I am SOO annoyed!


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Obviously this girl needs a reality check and who better to give it to her than her friend. Remember YOU ARE HER FRIEND and she needs help.

Pull her aside- maybe go to the mall or something- just the two of you and explain how she's been acting lately. Maybe start by asking her how everything has been going- maybe some guy said she was ugly or she got hurt by someone and she wants to some how make up for it that you don't know about. Then tell her that you are a bit concerned about her self obsesiveness. Remind her that beauty come from the inside and if she fixes her attitude her outer beauty will come out too.

If she blows you off, fine. That's her mistake she's making and it's not all up to you to talk some sense into her. You can't loose anything except for maybe that girl's attitude.

"I hate you. Go kill yourself. I don't feel like sheltering you any longer, you're stupid, and nobody here likes you. You're not smart, nor will you ever sound smart."
If your best friend said that, how would you feel? It doesn't matter if the person is overconfident, that would not be an acceptable thing to tell someone who trusts you.

I understand that the parallel is rough at best, however I don't think anyone should sink so low at any time.
I didn't tell her to be a complete *removed* and tell her to kill herself... Simmer down. :mellow:

I told her to be honest and firm with her "friend," although she's not acting like much of a friend if she's telling this girl some of this crap.

If my best friend told me to kill myself, yeah I'd feel bad, but I DID NOT tell her to say that to her friend.

And, I don't believe it's their responsibility to shelter this cocky little brat. Reality sucks, I know, but you have to face it sometime. Life isn't always gumdrops and butterflies.

And, if they're friends, they're supposed to be honest and help each other, even if they sound mean... If they really are good friends then they'll bounce back from an awkward moment of one standing up to the other. They're not married, they don't need to bite their tongue to stay out of the dog house.

That's what's wrong with people these days, they're raised to shelter, shelter, shelter. I'm sorry, but I don't think kids need to be raised to let people step all over them.

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Ok, see, I have this Friend. And she will do absolutely ANYTHING for attention. I mean, it's okay to like yourself the way you are, but being OBSESSED with your appearence is going way too far. >_>From Taking over 50 pictures of herself in a week (YES, I mean it), from Dying her hair platinum blonde from her naturally Brunette color, she is driving me CRAZY! She is obseesed with her appearence, and will do ANYTHING to be beautiful. It's ridiculous. She once said 'You are nothing if you are'nt hot.' I don't believe that one bit. She's full of herself, and everyone believes it. Even my Parents. No matter how many people have called her 'pretty' and 'hot', she just keeps on fishing for more. When I told her that I was going to be a Model, I was FINALLY starting to feel better about myself. But then, she came back and said that she was going to be, too.

I am starting to feel like nothing in comparison. It's time for her to get the message. Please help, as I am feeling smaller and smaller by the second.
um thats creepy :huh:

Yes, the bit in bold is a great way to destroy someone's confidence. I wouldn't recommend doing it.
I don't really understand a bit though. You said that you told her that you wanted to be a model and you were finally starting to feel good about yourself. Then you said that when your friend said she wanted to be a model as well. How does that affect you? That's what I really want to know. It's not like she's saying you will never be a model, it's just that she wants to do it as well.

Your friend might prefer the colour blond to her natural hair colour. It shouldn't be a big deal if she wants to try a new look. You should back off her a bit, if she wants to dye her hair blond then that's her choice. If you don't agree with hair dying don't do it. Simple as that. It's her hair, she can do whatever the heck she wants with it.

Taking 50 photos a week? That sounds like a huge exaggeration to me. Maybe she just enjoys getting her photo taken. She should be able to do that without worrying what her "friend" thinks about it.

I think you should back off her a bit. If you don't care about appearances then good for you. She obviously does so let her. She shouldn't need to worry what her "friend" is going to think about it. After all, it doesn't sound like she's forcing her opinions onto her "friend".

You don't have to agree with her but you do seem to be judging her a bit harshly, I bet she isn't as shallow as you make her out to be.

