I aM tHe WaLrUs


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Oh, really? Just keep smiling, things will get better.

You're very welcome. I saw that you were attending late last night, had a read and decided that I really had to support it. I didn't even realise you were asking to support until afterwards. And I'm planning something particularly epic for the day; any way that I can support you, I'll do it.

"Okay, good," Asher smiled, slipping his Chucks on, and then grabbing the bag. He said goodbye to his parents before they left, and then started to lead her in the direction of his preferred lake. He still remembered it, every turning and lane necessary, and then they got there after about fifteen minutes of walking. The place looked like a picture postcard. It was a wide open stretch of clear clue water, boats moored up around the pontoons at the edge, and the mountains behind it all.

=) Thank you so much. You're awesome!

Lucy walked along beside him, glad that she could admire the town in the daytime as well as the night. She looked up at Asher a couple times, still smiling slightly, then went back to observing the scenery. Once they reached the lake, Lucy let out an audible gasp because of how beautiful it was. "I can see why you like to sail here," she breathed, letting her eyes run along the horizon.

Honestly, it's the least I can do, you're such a great friend to me :)

"It is beautiful here. And yet, people prefer another spot a little further away. I can't understand it. Still, it's perfect in a lot of ways, then it's not overcrowded. He lead her over to a little wooden hut off to the side, where an older man was sat, looking out of the opening across the water. When he saw Asher he got out of his seat and ran out of the door to greet him. "Asher..? It is really you? You parents gave me the news that.."

"I know. It was all a very big misunderstanding. I was very badly hurt in an incident, but I wasn't killed. I was mistaken for somebody else, you see," Asher said to him.

"Oh, well, how about that! I'm so glad to see you!" the man said, giving him a huge bear hug, surprisingly strong for his age. "And who's your lady friend?"

"This is my fiancee, Lucy. Lucy, my old friend who looks after all the boats around here, Jim."

You're an awesome friend too. I don't know what I would do without the friends like you in my life.

Lucy smiled and said, "That's definitely different from New York. Everywhere is always jam packed, with the tourists and locals and everything. Thank goodness this place isn't like that. It's more romantic that way." Lucy smiled when Jim came over to talk to Asher. "It's nice to meet you, Jim!" The young woman replied, reaching out to shake his hand.

That's what I'm here for :)

I definitely couldn't do without you, or any of my other really close friends.

"I know. New York was a huge change. I wasn't sure if I liked it at first, because of my obvious social awkwardness. But I like both the business and the quiet at different times. They're both necessary, I think." Asher had said as they approached.

Jim smiled broadly and shook her hand excitedly. "Asher's fiancee! Fancy that! How lovely to meet you, my dear. I hope you're taking good care of him."

"The best, don't you worry. I wouldn't consider marrying anybody else for a second," Asher said to him.

"Good! And I take it he's being good to you?" Jim asked Lucy.

<3 You're awesome, Tazzy Bear!

Lucy beamed at Jim and said, "Asher's great. We met in New York City, and he's been my best friend ever since I met him. And I promise I'll keep taking good care of him, you have my word." She ruffled Asher's hair and smiled at him, then said to Jim, "It must be great to be able to look after the boats and stay by the lake!"

And so are you, KFB <3 ;]

"Good, I'm glad. And I'm very glad you're being good to him, too. He deserves a lovely lady like yourself, he's a great guy," Jim said, smiling. He then nodded at her comment. "Wouldn't have it any other way. I should point out that I don't live in that hut, but I live no too far away. And then I spend my days here, it's great. So I'm guessing you guys are out for a trip? Well, I'll tell you what, take out mine, there's a lot more space on there."

"Really, Jim? That's really kind, but are you sure?" Asher replied, looking surprised.

"Positive. Here're the keys," he said, adamant to prove that he was fine with it. "Now run along and have some fun, you guys."

"Thank you so much. We'll see you later," Asher said to Jim, before taking Lucy by the hand once more and leading her to Jim's boat. It was a large sailboat, very beautiful, the kind every serious sailor in the town would love. He helped her get on and started setting up.

Did you finish your cover of "Keep Holdin' On"?

Lucy was completely amazed by the man's kindness, and looked out to try and guess which boat actually belonged to him. When Asher led her over to it, she was more than surprised. A finer boat she'd never seen before. "Wow," she said, "I can't believe that he's letting us use this boat! It's gorgeous!" Slowly, she climbed onto the boat before putting on a life jacket.

Well, the last time I got a chance to record it, I was ill, so I haven't got any further with it at the moment. And actually right now I'm recording a cover of Kiss Me for my friend's birthday.

