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Apr 25, 2007
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:) Howdy! :(

Just wanted to say Hi! and slowly get to know everyone.

My Name is James Wyatt, i live 2 hours north of Los Angeles in a booming city called Bakersfield.

I'm 40 years old, but look & act much younger. I'm single (but not really looking to change that).

I am a Born Again Christian & studies the Bible daily. I serve my Church (Valley Bible Fellowship) as a Teacher's Aid.

I've been interested in Artificial Life/Intelligence for about 15 years.

Started with Conway's Life (dots on a grid live or die depending on number of neighboring dots)

Then AI with Eliza. (Psyco-Analyze yourself by talking to a bot)

Creatures came out for the PC with Norns. Little guys who live for only 10 hours that have Digital DNA & breed with traits from parents.

Creatures 2 & 3 were released over the years, along with multiple breeds & a Genetics Kit to modify them.. Frankenstein indeed. Then Docking Station! The ability to Teleport Norns via the Internet to other People's PC around the world..

Watching multiple breeds traits merge.. Some with disasterous outcomes (Still Births, short lifespans, crippled)

I remember the News reporting about the phenomenon when Tamagotchi first came out. I had zero interest.

Three weeks ago, I was preparing for a 2 week trip to Seattle with my folks to see family, and knew is was going to be a long ride, both ways. I went to a toysRus looking for some electronic gizmo to keep me entertained during the trip.

I saw one (V4) and bought it. I had a few days before we left town, and I couldn't keep my grubby hand off of it.

Going online to throw hoops for goodies, buying stuff, etc...

All during the trip, I had fun playing it.. I'm hooked...

Get back home, and lookiloo on google to find Tamatalk. So here I am saying Howdy!

I'm sooo glad to know that you are a strong christian...SO AM I!! I hope you enjoy TT as much as i do!


Welcome to TamaTalk :p

Have a good look around the site - we've a wide variety of forums so there is loads of useful information about Tamagotchis here, and plenty of fun stuff for the young at heart :)

Hope you enjoy your visits to the site :p

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