I am SOO annoyed!


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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2005
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ontario canada.
Ok, see, I have this Friend. And she will do absolutely ANYTHING for attention. I mean, it's okay to like yourself the way you are, but being OBSESSED with your appearence is going way too far. >_>

From Taking over 50 pictures of herself in a week (YES, I mean it), from Dying her hair platinum blonde from her naturally Brunette color, she is driving me CRAZY! She is obseesed with her appearence, and will do ANYTHING to be beautiful. It's ridiculous. She once said 'You are nothing if you are'nt hot.' I don't believe that one bit. She's full of herself, and everyone believes it. Even my Parents. No matter how many people have called her 'pretty' and 'hot', she just keeps on fishing for more. When I told her that I was going to be a Model, I was FINALLY starting to feel better about myself. But then, she came back and said that she was going to be, too.

I am starting to feel like nothing in comparison. It's time for her to get the message. Please help, as I am feeling smaller and smaller by the second.

Well tell your friend that it matter what is inside you no outside or tell her that you are annoyed about her obsession and that she will alway be pretty no matter what.

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Don't feel smaller and smaller. You are the one who seems to have her priorities straight and have a more realistic view of the world.

A lot of people go through the pretty faze. Maybe you can hang out with less obsessed people. You sound just fine and wonderful to me.

What you need to do is tell her flat out, "You're not hot. You're not attractive. The harder you try, the uglier you get." She'll get mad as all heck, but it'll put some sense into her. There's more to life than looking good and I'm sure she's too young to even understand what "good" means. She'll end up dressing like a little hoochie and getting herself into trouble at this rate.

Besides that, she needs to realize that not everyone finds the same things attractive and she should worry about what SHE thinks, not trying to make everyone else think she's pretty--she'll never win them all over. That's why if you tell her that how she is being and what she's doing to herself isn't attractive, hopefully she'll realize.

I'm one for tough love. :(

I agree with caterpie I know a girl and her bebo is full of pics of herself! she was taking pics of herself in the car for gods sake!I have one pic of my self on bebo and its the same as my profile pic.Id rather show off my two baby girls angel the cute dog and chi the sweet hamster!

BTW this is about pets but everyone loves those two mostly for there quirkyness

like angel watching Tv

and chi chewing a hole in scroller on the mouse.

Just say to her straight out that it annoys you, and obbsessing over something the stupid will make you seem less attractive.

When I read this, I thought of a girl I know and on her site she has 700+ pictures of herself, and all the time says she isn't pretty, but she knows she is.

Don't make this girl make you feel small and ugly, at least you have some common sense.

People mindful of their appearance don't have to shallow and be "a total loser and a gross idiot."

People who obsess over anything are unattractive.

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What you need to do is tell her flat out, "You're not hot. You're not attractive. The harder you try, the uglier you get." She'll get mad as all heck, but it'll put some sense into her.
Yes, the bit in bold is a great way to destroy someone's confidence. I wouldn't recommend doing it.

I don't really understand a bit though. You said that you told her that you wanted to be a model and you were finally starting to feel good about yourself. Then you said that when your friend said she wanted to be a model as well. How does that affect you? That's what I really want to know. It's not like she's saying you will never be a model, it's just that she wants to do it as well.

Your friend might prefer the colour blond to her natural hair colour. It shouldn't be a big deal if she wants to try a new look. You should back off her a bit, if she wants to dye her hair blond then that's her choice. If you don't agree with hair dying don't do it. Simple as that. It's her hair, she can do whatever the heck she wants with it.

Taking 50 photos a week? That sounds like a huge exaggeration to me. Maybe she just enjoys getting her photo taken. She should be able to do that without worrying what her "friend" thinks about it.

I think you should back off her a bit. If you don't care about appearances then good for you. She obviously does so let her. She shouldn't need to worry what her "friend" is going to think about it. After all, it doesn't sound like she's forcing her opinions onto her "friend".

You don't have to agree with her but you do seem to be judging her a bit harshly, I bet she isn't as shallow as you make her out to be.

Again, just back off her and let her enjoy her life. She doesn't need your seal of approval when she wants to dye her hair or be a model.

