Homosexuality - what is your view?


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Geez guys! Can't you accept one another?

Please, (this really, truly isn't aimed directly at one particular post), but so many of these posts are snowballing from opinions into anger. Some say others are prejudiced, while others say people are going to go to hell!?? :eek: Last I knew, this topic was to discuss homosexuality, and it's off on a limb of totally unrelated opinions which are driving rifts between people.

Just don't be so harsh on each other! It's kind of a mess if someone's just trying to read the topic and they find a whole bunch of resentment on both sides of this debate-esque topic. ;)

Remember, opinions are one's own. By now we probably know each other's opinions on the topic. (if you want to discuss them go ahead if you don't start jumping at each other's throats) Please live and let live (also live and let love, if that's your opinion ;) ).

All this fiery rage that worked its way into the topic is starting to get to me. -_-
I can see why you say that, but it is a debate.

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Just hoping everyone realizes it is a debate so they stop jumping at each other's throats and actually debate based on the topic.

edit: no, i change my mind from my previous statement, and i sounded pretty rude so..

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I honestly don't see the difference between a homosexual and heterosexual person. They're still both human beings with all the same emotions and parts. Everyone was created EQUAL for a reason.

I just want everyone to know... You see people holding signs and stuff that say "God hates ****!", well that is NOT how true Christians are. I love gay people, as they are usually nicer than normal people imo. But, I am against gay marriage. Sure, I believe anyone can love anyone they want, but I think the word "Marriage" is a relationship between a man and a woman. So if gay people were to get 'married', I think there should be another word. Like legal partners or something.

Alot of Christians believe that it is a choice people make, to be gay or not. I understand that you're born that way, I almost feel bisexual sometimes. I am not against gays at all, I just don't think there should be gay 'marriage'.

I go by "Don't hater the sinner, hate the sin". So if you are gay, just know that I still like you and respect you, I just don't agree with your lifestyle.

Well, I don't think homosexulity should be forbidden, but I am against it. I am against homosexual marriage and homosexual in general, since both are as evil, just that the one allows more freedom(e.g:adoption).

I also do love gays, and I guess I could like them, but I totally disagree with their lifestyle.

But if I have a friend and I discover he is gay, I will explain I'm against it and why. If he doesn't change I will no longer be a true friend with him.

He can be a contact, but not a friend.

I choose my friends quite carefully.

So, even if a gay couple doesn't marry it's still wrong. Yes, even if they only are in love I still dissagree since I find it unnatural and a sin.

Well, I don't think homosexulity should be forbidden, but I am against it. I am against homosexual marriage and homosexual in general, since both are as evil, just that the one allows more freedom(e.g:adoption).

I also do love gays, and I guess I could like them, but I totally disagree with their lifestyle.

But if I have a friend and I discover he is gay, I will explain I'm against it and why. If he doesn't change I will no longer be a true friend with him.

He can be a contact, but not a friend.

I choose my friends quite carefully.

So, even if a gay couple doesn't marry it's still wrong. Yes, even if they only are in love I still dissagree since I find it unnatural and a sin.
Actually, I think it is stupid to shove that person off of your friend list because how they are. Its like, "Oh if you dont become straight consider yourself not my friend" but you know what? They CANT HELP IT. You dont just wake up in the morning and say, "TODAYS MY GAY DAY!" LIKE THE ABOVE POST ON THE LAST FEW PAGES SAID!!!

SERIOUSLY, Im not trying to be rude or anything but that is DUMB! Like, what if he kept it a secret from you? You two could be best buddies then he tells you and you just totally ignore him. Like, REALLY?

Im sorry if I was offensive or rude, I just wanted to state my opinion.

Blue tama12345 said:
Like when I was understanding, that I was bi .. I didn't like it I wanted to be normal..But now idc I like it ..and no you don't just wake up one morning and change you sexuality...
Yeah thats why I replied to his post....it just wasnt right :/

No, I believe that homosexuality is a choice, and an unhealthy one.

And if my friend kept it secret from me, what kind of friend is he?

For me, a friend is someone who basically has the same views as yourself.

Probably people that I call contacts you would call friends. That's the thing, nowadays people easily call someone a friend. For me a friend is someone very special.

No, I believe that homosexuality is a choice, and an unhealthy one.

And if my friend kept it secret from me, what kind of friend is he?

For me, a friend is someone who basically has the same views as yourself.

Probably people that I call contacts you would call friends. That's the thing, nowadays people easily call someone a friend. For me a friend is someone very special.
Okay, I am really mad now. Homosexuality is NOT a choice. Do YOU CHOOSE to be straight? Do you CHOOSE to be bi? NO! It is not a freaking choice. Whatever religion you have is not a very smart one.

