Homosexuality - what is your view?


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Well, the thing is I would in no way blast him or so. I would on a calm way say my views about it. But if he continues to sin against my religion I can't act as nothing happened. That counts for any sin bytheway.
Well, as I said before, you need to keep in mind that your friend may not believe in your perticular religion, and obeying it may not be one of his concerns. If you do not wish to accept it, that is fine. You are entitled to that right. Telling him that being gay is wrong is horrible, you aren't anyone to decode what is wrong or right, none of us are. He is also entitled to his own views, and you have no right whatsoever to tell him that what he is doing is wrong unless he believes in your religion.

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I think that I put religion aside, it is still wrong since I find it unhealthy. I would tell this to him, but if he even after that doesn't want to understand he will no longer be my friend.

Because I dare to say it's a fact it's unhealthy.

I do not think that an unhealthy lifestyle should get the same rights as a healthy one.

But many people are too blind to see this.

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I think that I put religion aside, it is still wrong since I find it unhealthy. I would tell this to him, but if he even after that doesn't want to understand he will no longer be my friend.

Because I dare to say it's a fact it's unhealthy.

I do not think that an unhealthy lifestyle should get the same rights as a healthy one.

But many people are too blind to see this.
Are you saying that Africans and Indians to not deserve the same rights as us because their lifestyle doesn't meet our standards for "Healthy"? It is their feelings that matter. It may do damage (and I say this mith the most maturity) to the prostate if it ever reaches that, but they nurish their love as any other person would. Their lifestyle is good for them indeed, and it is anything but bad for them. We are all people. Same Genus. Same Kingdom. Same species. We all be deserved to be treated equally regardless of how we choose to live.

We are equal. But the homosexuals do not see their lifestyle promoted and seen as somethibg bad, so they complain while there's an obvious reason for that it is not so.

An extreme comparisant, but still correct one is that murderers are shown as bad people and wrongdoers. They can call themselves discriminated. So what is done about it? They get the right for being no problem and on top of that get promoted everywhere as a good example.

They are different so they have different rights.


Bam, there you got quite some proof of the unhealthiness. I don't think a lifestyle that has more than 3 times the chances of getting an illness than another lifestyle should be considered equal.

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On a side note: Somehow I have to every now and then subscribe to this topic again. Is that a common thing or is an admin unsubscribing me?

We are equal. But the homosexuals do not see their lifestyle promoted and seen as somethibg bad, so they complain while there's an obvious reason for that it is not so.

An extreme comparisant, but still correct one is that murderers are shown as bad people and wrongdoers. They can call themselves discriminated. So what is done about it? They get the right for being no problem and on top of that get promoted everywhere as a good example.

They are different so they have different rights.
Yeah, a nonsensical and flawed comparison too. Murderers are people who willing take the life of another innocent human, Homosexuals are people who find themselves attracted to people of the same sex, and who may engage in romantic or sexual acts if they consent. Can you see the difference here? Murderers negatively affect other people against their will. Homosexuals affect (possibly negatively, as the link your posted shows) a consenting partner.


Bam, there you got quite some proof of the unhealthiness. I don't think a lifestyle that has more than 3 times the chances of getting an illness than another lifestyle should be considered equal.
Since when are we judging the equality of lifestyle choices based on how healthy they are? If two consenting people are engaging in a relationship that has no effects on people outside of that relationship, why should they be stopped, regardless of how unhealthy it is?

They are allowed to do what they want, but it should not be promoted, which is the case nowadays. Everybody's saying there's nothing wrong with it. And that's a big lie.

If it was forbidden by law, at least the people can be fully responsible themselves.

We are equal. But the homosexuals do not see their lifestyle promoted and seen as somethibg bad, so they complain while there's an obvious reason for that it is not so.

An extreme comparisant, but still correct one is that murderers are shown as bad people and wrongdoers. They can call themselves discriminated. So what is done about it? They get the right for being no problem and on top of that get promoted everywhere as a good example.

They are different so they have different rights.


