how long is ur hair?


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I have it at about 5 inches from the top of my head.

I am going to cut it to about a inch or shorter in a few weeks though

Mine lays on my shoulders and a little bit longer if I straightened it. It was 3 inches longer until I got it cut.

I am a long blonde and staight! Everyone loves my hair at school!
Everyone loves my hair too, ecspecially my hairdresser every time I go she aways says 'it goes longer and long I'd love your hair'. But even though my hair is long it still looks nice because it's thick.

I have blonde blended into the top and brown underneath (my natural colour). I like it like that.

Just below my shoulders. (Have I responded already to this? I dunno..)

When I was eight, my hair was down to my waist in a braid. I loved my hair because it was blond at the bottom- 100% natural from when I was a baby.

1.5 Inches too long? Omg..
My hair is now almost down to my shoulders. The hair at sides of my head Is Curling out O_O
Niiiiice- I think guys with long hair are really hawt.

Mine is An inch or two above my shoulders.
Mine might have grew since then. probably not. I died it though, reddish brown.

my hair is this long-

My Bangs are pretty long too-

(in the picture of my bangs, it looks like my hair is shorter but its not,i just brushed it really straight, plus its wet too)


The shortest i had my hair was when i was like 8-9. (I wanted a new style i was bored) . It was shorter than Sweet Kandi's hair.

I just had my hair layered... at the front its only about 2 inches from my shoulders, but the back is still the same length :) I like it better that way because Its not so thick at the bottom. I also chopped a front fringe :p

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