Again, just back off her and let her enjoy her life. She doesn't need your seal of approval when she wants to dye her hair or be a model.
I couldn't have said it better myself. I completely agree with you.

Obviously this girl needs a reality check and who better to give it to her than her friend. Remember YOU ARE HER FRIEND and she needs help.
Pull her aside- maybe go to the mall or something- just the two of you and explain how she's been acting lately. Maybe start by asking her how everything has been going- maybe some guy said she was ugly or she got hurt by someone and she wants to some how make up for it that you don't know about. Then tell her that you are a bit concerned about her self obsesiveness. Remind her that beauty come from the inside and if she fixes her attitude her outer beauty will come out too.

If she blows you off, fine. That's her mistake she's making and it's not all up to you to talk some sense into her. You can't loose anything except for maybe that girl's attitude.
I agree with that...

your better then her cause by the sounds of it you care what is inside your head and not on it and that is better then spending all day fixing your hair.

Nobody is better than anybody else here.

I agree with some of you on some statements, but I don't completely agree with any one of you.

I agree with Snowy on the fact that it's her life,

sometimes people just need to be noticed.

Every human is born with the need of attention.

Platinum blonde is not such a bad thing,

so what if she dyed her hair?

It's her hair.

It's her life.

It's not like she's dragging you into a salon

and getting your hair dyed.

True friends are always there for their friends,

no matter what they do.

But you should tell her how you feel,

if she doesn't listen,

it's out of your hands.

I didn't tell her to be a complete *removed* and tell her to kill herself...  Simmer down.  :)
I told her to be honest and firm with her "friend," although she's not acting like much of a friend if she's telling this girl some of this crap.

If my best friend told me to kill myself, yeah I'd feel bad, but I DID NOT tell her to say that to her friend.

And, I don't believe it's their responsibility to shelter this cocky little brat.  Reality sucks, I know, but you have to face it sometime.  Life isn't always gumdrops and butterflies.

And, if they're friends, they're supposed to be honest and help each other, even if they sound mean...  If they really are good friends then they'll bounce back from an awkward moment of one standing up to the other.  They're not married, they don't need to bite their tongue to stay out of the dog house.

That's what's wrong with people these days, they're raised to shelter, shelter, shelter.  I'm sorry, but I don't think kids need to be raised to let people step all over them.
I do feel quite calm, thank you. Most of the time I am quite simmered when I type up such things.

If she truly does care about her appearance and someone told her she would never be pretty, and she's a "cocky little brat," how do you think she would feel? That's something she cares about, and no matter how shallow you believe her to be, no matter how you decide to judge someone without even knowing them, she still cares.

That's like someone telling me that I'm unable to draw, and I have absolutly no talent. The more I try to draw, the worse I'm getting and I should give up my dream.

"Oh, but Pyonchit has ego issues, don't you know? She's such a spoiled little cocky brat, so she obviously needs someone to be "honest" with her and tell her that she will never ever be able to draw."

n___n Yes, because that is simply what friends do. The only way to "help" me would to be telling me that I will never reach my goals in a crude way.

I understand that you never did tell her to tell her friend to kill herself. But of course, I never did say that you said that. You never said I said you said that. I never said that you said that I said that you said that she said that he said then.. Get the point yet?

What's wrong with people these days? They have no manners. :( There is a tactful way to do everything.

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...Your metaphors suck.

Besides that, you put in quotes the "kill yourself" bit, implying that was what I was saying. Did you flat out say I said that? No, you implied it.

If you want to shelter people, go for it. I'd rather be honest. I never said she wasn't a pretty girl, I said she's being ugly by trying so hard (and ugly doesn't have to refer to appearance, it can refer to personality or attitude as well, Ms. Vain).

And, don't be stupid. You know you can draw, I'm sure you've had plenty of people say you can (I commented on a couple of your DA drawings even, saying I liked them), so if someone told you that you can't, you wouldn't be offended, you'd tell them to shove it.

