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Uh 1%.

Class: Talks

Teacher: So what do we need to remember tomorrow? (teacher bears in mind that an apron was one of the things the class needed)

Matt: a...(he was gunna say apron) tampon!

Class cracks up

Teacher: I do not know whether to laugh, or to cry....I mean you guys...I dunno if youse are ready for the birds and bees.....

Class cracks up at Teachers stupid statement...

xx Chrissy

92% :huh:

Do you like waffles?Yeah I like waffles. Do you like pancakes? Yeah I like pancakes. Do you like french toast? Yeah I like french toast. Do,do,do DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES?!?


When life gives lemons, Make apple juice. People Will wonder how the heck you did it.


The Snack that smiles back GOLDFISH!

*Smiles only last untill heads are bitten off*

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