how do i get a sukatchi?


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The first way is to de-bug your tamagotchi then reset it or let the tama die. Then you can choose whitch tama. The viloetchi thingo depends on the version.

oh ok so i have to start all over?

and how do i debug my tamagotchi

and i have a v5 :p

oh ok so i have to start all over?
and how do i debug my tamagotchi

and i have a v5 :D
Np,you do not have to debug*rolleyes*all you have to do is when your tamagotchi calls for training always choose the"middle" one,and continue to do this until your bonding level reaches 100% enjoy your Sukatchi AND Memetchi!

oh ok so i have to start all over?
and how do i debug my tamagotchi

and i have a v5 :p
You dont have to start over. Tama growth is seperated into groups. Try to get KUTCHI FAMILY GROUP. You will get it by luck.

actually u do got to reset,b/c to get violitchi u got to be on first gen with only 0-10% bond

and ya try KUTCHIPA FAMILY.only by luc kmay u get it

If I remember correctly, this is how you get Furawatchi/Violetchi and Sukatchi:


Have a girl character. Use only the first item for training. Keep the bonding percentage between 40% and 70%.


Have a boy character. Use only the second item for training. Get the bonding percentage to 80% or higher.

(None of the above will work if you have a baby Iwatchi- Iwatchi will definitely evolve into Sanitchi/Sunnytchi.)

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