No, Megatchi..
or that square head penguin. >_>
Bandai should make an edition where only nice pets appear. So if you don't take good care of it you'll just get one of the pretty pets still. Lol
There is! Entama and Uratama! However horrible care you take care of them does not affect growth! It's only GUTS points!
Anyway do you want to know more of mine? Here goes:
HINATCHI teenager character, old from version 2, even gen.
Characters that can grow into this: Mohitamatchi, Kuchitamatchi, Mizutamatchi, Tamatchi
How many hunger hearts required to drop before care: 1
How many happiness hearts required to drop before care: 1
What should you do when hunger hearts have dropped to desired level? See Obotchi.
What should you do when happiness hearts have dropped to desired level? See Obotchi.
Discipline: As much as it asks for. You may need more, do this: grab two version 3s. Make sure
they are not good friends, if they are, delete them from each others' friends' lists. Wrap an item.
If it gives poo, or a ghost, or a jack in the box or some other bad present, and it comes back and
pulls strange faces at the bottom, give it a time out.
General care information: Excellent care!
PATAPATATCHI teenager character, old from mesutchi, odd gen.
Characters that can grow into this: Mohitamatchi, Kuchitamatchi, Mizutamatchi, Tamatchi
How many hunger hearts required to drop before care: 1
How many happiness hearts required to drop before care: 1
What should you do when hunger hearts have dropped to desired level? See Obotchi.
What should you do when happiness hearts have dropped to desired level? See Obotchi.
Discipline: As much as it asks for. I don't think it really matters if you ignore one discipline.
General care information: Excellent care!
YANGU MIMITCHI teenager character, old from version 1, even gen.
Characters that can grow into this: Mohitamatchi, Kuchitamatchi, Mizutamatchi, Tamatchi
How many hunger hearts required to drop before care: 1
How many happiness hearts required to drop before care: 1
What should you do when hunger hearts have dropped to desired level? See Obotchi.
What should you do when happiness hearts have dropped to desired level? See Obotchi.
Discipline: As much as it asks for.
General care information: Excellent care!
PIRORIROITCHI teenager character, old from osutchi, odd gen.
Characters that can grow into this: Mohitamatchi, Kuchitamatchi, Mizutamatchi, Tamatchi
How many hunger hearts required to drop before care: 2-3
How many happiness hearts required to drop before care: 2-3
What should you do when hunger hearts have dropped to desired level? Feed meals until full
What should you do when happiness hearts have dropped to desired level? Feed snacks until
full happiness. Maybe more!
Discipline: Very little. 2-3 is PLENTY!
General care information: Horrid care.
HINOTAMATCHI teenager character, old from version 1, odd gen.
Characters that can grow into this: Mohitamatchi, Kuchitamatchi, Mizutamatchi, Tamatchi
How many hunger hearts required to drop before care: 2
How many happiness hearts required to drop before care: 2
What should you do when hunger hearts have dropped to desired level? Feed meals until full
What should you do when happiness hearts have dropped to desired level? Feed snacks until
full happiness. Play games every now and then.
Discipline: Around 2 or 3.
General care information: Semi-horrid care. Don't let everything get too bad or you'll get a worse
HIKOTCHI teenager character, old from osutchi, even gen.
Characters that can grow into this: Mohitamatchi, Kuchitamatchi, Mizutamatchi, Tamatchi
How many hunger hearts required to drop before care: 1
How many happiness hearts required to drop before care: 1
What should you do when hunger hearts have dropped to desired level? See Obotchi.
What should you do when happiness hearts have dropped to desired level? See Obotchi.
Discipline: As much as it asks for.
General care information: Excellent care!
Note that every character I have listed so far are old.