tulip maze, or Palace Guard?


*Wins 100gp*


Let's try colouring hats!


We colored 2 hats and messed up the last one, but we got 30gp for our effort!
So here is what we did today!

OOH! I hear the icecream truck!!

I don't hear anything!


Never Mind :(

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Sakuramotchi is Purple

Ahirukutchi) is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 50%

Generation: Three

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 4450gp

Youngest: Ahirukutchi

Oldest: Sakuramotchi

Mother: Mamametchi

Father: Memepapatchi


Sorry Guys, this week I have an overload of maths homework, so there will be less logging

My least favourite subject is maths

mine too.

So while I am at the lessons thingy, you will either be in bed or the travel show.

Aw man!

That's a bummer...

We should change the subject...





I hit dad in the 'bahookie' with the golf ball again this afternoon.






his scream of pain was really loud, I'm not surprised if there isn't a bruise.

We'll be transforming tomorrow....

Tell me something I don't know.

According to the charts, I will be a Chamametchi, and you'll be a Mamekatchi.

Ugh...you'll be pink! :p

And I'll probablyturn into a Violetchi, I can raise the Flower family!

Nice to know....

hm...and you'll be a Furikotchi like our great-uncle-Clocky.

Ugh...I'll have clock arms on my face, and I'll constantly make a ticking noise

how terrible




look...our parents are kissing

ewwww.....why are you even spying on them?

Mind your own business

Go eat a potato

I hate potatoes!

You are now offending all the potetchi's in the world...

I mean the food potato...sheesh... :angry:



^That is you! <SHUT UP!

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Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Sakuramotchi is Purple

Ahirukutchi) is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 50%

Generation: Three

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 4450gp

Youngest: Ahirukutchi

Oldest: Sakuramotchi

Mother: Mamametchi

Father: Memepapatchi


Good Morning!

For some pople it is Night Time

er...Good whatever time!

Well look at this picture that I drew Below!

Isn't it cool?

AHEM, this is OUR log, not yours


I must think so......

Anyhoodle, we're transforming Today!

One step closer to being adults! Because I hate being so short.

And if one of us marries the other have to leave! No more having showers together!

But I will miss you

me too.



Can we do something?

er...here, stare at this metronome (Training)

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamametchi is Lilac

Sakuramotchi is Purple

Ahirukutchi) is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red


At 11:58am, we Transformed!!

We turned into what we thought we would turn into.

I look a lot like Mamametchi!

We both might as well be in the mame Family



that's all

too lazy to post

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Sakuramotchi is Purple

Ahirukutchi) is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 70%

Generation: Three

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 4660gp

Youngest: Mamekatchi

Oldest: Chamametchi

Mother: Mamametchi

Father: Memepapatchi



Look, this is a picture of our house


hey, the dumb ImageShack people put it sideways! I never trusted them

If you look closely you can see Mamamatchi and Memepapatchi together

And here are some more random pictures...




the last two are kind of scary.

anyways, we'll be transforming tomorrow....

Err...I'm bored of dicussing this.

Yeah, Kikitchi and his wife left his son

that's just mean!

not really, everybody's parents have to leave, it's the law.

well too bad we can't get a picture of our parents stufing themslves with bananas that's a shame.

well we can't because the camera has no batteries now

what a shame.......we'll write more later.

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Violetchi (Chamametchi) is Purple

Furikotchi(Mamekatchi) is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 80%

Generation: Three

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 4660gp

Youngest: Furikotchi

Oldest: Violetchi

Mother: Mamametchi

Father: Memepapatchi



Im a Violetchi

I'm a clock

we transformed at 11:....something

Guess, what?


I'm a clock!

Oh, really, I never noticed (Sarcasm)

Yeah I'm a clock


You can ask for me to be quiet...

oh well...hey I have flowers!

And I have this ticking noise coming from my tummy, do you think I'll explode?

I hope not.

Nightpelt is so lazy today, she woke up at 10:12am.

Yeah we were starving, what's the matter with you?

I stayed up late last night

yes you did, we went to a market place yesterday and I saw another 'Family'

It's not even a Tamagotchi, it's one of those fakes

I feel sorry for the poor tama that has to live in that 'tama'.

me too, we were starving this morning and you were snoozing away

well I can't help it....I like to sleep

well, when you were sleeping, Mamekatchi pooped on the floor to get attention

no I didn't

Yes you did

no I didn't

Yes you did

no I-


Violetchi, can you help me vaccum the floor?


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Dumb internet!

This thing popped up and deleted everything

but we already typed this out on a word document, here it is!

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Violetchi is Purple

Furikotchi is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 100%

Generation: Three

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 4660gp

Youngest: Furikotchi

Oldest: Violetchi

Mother: Mamametchi

Father: Memepapatchi


Sorry about the late post

yeah, a certain SOMEBODY is being lazy


Did you know that whenever you sneeze, you lose brain cells?

Interesting, wanna play a game?


how about.....the first wordd that comes to mind?

Sure, I'll start, logic









plastic bag











er....meese isn't a word

well too bad! meese.

I don't want to play anymore!




What are you reading?

The dictionary


I dunno, out of boredom I guess.... This dictionary has lots of swear words

Who published this....?


How many brain cells did you lose? Oh wait! You don’t have any!



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I am one step closer to getting a pure family, I'm going to marry Violetchi to Sukatchi: Sukatchi is going to be the first option I guess because the the matchmaker always offers the opposite gender character that would make your family a pure one. I tried setting the time to 12:00pm (The time that the family would be adults for 48 hours.) and went to the dating show but it didn't work. :(

Papamemetchi is Brown

Mamamametchi is Lilac

Violetchi is Purple

Furikotchi is Blue

Nightpelt is Black

Others are Red

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Blended Family

Bonding: 100%

Generation: Three

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Blended

Gotchipoints: 4690gp

Youngest: Furikotchi

Oldest: Violetchi

Mother: Mamametchi

Father: Memepapatchi



hey it's the 11/1/11!



Tag! You're it!



I got a papercut

just suck on your finger.

we don't have fingers!

oh, yeah...right.

that's all for now, I'll log again at noon if I can when Violetchi goes to the Dating show.

Violetchi got married to a Sukatchi after the matchmaker offered Uhyotchi and Hatsugatchi several times. Mimifuwatchi is Born and so is an Omututchi!

I checked their stats and I saw that they are the Violet family!

New Stats

Mimifuwatchi is Pink

Omututchi is Gray

Mamavioletchi is Purple

Papakizatchi is Green

Here are their stats!

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonding: 0%

Generation: Four

Family Name: Tjhan

Family type: Violet Family

More later


AHA! I caught yyou trying pee on the floor!


Momee! Can I have a cookee?

Well, I wasn't suppossed to be listening, but still.

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WAIT What? I don't Get it!

Violetchi is Pink

Kizatchi is Gray

Mamavioletchi is Purple

Papakizatchi is Green


We're ADULTS? ALREADY?!?!?!?!!

We are only alive for one hour, this is so weird

I think wwe're going to be stuck like this for a week.

I thought I was going to turn into a Ahirukutchi but I was wrong!

This is weird, full.stop.
