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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Did you know that fish live in Water?!?! I though they lived iN Wet Mud
You didnt't rate mine!

10%. Don't get it.

super duper wedgie is a plenty good sourse of vitamin "OUCH! Hey! That's my dog in your underpants!" "Really?" "No, but that's my cat in your salad bowl!!

50%? i don't realy get it.Heres mine.... picnis are good with golf balls and added tamagotchi topping ending with some nice fresh dog poop.

15% Sorry.

Once there was a catterpillar and the catterpillar went into a cocoon and out the cocoon came a butterfly but then the butterfly died and the cocoon turned into a catterpillar and the catterpillar went into a cocoon and out the cocoon came a butterfly but then the butterfly died...

65% O-O I'd see a food expert about that. (- Stupid as that was, thats not it. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that. Or that.)

Y'know what? I lied. Thats it. < Highlight Here.

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