How often do you wash your hair?


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My hair's the frizzy/oily type, so I wash my hair everyday to get rid of the grease, but have to use a product to take away the frizz afterwards. I really don't like this hair type. It's crazy hard to deal with.

How often do you wash your hair?
I usually go from 2-5 days without washing my hair (I still bathe everyday though!!!) becasue I dye and color my hair and to keep the color in your hair, you have to go longer without washing it. If it wasn't colored, I'd wahs it every 2 days, but still bathe everyday.
I'm on the swim team so after practice or meets I have to get chlorine out of my hair. Other than that I wash my hair every other day.

I was it every day, even though I know it's bad for my hair. D=

I should really do it every other day though.

I get my hair washed by my hair dresser everyother saturday when she srtrightens my hair. =P

Once or twice every day.My hair is still eww-ish though. -sigh-
lol every other year! i heard its actually not good to wash your hair everyday becasue it takes out your natural oils that you need :l

ANYWHO............i wash my hair every other day so, i take a shower and then wait a day and then take a shower again lol

Every night/day! ( no I don't take two baths a day I do sometimes rarely in the day time and I only seem to bath at night again I take one bath/shower a day ok ) I don't know why but I do I'm crazy XD.

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Whenever I take a shower~.

((for the most part)).

&& that depends.

If it's summer & all I'm doing is sleeping in until noon & spending the rest of the day on the computer//watching anime, then every two days.

If it's summer & I'm volunteering at the YMCA Day Camp, then every morning.

If it's during the school year & I'm planning on having my hair straightened for school, then every two days or so. I put my hair in a shower cap while I shower every morning, so my hair stays dry & straight. :furawatchi:

If it's during the school year & I don't care if my hair is straightened, then everymorning.


EWWWWW you guys wash your hair once a year EWWW!

^ how is it ew? it doesn't necessarily mean you don't shower everyday, some people have different hair. if that's what you're implying

as for me, everyday, because it gets oily when i miss a day. >_<;

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