Bam, there you got quite some proof of the unhealthiness. I don't think a lifestyle that has more than 3 times the chances of getting an illness than another lifestyle should be considered equal.
How about homosexuals who have never had sex and don't want to? Do you dislike them as well? They don't spread AIDS.

How about homosexuals who have never had sex and don't want to? Do you dislike them as well? They don't spread AIDS.
I actually highly doubt that there are any. But yes, I am against them too. I actually think it's already wrong just to be in love with someone of the same gender. I find it immoral, and against the natural use.

We are equal. But the homosexuals do not see their lifestyle promoted and seen as somethibg bad, so they complain while there's an obvious reason for that it is not so.

An extreme comparisant, but still correct one is that murderers are shown as bad people and wrongdoers. They can call themselves discriminated. So what is done about it? They get the right for being no problem and on top of that get promoted everywhere as a good example.

They are different so they have different rights.


Bam, there you got quite some proof of the unhealthiness. I don't think a lifestyle that has more than 3 times the chances of getting an illness than another lifestyle should be considered equal.
It is the partners choice to engage in any sexual activities or not. I am positive that they know the risks, but they choose to do it anyway. As Cave said, their relationship isn't negatively affecting anything/anybody around them, so why try and put a stop to it? The reason they do these things is because they love eachother. That is PERFECTLY natural. Love is beautiful, regardless if it isn't your typical relationship.

I'm fine with it, p eople can be the way they want.

now after readi ng all the other posts I can see the people who believe in

christainity really can be harsh against this topic. I hope that people like this

grow older to understand that its okay.

To get AIDS all you need to do is engage in sexual contact with someone that has AIDS.

That is it.


The fact that it's more common in gay people is pure coincidence, and AIDS is not even the most dangerous STD out there. The most dangerous is probably Hepatitis type A and B. Just because you hear about AIDS the most from your television doesn't mean you have to ramble on about it in our homosexuality debate.

Saying homosexuality is unhealthy because of the risk of AIDS, you could say the same about heterosexuality.

In general, sex is dangerous.

But its natural.

It's not unnatural, no matter what gender two people are. Sexual attraction is one of the most natural things I can think of.

We are just another species in the living kingdom of Earth, and we have to except each other. How can we call ourselves the most intelligent in the hierarchy of living organisms on Earth if there are still people against gay people? We have more important issues in this day and age.

I actually highly doubt that there are any. But yes, I am against them too. I actually think it's already wrong just to be in love with someone of the same gender. I find it immoral, and against the natural use.
There are animals that can change their gender like clownfish, worms, shrimp and even more.

So would you find them imortale too? they may be born to be a male but wanted to turn into a female. If your homosexual you can grow to like different things and some people

actually may get a sex change because they feel that they were ment to be something else. I don t find those gender changing animals immortal nor do i find any animal.

The whole animal kingdom exists because of natrual selection and its all equal, no animal ( humans included) is more pure or less important than anouther.

quick reminder for everyone to take a chill pill

news flash

not everyone supports gays

i mean honestly stefan isn't doing anything wrong here

he just doesn't support it

i support gays but i don't care it's not like he's trying to wipe out the entire homosexual population. he's just saying he doesn't think it's right

i feel like all of these arguments are just repeating themselves

They are allowed to do what they want, but it should not be promoted, which is the case nowadays. Everybody's saying there's nothing wrong with it. And that's a big lie.

If it was forbidden by law, at least the people can be fully responsible themselves.
You are entitled to your opinion and all, but please remember other people have different opinions than you do. ;)

Many homosexuals do not engage in sexual activity at all, just like heterosexuals. Some people fall in love with the opposite; some with the same gender. That doesn't mean that all people who fall in love are open about falling in love. [these are facts, not opinions. Here on out, it's all opinion, just so ya know]

I don't think they should forbid homosexuality by law. The difference between a murderer being "discriminated against" and homosexuals being "discriminated against" is that homosexual acts do not harm anyone except (possibly) those engaging in them. A murderer harms others without their consent.

Saying that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality is not promoting it. That is promoting tolerance of it. Promoting homosexuality would be basically saying, "You have GOT to be homosexual, it's all the rage, everyone should be!!" (I do not think people should PROMOTE homosexuality, what's the point of that? People deserve to love who they want.)

