How often do you wash your hair?


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It depends on how many swim practices I went to that day. I usually wash it twice a day, because of all the cholorine. I use a lot of conditioner in it though, to keep it from drying out.

Every day. :rolleyes: I'm using this shampoo that makes my hair super silky and smooth and soft so I love using it. When I'm not in school I wash it every other day though. I don't want my hair to smell like..head. o_O!? Ew. I haven't washed mine in like a year. o_o I didn't actually think you needed to wash it. Oh well.

Haha I'm just joking. That would be disgusting. x.x

I wash my hair every other day, but sometimes I skip a day if I'm busy.

[SIZE=8pt]I shower and wash my hair every day, if I don't then I feel dirty and my hair gets greasy.[/SIZE]

I use Tressemme (sp?)

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I shower and wash my hair everday. I used to wash it and straighten it and then the next day straighten it again with no wash inbetween. My hair gets nasty if I don't wash it everyday.

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On school days, I wash it once a day. During the summer, I go every other day. My hair isn't very greasy.

Once a week. My hair is easy to manage, it's also very easy to brush and stays shiny for a long time, so I don't need to wash it so often.

Usually when I take a shower

That is 95% of the time Every day, Sometimes every 2 days

Everyday, I hear its bad for you to do it everyday, but I'd rather have hair that looks good, but is bad, than have hair that looks bad and is good.

But I'm such a loser, I put my hair up after I wash it, because it gets in the way~!

In the Summer I have to wash it everyday, but the rest of the year I wash it one day yes and the following day a normal shower.

As said above, it is not really good to wash your hair everyday because it gets rid of "natural oils", but if you brush your hair a lot afterwards you stimulate your scalp and get more oils. =\

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