"I know. It's beautiful, isn't it?" Asher nodded in agreement, checking everything over. "We've known each other for a really long time. He's a really nice guy. But I never thought he'd do this for me." When he was done, he smiled and said, "Okay! Are we ready to set sail?"

Awesome! I bet your friend will love it!

"I think we're just about ready," she told him, nodding with delight. "Let's set sail, captain!" She giggled, then went to help get the sails ready. She also made sure the bag with the food and supplies was secure. If they got stranded, they would need something to live on.

I hope so. She's totally oblivious. I just remember once my friend Lizzy and I played it for her and she said, "I loved that! What if I never get to hear it ever again?!"

So, I thought, give her something so that she can always hear it. And then its really personal and something money can't buy.

Asher directed her to a set of ropes on one side of the boat, and then they pulled them up together. He then watched as the wind took them, and smiled, as it meant everything was perfect to get going. He let go of the mooring rope and turned it out onto the open water. "Alright, you up for driving while I handle all the rest?" he asked her with a smile.

That's an awesome gift! I know she'll love it!

Lucy grinned and said, "If I'm the one driving, that means I'm the captain! So, of course I will gladly take the wheel!" She laughed and made her way to the wheel, steering very carefully, knowing that extreme turns could probably tip the boat over, and maybe even make it turtle. Obviously, that would be far from productive.

I hope so :)

"Ah, as per usual, the woman likes to take the authority. But if the captain doesn't know what else to do other than turn a steering wheel, then why should she get the credit while her lackey does all the hard work?" Asher chuckled, before going to the other end of the boat to fix up all the ropes and check everything was running smoothly. He then put the bag of extra stuff down in the little cabin below so it didn't fall in.

I can't resist this topic! I abandoned it! D:

Lucy tossed her head back and laughed, her pale blonde hair getting swept up in the wind. "Yeah, yeah," Lucy said, sarcastically allowing him to have his way. "That's definitely right." She leaned forward a bit and beamed at Asher from her position. Sometimes looking into his eyes still gave her shivers, and she still got flip flops in her stomach like the first time they held hands, the first time they kissed, the first time they slept with each other. As she stared at him, color rushed to her cheeks, and she had to yank her attention away from him and keep steering.

N'aww, you didn't. To be honest, at the time I don't think I could have handled posting for that many people anyway xD

Asher had been tying up the last of the ropes that needed doing so, and was then stopped when she looked at him. It was kind of one of those moments when somebody held your gaze and you were unable to tear it away. He wondered what she was thinking about, and when she looked away he took a step closer and asked her, "You are going to tell me where that blush has come from, aren't you?"

xD Okay, now I don't feel so bad

Lucy shook her head quickly, sending her hair flying, scrunching up her face. "No, I'm not," she said, playfully defending herself. She didn't look at him, trying not to let her mind embarrass her again. The blush subsided a little bit, and she made herself focus on the wheel. "I'm not telling you anything!" She stuck out her tongue at him.

Good, good, that was the intention :3

Asher pouted playfully, looking up at her in a sort of pleading fashion. "Whyyy?" he asked her, adding a childlike, whining edge to his tone. "Won't you tell me anything at all?" He then smiled suddenly and said, "I know exactly what you were thinking about! It's okay, you can admit it, you don't have to be ashamed."

xD Thank you! It worked!

Lucy said, "I wasn't thinking about that! Well, not entirely!" She threw him a smug look, then smiled as they headed farther away from the shore, admiring the scenery all around them. She looked at Asher once more, then took his hand and pulled him to stand beside her. "And I don't want to say anything about it because it makes me feel all giggly and embarrassed." She kissed his cheek, then moved so his hands were on her waist.

You are most welcome, in that case =D

"I knew you were just a little bit, though. You wouldn't blush if you were thinking just about kissing me or holding my hand. Which you were doing, too, I know it," Asher said, smirking triumphantly at her. He then raised his eyebrows a little bit and said, "It embarrasses you to talk about it with me? But why?" He asked her, lifting her up with ease to let her wrap her legs around his waist. "You can talk to me about anything, and you don't have to feel giggly or bashful about it."

So how are you? =D

Lucy gave a yelp of surprise when he lifted her up, throwing her arms around his neck and giggling, her face turning crimson. "Because sometimes I feel so exposed when I talk about how I feel, and I'm afraid you'll think I'm silly." She sighed softly and kissed his lips gently, before pulling back to look up at him, innocence and adoration gracing her features. "I was thinking about how I fall in love with you all over again, every day. And every time we interact, it feels like the first time; kissing, holding hands, even looking at each other."

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