I aM tHe WaLrUs


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"wel it was kind to me,people don't even really talk to me,im stllw ondering how the hell I ended up here."she said.

James was skipping delightfully, whistling a tune that was stuck in his head while hugging his box of fireworks. He's found a lighter, he'd been given permission (though that would not have stopped him...) and all he needed was a large area. He was spoilt for choice~!

Lucy quietly asked Asher, "So... where are you from? What was your life like before... well, before this?" She looked at him, now sitting across from him on the bed.

Eric nodded happily. "Yeah, me too! I mean... it's really nice, in between summer and winter. You get a variety of weather." He looked around, making sure there weren't any scary looking people around.

Jesse said, "Well, don't get used to it, kid. A lot of people around here aren't nice. And I think I should be included in that group. I mean, I don't try to be kind. Most of the time, I just try to say my mind, even if it's harsh."

Lucy quietly asked Asher, "So... where are you from? What was your life like before... well, before this?" She looked at him, now sitting across from him on the bed.
Eric nodded happily. "Yeah, me too! I mean... it's really nice, in between summer and winter. You get a variety of weather." He looked around, making sure there weren't any scary looking people around.

Jesse said, "Well, don't get used to it, kid. A lot of people around here aren't nice. And I think I should be included in that group. I mean, I don't try to be kind. Most of the time, I just try to say my mind, even if it's harsh."
"But I rescpect thst,no matter how rude,I don't know why,just like I don't quite know how tesseract orks,arranging the antoms in time and space to go to another atophere,A wrinkle,or a tesser,anyway,trust me,people where like this when I first moved here,so I won't get used to it."she said all smartical.XD

"Well, I grew up in Montana. I've lived there my whole life until now; near to Paradise Valley. I guess maybe I'm an artist because I always had inspiration there-- sure, I don't paint landscapes that much, but everything there is so gorgeous," Asher said. "Only, making my sort of living there.. People don't want to buy my art. People there are more practical minded, too bothered about having things they think they need than maybe just something they want. That's why I'm here. And I felt like I needed new inspirations now.. New York was always a place to people like me living in small towns where people who were different could make it, could say what they thought. Obviously, it's not entirely what I thought it would be.. But I know here is where I have to be."

Lucy smiled slightly, then moved to sit on his lap. "Well.. let me ask you something else. So far, do you regret coming here?" She looked up at him with curiousity, truly desiring to know the answer. "I want you to be completely honest with me. Because... well, you can."

Eric listened to Alyss intently, closing his eyes at one point, just so his senses could focus on the melody she hummed. Then, very quietly, he started humming along, creating a harmony. He loved all things music. And this was really fun, being able to share a love for music and sound with someone.

Jesse shrugged again. "Science.... eh. It's all one big conspiracy, if you ask me." He grabbed a piece of bread, and spread some peanut butter on it. He ate it slowly, mulling over things. Mainly his van.

Asher brushed a few strands of hair from her face. "Had you asked me that when we'd just met, I might have told you that perhaps home would have been better for a few more years.." he said. "But.. I can't bring myself to regret coming here, because I met you, and that's enough to make me stay here."

She glanced at Eric, smiling as she heard him humming. Her smile grew when she saw the familiar wall that marked the edge of the park.

Lucy grinned, throwing her arms around him and kissing him. "I'm glad," she told him afterwords. "I mean... now that you're here, I really don't want you to go." She ran her fingers through his hair, gently.

Eric held her closer as he walked. Why was it that this girl was so interesting to him? Maybe... he liked her? Wow. He couldn't remember the last time he had actually been even REMOTELY attracted to a girl. It was strange.. but nice.

"I don't want to leave here, either, if only because of you. I've only been here a few days, so things may have changed gradually," Asher replied, smiling as she ran her fingers through his hair. "But you've changed it.. In an instant. I'll stay in New York just to be with you."

Alyss's cheeks flushed again, light giggles replacing her humming. She wondered why her heart was racing, but she didn't pay much attention to the thought.

Eric listened, and could hear the sounds of street musicians. People singing, playing instruments. That was one reason why he loved New York. There was music everywhere. He glanced down at Alyss, and smiled, now shyly.

Lucy kept running her fingers through his hair, then quietly she said, "If you wanted to leave... you do know I'd follow you, right? I mean... I can't see life in New York without you." She was surprised at how she could tell him everything she was thinking, and feeling.

Alyss looked up at him, smiling warmly, giggling again as she reached up and pulled a leaf off of his head. "I'm gonna keep this leaf," She stated, "and I'm gonna name it Tim."

"You'd be prepared to leave with me right now?" Asher looked happy, but somewhat surprised. "I didn't think you could be this.. Up front with me, considering everything.. I mean, I'm so glad you would but I was prepared for things to be slower."

"Well... you're practically my only friend here. And you're the only person who really knows me." She told him quietly, offering a slight smile. "I'm sorry if... I'm being weird."

Eric laughed out loud at that. "Tim? Might I ask why?" He said to her, still chuckling. "I mean, what about... I don't know.... Eric?"

"Tim was the first name that popped into my head. Why do you want me to name it Eric, Eric?" She giggled, petting the leaf like it was a cat or something.

"If this is what you call weird, then I like weird an awful lot," Asher smiled whole-heartedly at her. "I'm glad you see me that way, honestly. It means a lot." He played with the ends of her hair gently. "I'm so happy I met you, you know."

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