I aM tHe WaLrUs


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Tazzy bear, are you on break yet?

Lucy nodded at Asher. "Sure, you can help me serve the food. Help yourself first, and we can worry anout the others later. I think I'll eat last, anyway." She moved so he could grab the plates and put the food on them.

Eric smiled slightly, chuckling. "I figured you would notice," he mumbled against her lips. He gently pulled away, to gaze up at her face, still smiling. "You're so pretty," he told her.

Not until 2pm on Friday.


"Sure," Asher smiled, serving up for everyone else first before himself despite what she'd said. He handed her a plate, "You make it, you get it first," he chuckled, and took the other plates to Alyss and Eric, plus one for himself.

REALLY???? =D tell me tell meeeee!!!!

Lucy smiled sweetly, said a quick prayer, then started eating. She was surprised by how much better it was than she had assumed it would be. She waited for Asher to return, eating very slowly.

Eric said, "Thanks Asher." He then started eating, trying to be extremely polite around Alyss. He valued her opinion of him, and he didn't want to scare her off by eating like a wild beast. Plus, although he hated to admit it, his parents had had an influence on him.

My fudging Charrie is such a loner.

I love you guys, I don't know why but you are awesome and I feel some what happy.:3

Mari turned around and headed back to Lucy and Eric's place and knocked on the door.

-has been dead-

Alysson nodded at Asher as she took her plate while getting off of Eric. She smiled at Eric, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Well, it all sounded amazing in there, and we played the best we ever had.

AND, Russel sang White Horses and I swear I could have cried, it was so beautiful. His singing lessons have definitely paid off, he's one of the best singers to come out of our school, definitely. <333

Asher came back into the kitchen and grabbed his own plate of food. He leaned against the counter next to her and kissed her cheek before he took a bite. "A decent breakfast, at last," he murmured. He hadn't had much for breakfast around the house, since he'd not had time to do much shopping.

Lucy grinned and said, "Believe me, where I come from, this is a very minimalistic breakfast. My mom used to make Franch toast, eggs, pancakes, all that sort of stuff. She was the all out housewife."

Eric smiled in return, not showing any signs that he was embarrassed, or nervous, or excited. But inside, his heart was racing. He hadn't felt this happy in a very long time.

Eric also began to eat, focusing his attention on his plate. He picked at the morsels delicately, trying not to seem pig-like. He didn't want to give her the impression that he was a slob or anything. Certainly not. So, he ended up eating very slowly, in his effort to present himself in a good light. He hoped it was working.

Lucy sat on the counter, still eating her food. "Maybe sometime you could cook breakfast. Seeing as my cooking skills are a bit... minimal?" She laughed, taking another bite from her plate. For some reason, being herself was easy around him. She didn't have to put on a facade.

Alysson couldn't help but giggle at the way Eric was acting, and she found it fun to mimic his every move in an almost teasing sort of way.

Eric smirked at her and said, Don't make fun of me! I'm only trying to impress you!" And with that, he put a piece of egg on his fork, and flicked it at her. "Well, not anymore, at least!" He stuck his tongue out at her, playfully.

"Hey!" She laughed as she was hit. She flicked egg at him and said, "Stop playing with your food, Eric!" She was trying to sound serious but she was laughing too much.

It's Christmas eve! =D

Asher nodded, smiling. "I'll cook you breakfast any day you like, once I've been shopping," he said. "Perhaps you'd like to stay the night in the next couple of days? I'll sort the rest of the boxes out, get my fridge filled, and you can come. If you like, I mean."

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