How Much Patience Do YOu Have for Videogames?


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
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realizing regret
How much patience do you have for completing videogames?

I personally have...erm, none. This is why I got Trauma Center two weeks ago, and haven't beaten it yet. xP

I'm actually very good with them. I just get bored, really, really fast. I just have a low attention span, too. [one time I didn't have the attention span to finish cutting a cucumber. XD]

It depends on what game it is, but I can tend to lost interest pretty fast if the game starts to drag on.

It's probably easier to name which games I actually did finish rather than the ones I didn't. o_O

Watching me play Trauma Center is the funniest thing ever.

Once I get stuck on a hard level, I tend to yell at the TV and get an urge to throw the Wiimote through the screen. Or if it's on the DS, put the stylus through it. xD

Depends on the game level, or in Pokemon, the trainer's toughness. If the level is too hard, I get really mad and throw the controller. ON OCCASION!!!

But I usually complete it eventually. I have a bad habbit of not being able to put the controller down until I finish a game. Or level. Depends on how boring the game is.

I personally have...erm, none. This is why I got Trauma Center two weeks ago, and haven't beaten it yet. xP
Haha, I'm a Trauma Center master. There's usually just a few levels that drive me to the wanting to throw my Wiimote through the TV type of insanity xD I also curse under my breath at the weird diesases that always pop up in the game (GUILT and STIGMA. =P)

I'm going to let you in on a little secrect;

I've never, EVER, beaten a videogame before. xP I start them, I play them, I get stuck, I stop playing.

And that's the circle of life. <3

I'm going to let you in on a little secrect;
I've never, EVER, beaten a videogame before. xP I start them, I play them, I get stuck, I stop playing.

And that's the circle of life. <3
haha. You're not the only one. :ichigotchi:

I'm going to let you in on a little secrect;
I've never, EVER, beaten a videogame before. xP I start them, I play them, I get stuck, I stop playing.

And that's the circle of life. <3
Hah, same here. I'm only good with games you DONT beat, like AC:WW

I have a lot of patience with videogames...sometimes it's just the trick of figuring out how to get past certain obstacles or how you should time that jump better.

Not alot. XD I got PMD, the first one, I lost to Rayquaza and threw the game card at my cat. I have a real bad temperament, so, err, no. I don't have alot. ._.

[SIZE=13pt]! Omigosh! I'm like that too! x3[/SIZE]

I don't know why...But I lose interest in them too.

They have to keep me pretty entertained for me to play them a lot until it's beaten. O.O'

Like Pokemon Diamond for example! xD I played that non-stop when I first got it.


I don't know why either. x.x' It's not like I'm buying crappy Disney games either...There games that usually

have a rating of 7.5/10 or higher! D:

But once I get entertained by something else...

It's like I totally forget about the game. x3 Really bad habit. T.T

For most games, I finish it in a day. A day!! :/That's not really worth it for $20-$30 bucks.

Some games (like Harvest Moon or Nintendogs) never ends, so I like those kinds of games better (the kind that never ends). :) So yeah, it depends on what game.
[SIZE=13pt]O.O YAY! Those are the type of games I'm always glued too.[/SIZE]

(The ones that never end). I'm not quite sure why either...? D:

Maybe It's because I don't feel under pressure to beat the game...x3...


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