Homosexuality is not a choice. Just ask Blue tama12345.

So sometimes but rarely it is a choice, and for one it is NOT unhealthy. If it was that means that walking is unhealthy. That being straight is unhealthy. Like, really? UGH....

This is making me mad now....

Alright, it isnt unhealthy. It is natural. Saying that liking somebody of your own gender is a sin is like saying that leaves should be sorted out, not just lying around on the ground after falling off of a random tree.

Everybody should be treated equally. I mean, you can be against it if you want, but I am not, and I will stand up for them if I have to.

Just give me three LEGIT reasons how and why it is unhealthy. By legit, I mean not just saying that it is a sin and stuff.

It is not a sin, it is NATURE.

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No, I believe that homosexuality is a choice, and an unhealthy one.

And if my friend kept it secret from me, what kind of friend is he?

For me, a friend is someone who basically has the same views as yourself.

Probably people that I call contacts you would call friends. That's the thing, nowadays people easily call someone a friend. For me a friend is someone very special.
Also, I know the friend thing, but I was just saying :/

Though it's sad that someone would forsake a friend just because their friend is gay, that is Stefan's opinion.

And though I disagree with Stefan on this matter, please do not freak at him for his views.They are his, and he is telling us what he thinks, not what we should think.

My opinion: a friend is someone with whom you can relate, and who helps you become a better person. Plenty of friends are different from you, but not seeing eye to eye on a few matters shouldn't cause you to lose respect for one another, especially sexual orientation (which is likely natural and uncontrollable). One can be perfectly close with friends who are worlds different from you if you have something important in common. Friends give companionship which is valuable.

But Stefan, tamagotchialice's question is valid: why is homosexuality unhealthy? I somehow don't understand.

Okay, I am really mad now. Homosexuality is NOT a choice. Do YOU CHOOSE to be straight? Do you CHOOSE to be bi? NO! It is not a freaking choice. Whatever religion you have is not a very smart one.

Homosexuality is not a choice. Just ask Blue tama12345.

So sometimes but rarely it is a choice, and for one it is NOT unhealthy. If it was that means that walking is unhealthy. That being straight is unhealthy. Like, really? UGH....

This is making me mad now....

Alright, it isnt unhealthy. It is natural. Saying that liking somebody of your own gender is a sin is like saying that leaves should be sorted out, not just lying around on the ground after falling off of a random tree.

Everybody should be treated equally. I mean, you can be against it if you want, but I am not, and I will stand up for them if I have to.

Just give me three LEGIT reasons how and why it is unhealthy. By legit, I mean not just saying that it is a sin and stuff.

It is not a sin, it is NATURE.
1. People don't want to believe it, but I do. Gay's spread AIDS around the world. That is also the reason why it was called the gay-sickness at the first. But then the gays spread it with the women, which spread it everywhere.(https://healthland.time.com/2012/07/20/hiv-continues-to-spread-among-gay-men-studies-show/)

2. It's unnatural since it goes against nature. If everyone would be like them the world would end.

3.I believe you can be perhaps "naturally" attracted to gay, but in the same way like a person may "naturally" lies, lusts. It doesn't mean if something (seems) to come from itself that it is good. But it's mainly a choice, or at least a passion they allow themselves to do, without refraining.

No one is born with homosexuality. So far, nobody has been able to prove it.

These are a few of my reasons, and I ask you to respect that.

What I say is true, are facts and my opinion is a based on it.

There is also conclusive proof that HIV originated in Africa: https://www.avert.org/history-aids-africa.htm and that it has spread through the world, slowly but surely through things like prostitution (with infected women and men) and through drug abuse (sharing needles) - including poorly administered health care innoculation programmes in Africa.

At least try to acknowledge that it is also true and a fact that not only gay men spread AIDS - but that prostitution (infected women), drug abuse (infected men and women) and blood transfusions - all of which are practiced more by heterosexuals were key factors in the spread of AIDS.

It is simply unrealistic to believe that it is all down to homosexuals - there is a vast amount of medical research data now that proves otherwise.

The African prostitutes did not get infected with HIV by gay men, instead, through the sex trade they infected straight men who went home to infect straight women.

Aids was named the "gay sickness" by Americans because it was first noted in America in a small group of gay men in America - that is not the same as it starting in a small group of gay men in America who have spread it across the world. A lot of people have been mislead by this.

When HIV was "named" in the 80s it was already prevalent in the African continent and there are several theories on how it came to spread across the continent and the world - but these include colonial power abuse, HIV in wild chimps infecting humans through cuts or wounds in skin, contaminated polio vaccines, etc.