Tell her she's ugly, and it's better to have natural beauty. At least you don't have to do anything to make yourself beautiful. :]

Yes, the bit in bold is a great way to destroy someone's confidence. I wouldn't recommend doing it.
Well, I wasn't going to waste space quoting your whole shpeel... But I'll focus on this part that addressed my comments. <_<

Destroy her confidence? This girl's to the point of being cocky and offending her friend, I think she's a bit overconfident. Judging by the comments she's made, she's not doing all this for herself, she's trying to show off to everyone else and it's getting annoying. There's nothing wrong with being honest with your friend and say it's not attractive what she's doing. I don't think you should sit back and be pi**ed off, but not say anything.

I hate to tell you, but sheltering people is NOT a way to prepare them for life in the least. You don't have to sound like a witch when you tell her the truth, but you should be honest with the girl. :huh:

She needs to realise that being attractive isn't 'Everything', and you aren't 'nothing' if you don't crave constant attention [oh and does she think that a boy would love her if she was attractive but boring to talk to? The boring bit would be talking about herself all the time]. I don't constantly obsess over my looks, and I do get quite a few compliments even though I'm not trying to get them. When I went to my pre-visit the lady said that I was really pretty, which made me happy :angry: .

I know a girl who is always trying to get people to say she's nice looking but she actually isn't that nice looking. She used to be really pretty but now she overdoes it on the sunbeds and doesn't really wear nice clothes just things that leaves nothing to the imagination which I think looks unattractive.

It's sad how most people think everything is about looking nice and getting attention from boys when the boys usually don't even care about them they just want to use them. You should tell the girl how you feel because you shouldn't feel bad about youself. If she carrys on like she does I would suggest finding a new friend as you don't need to have your confidence pulled down by her.

That girl is ugly. Inside.

Tell her that she's real ugly on the inside; and tell her that she isn't that attractive. That girl needs some sense knocked into her head...

Destroy her confidence? This girl's to the point of being cocky and offending her friend, I think she's a bit overconfident. Judging by the comments she's made, she's not doing all this for herself, she's trying to show off to everyone else and it's getting annoying. There's nothing wrong with being honest with your friend and say it's not attractive what she's doing. I don't think you should sit back and be pi**ed off, but not say anything.
I hate to tell you, but sheltering people is NOT a way to prepare them for life in the least. You don't have to sound like a witch when you tell her the truth, but you should be honest with the girl. :(
"I hate you. Go kill yourself. I don't feel like sheltering you any longer, you're stupid, and nobody here likes you. You're not smart, nor will you ever sound smart."

If your best friend said that, how would you feel? It doesn't matter if the person is overconfident, that would not be an acceptable thing to tell someone who trusts you.

I understand that the parallel is rough at best, however I don't think anyone should sink so low at any time.

She seems like the small person here. Your the bigger, better, and stronger person. I will say this for the millionth time: Apperence is nothing. Well, its something, but not everything. Its whats on the inside. And everyone has some beautiful on the inside.

I have, aleast two friends like that,..

one of them is REALLY snobe though,

I mean, i like to look good.

But they are like (like you said) UBSEST with them self

If you've never herd this word, (wich most of you have) She a REALLY *Prep

i have a lot of friends that say there one , but there not, there to nice XD

But yea i no what you mean!

Prep- Annoying, Snoby, Jerk (atleast, thats wat it means at our school)

I have a ex-friend *for now anyways* who was JUST like that girl. But, I said something to her about it last night, and shes not even speaking to me, and I feel loads better not having a self-absorbed friend.

So what I'm saying is, tell her how you feel about it, she might just change.


Tell your friend that beauty is truly from the inside - not the outside. She should let her hair be brunette forever, and stop obsessing over her appearance. Tell her that she is beautiful how she is - and she would ruin herself by doing all those things.

Good Luck convincing your friend :puroperatchi:


Platnuim Blonde?

Wowie :lol: :blink:

She needs a reality check.


You can't do too much unless she starts hurting herself, making herself throw-up after eating or not eating at all ex.


Tell her you are friends with the old her and not what she has become. Tell her you'd love to have the old brunette back. Maybe she'll relize it's driving you insane and if shes a true friend she'll change for you.



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