Note that gay men have the highest prevalence of AIDS (since it's an argument you make). Lesbian women have the lowest, actually. With better sex ed to people in countries without that type of education, and maybe more abstinence in heterosexuals and homosexuals until marriage (or partnership), the rates of AIDS would go down more.

Well, some homosexuals have an idea of this since they are very young. I can tell you that.

I remember when I was a little girl, I wanted to have a "best friend". I wanted to be with her, hold hands with her, hug her, live with her, and spend my life with her. When I played pretend as a mom, I was with my "best friend". When I played with dolls, the girls would live with their "best friend".

It wasn't until years later that I realized, what I thought of as a "best friend" was something much different. And it wasn't until more years that I would accept it to myself.

Hello, Tamatalk. I'm a Lesbian. And I'm okay with it.

That's normal that you have a very close friend of the same gender. But that does not mean whatsoever that you are lesbian. Probably by a certain influence you accepted something that you actually were'nt. If this means you are gay, than probably most of the people living should accept that they're gay.


Amat Gotchi, I'm pretty sure homosexuality is being promoted. Nowadays it's ofen shown as nothing wrong with by putting gay fictional characters in books tv-series and movies. This is called promoting.

Tamagotchi forevah, note that those animals still can reproduce, meaning it's a natural thing.

Kuribotchi. You are very stubborn. It's not coincidence, in no way. Homosexuals pass it easier on, since that's what happens with anal sex, which is mainly practiced by gays.

Also I just read that Hiv is the most deadly std out there. Please learn to at least accept these facts.

Kuribotchi. You are very stubborn. It's not coincidence, in no way. Homosexuals pass it easier on, since that's what happens with anal sex, which is mainly practiced by gays.

Also I just read that Hiv is the most deadly std out there. Please learn to at least accept these facts.
You just read that HIV is the most deadly STD out there? Also, HIV and AIDS are not the same thing.

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That's normal that you have a very close friend of the same gender. But that does not mean whatsoever that you are lesbian. Probably by a certain influence you accepted something that you actually were'nt. If this means you are gay, than probably most of the people living should accept that they're gay.

She's saying as a child she felt an attraction to people of the same sex, but didn't realise that until she was older she was a lesbian. She's not saying she had a close friend who was female so she decided to become a lesbian.

Amat Gotchi, I'm pretty sure homosexuality is being promoted. Nowadays it's ofen shown as nothing wrong with by putting gay fictional characters in books tv-series and movies. This is called promoting.
It's shown more and more on television and in movies because an increasingly large number of people are accpeting homosexuality and gay marriage in society. It's the zeitgeist, and it's clear what direction it's moving in. This, however, is still not promoting it. As Amat said, promoting it would involve encouraging people to be homosexual in some way.

Tamagotchi forevah, note that those animals still can reproduce, meaning it's a natural thing.
You're completely right here. People bringing other species into the arguement really doesn't work, seeing as humans are the only species that has members who solely engage in homosexual relationships. Other species may have creatures who engage in homosexual relationships, but I'm fairly certain they all engage in heterosexual relationships too.

Kuribotchi. You are very stubborn. It's not coincidence, in no way. Homosexuals pass it easier on, since that's what happens with anal sex, which is mainly practiced by gays.

Also I just read that Hiv is the most deadly std out there. Please learn to at least accept these facts.
This simply means that people engaging in these relationships need to be very careful if one member has HIV to avoid the other getting it. Again, if it's between two consenting partners who are both aware of the situation, what's the problem? You're correct on it being the most deadly, but there's some fasicnating research being done on it. At the rate medical science grows, it's inevitable it will be cured eventually.

quick reminder for everyone to take a chill pill

news flash

not everyone supports gays

i mean honestly stefan isn't doing anything wrong here

he just doesn't support it

i support gays but i don't care it's not like he's trying to wipe out the entire homosexual population. he's just saying he doesn't think it's right

i feel like all of these arguments are just repeating themselves
You are right, ****oo. However, both of us ( each side of the discussion ) is trying to prove our own point. Remember, this is a discussion

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