PETA is almost entirely worthless and an embarassment to sane animal lovers. They are not worth mentioning in any animal related discussion, because their stupid antics tend to lead other people to believe that ALL animal rights/conservationists/educators/etc. are like them. That really irks me, but I will save the rant for another time.
Videos like that just show the kind of sickening behaviour that results from a lack of education about, and compassion for, other living things. It would bother me just as much if it were a bird, lizard, turtle, toad, or any other creature. People like them do these horrendous things because they grow up as complete narcisstic(self-obsessed) individuals who apparrently never receive a reality check. If you can shut out another being's suffering in that way, you clearly lack compassion for all other people and animals. That is a wrong way to live, and to me, a lack of empathy for living things is unimaginable.
I grew up next to a boy who was several years older than me, and he thought it was funny(at his friends' houses) to swing kittens around by their tails, crush little frogs to death, and flip turtles on their backs and leave them to slowly die. He was disgusting, and he always talked about how he did these things all the time. It made me really angry and I talked to his parents about it but they didn't do anything about. One day he came over to my yard, saw a box turtle, and flipped it on it's back right in front of me. I love my turtles and I got really I punched him SO hard right in the stomach, grabbed the turtle, and yelled right at him to get out of my yard and never come back!! He actually said nothing and left really fast!

I took the turtle inside and I was so proud of myself for defending my animals. heh. He never came around again.