Being honest, getting someone's attention, waking them up to the real world. It's not cruel, it's life. I guess I need to keep reminding myself that TT is full of teens that think life is perfect and we need to preserve that. :)

I have plenty of manners, I just get annoyed easily by stupidity. :D

Tell your friend, its what you are in the inside. Not the outside. Looks aren't everything.

What you need to do is tell her flat out, "You're not hot. You're not attractive. The harder you try, the uglier you get." She'll get mad as all heck, but it'll put some sense into her. There's more to life than looking good and I'm sure she's too young to even understand what "good" means. She'll end up dressing like a little hoochie and getting herself into trouble at this rate.
Besides that, she needs to realize that not everyone finds the same things attractive and she should worry about what SHE thinks, not trying to make everyone else think she's pretty--she'll never win them all over. That's why if you tell her that how she is being and what she's doing to herself isn't attractive, hopefully she'll realize.

I'm one for tough love. <_<
That is sooooo true! I will try to tell that to my friend! :)

Don't feel smaller and smaller. You are the one who seems to have her priorities straight and have a more realistic view of the world.
A lot of people go through the pretty faze. Maybe you can hang out with less obsessed people. You sound just fine and wonderful to me.
Agreed ^-^

If she has to keep changing herself to look 'hot' she's going to end up looking fake, which is disgusting.

Real beauty comes naturally. Not from make up and hair dye.

Tell her to shove it and find friends that aren't obsessed with societies definition of beauty.

'You are nothing if you are'nt hot.'
I don't believe that either. Real beauty comes from your personality. I think here's a way you can show her! Here, Crystal Clear Bling wrote a song called Original, I think she should see it. They havent recorded it yet but they have the lyrics down on this page.

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Ok, see, I have this Friend. And she will do absolutely ANYTHING for attention. I mean, it's okay to like yourself the way you are, but being OBSESSED with your appearence is going way too far. >_>From Taking over 50 pictures of herself in a week (YES, I mean it), from Dying her hair platinum blonde from her naturally Brunette color, she is driving me CRAZY! She is obseesed with her appearence, and will do ANYTHING to be beautiful. It's ridiculous. She once said 'You are nothing if you are'nt hot.' I don't believe that one bit. She's full of herself, and everyone believes it. Even my Parents. No matter how many people have called her 'pretty' and 'hot', she just keeps on fishing for more. When I told her that I was going to be a Model, I was FINALLY starting to feel better about myself. But then, she came back and said that she was going to be, too.

I am starting to feel like nothing in comparison. It's time for her to get the message. Please help, as I am feeling smaller and smaller by the second.
She sounds like one of those 'girly-girls'.

Who are like Sluts and will do anthing for a boyfirned, even if they don't like them. Ignore her and just don't talk to her- she's not worth hanging around with if she's 'self-obsessed'

She sounds like one of those 'girly-girls'.Who are like Sluts and will do anthing for a boyfirned, even if they don't like them. Ignore her and just don't talk to her- she's not worth hanging around with if she's 'self-obsessed'
I think that's a bit mean, just because someones a girly girl doesn't mean they are a hussie. I'm girly and I'm anything but a hussie - I've been with my boyfriend almost 2 and a half years :D .

Maybe her being so obsessed is from low self esteem that's why she needs constant reassurance that she's pretty and boys will like her.

Although I do agree some people will do anything for a boyfriend even if they don't like them - but it's not just girly girls, anyone can be like that.

I don't believe that either. Real beauty comes from your personality. I think here's a way you can show her! Here, Crystal Clear Bling wrote a song called Original, I think she should see it. They havent recorded it yet but they have the lyrics down on this page.
Those lyrics are absolutely great! :D They have SO much meaning. I sent them to her right away, saying 'Think about it.' I hope she get's the message. I see her tonight. :p

Thanks to everyone for all of your time and help, I truly appreciate it.

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