The fact that AIDS was first officially documented in the USA amongst gay men does not prove that "they started it and they have spread it".

As you probably already know Stefan - I do respect your beliefs and that your relgion is the main reason you are against homosexuality (even though I don't agree with it). But I hope you will understand that I do not want to see you believe something that is not quite correct and true.

1. HIV Infected Straights and Gays spread AIDS around the world (if they are not properly educated to take care with intimate relationships).

2. It was only called "gay sickness" when it was first ID in the USA amongst homosexual men - since then it has been realised that HIV existed in Africa beforehand - probably as early as 1940-50s but in such small numbers across a vast 3rd world continent that it was not properly identified at the time.

3.Therefore gays did not spread it with the women (more likely prostitutes spread it through sexually promiscuous men and women) and poor health care / drug abuse including shared needles and blood transfusions were a major factor in the spread.

I am not trying to disagree with your belief about whether it is an unnatural act or not - nor am I going to persuade you in my own belief that it is a fixed (not chosen) sexual orientation. These are opinions and I agree you should have your own, just as I have mine.

I only want to point out that somehow you have misunderstood some important facts about the origin of HIV and the spread of HIV. It is not to change your mind - but I hope will give you more accurate information to help you consider your views on homosexuality.

Thanks for your post Tamamum.

I do not know the exact origin of AIDS, but I'm quite sure it did not start in the 80's but it may have started spreading on a great scale then. Why? Because even the Bible hints to AIDS(in romans). You may not believe in Christianity, but you cannot deny that the Bible is a really old book, and would not say something that would obviously be a lie.

Also, I do acknowledge the fact that not only gay men spread AIDS. I believe that man and woman could spread it, but mainly gays.

Why? Since they have a much greater risk of spreading it. Also for this reason they are not allowed to give blood.

Just for the last fact, it should seem obvious that it's mainly AIDS.

I do not know and therefore don't deny that a straight person cannot get AIDS from any other way than directly or indirectly from a gay person, but at least agree that they were the biggest reason in the spread, and have more chance on getting infected meaning it is more unhealthy to be gay than a straight person.

1. People don't want to believe it, but I do. Gay's spread AIDS around the world. That is also the reason why it was called the gay-sickness at the first. But then the gays spread it with the women, which spread it everywhere.(https://healthland.ti...n-studies-show/)

2. It's unnatural since it goes against nature. If everyone would be like them the world would end.

3.I believe you can be perhaps "naturally" attracted to gay, but in the same way like a person may "naturally" lies, lusts. It doesn't mean if something (seems) to come from itself that it is good. But it's mainly a choice, or at least a passion they allow themselves to do, without refraining.

No one is born with homosexuality. So far, nobody has been able to prove it.

These are a few of my reasons, and I ask you to respect that.

What I say is true, are facts and my opinion is a based on it.
Okay, I didnt even get halfway through when I got to reason 2. If everybody was homo in the world, it would not end. If it really would, can you prove it? Since you say it is a fact I'd like you to.

I know reason one, cant argue that..

No, nobody was born was a homosexual. At least not that we can prove. Over time people just become more interested in people of their own gender or of different. Most people cannot help it, only a few can, which is weird.

But you can think and believe what you want...Im just going to say what I think is right.

1. People don't want to believe it, but I do. Gay's spread AIDS around the world. That is also the reason why it was called the gay-sickness at the first. But then the gays spread it with the women, which spread it everywhere.(https://healthland.ti...n-studies-show/)

2. It's unnatural since it goes against nature. If everyone would be like them the world would end.

3.I believe you can be perhaps "naturally" attracted to gay, but in the same way like a person may "naturally" lies, lusts. It doesn't mean if something (seems) to come from itself that it is good. But it's mainly a choice, or at least a passion they allow themselves to do, without refraining.

No one is born with homosexuality. So far, nobody has been able to prove it.

These are a few of my reasons, and I ask you to respect that.

What I say is true, are facts and my opinion is a based on it.
I disagree with all of the things you said.

1) You can't spread AIDS by just being homosexual. You can spread it by being irresponsible.

2) You mean, the human race would end. That might actually be a good thing for the rest of the world.

3) As well as homosexuality and lust, being straight is also natural. Falling in love is not a choice. Therefore, falling in homosexual love is also not a choice.

Nobody is born straight either. You only discover your sexuality when you actually fall in love for the first time - not when you breathe for the first time.

On the subject of religion, holy books say a lot of things we disagree with. They were written so long ago, some support things that are illegal nowadays. Even though I'm not religious, I think it's okay to disobey those things, and I think homosexuality is one of them.

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