Homosexuality - what is your view?


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Disclaimer: What I have posted below might cause a few heated moments, and I am not fully awake this morning. i am not actively trying to insult anyone, I am speaking my full opinion on things I know or have read about and not all might be 100% but i tried to get the jist of it. I realize it might rub some people the wrong way, but everyone is entitled to their opinions. As my therapist always told me: opinions are like ********--we all have them and they all stink.

Yes but I don't believe in God or anything of the sort. As a child I was raised with the concept, as I grew up i switched to Wicca, but now I am atheist. And i feel it wrong for other people, who are 'sinners' just as much as anyone else, feel they have the right to judge and persecute people for what they feel is 'against the Bible.' Look at the Westboro Church, saying soldiers need to die. Or the fact they were going to picket at the school where all the kids were shot. I guess we could also look at various 'holy wars' and such. Yeah, how nice, kill people who don't believe in what you do.

What is really 'good' anymore? There's so many 'Gods' and so many sects to Christianity and such that Catholics will say "No, we're right, and you can't do A, B, and C," and then Lutherans will say "Oh no, that's fine, you can do those, but you can't do X, Y, Z." It's like all of it just cancels out and everything seems to be bad. And then some say you're going to hell no matter what. Well gee, ain't that a nice thing to raise a child up into. "Sorry sweety, it doesn't matter how good you are as a person, you were born full of sin and will burn forever in the afterlife unless God thinks you were good enough, and then maybe he'll save you." The Bible was written by man, who is fallible. It's been revised so much that it's practically lost all meaning and is nothing but a bedtime fable at this point.

I'm sorry but, I'm not trying to offend I just find the whole religion thing mind boggling on how it brainwashes people and turns everyone against each other. The intentions, morals, values and such may be good, but they are executed negatively some of the time. Christians against Muslims against Jews and just... isn't it just the same dang God?

I just do not see religion having say whether a man and man, or a woman and woman, can marry, live together, etc. Marriage existed before Christianity adopted it, and even then, it was used to hold the woman to the man, it was not something seen as being 'equal' in rights to those involved--it made the woman property. I can say that I am happy that some people see it today as being equal, and I do feel strongly that people can marry, despite what gender they are. And those who think ill about it can keep it to themselves. Hell i don't see anyone going to the Middle East to prevent the men from beating their wives. And those people believe in God, too, and they say that their scriptures allow it when the wife is being unruly.

It's all just nuts when you involve religion into this. Take it out, cut it out of this whole thing and all you have to go on is the feeling of unease when you think about the same gender together. That feeling is fine and legitimate for you, but don't push it on others and tell them they can't be together because it makes you feel 'yucky.' Besides, this subject isn't even about religion.
I agree with everthing here, except the last paragraph. Homosexuality, whether it should be or not, is very much about religion. It's only because of religion that homosexuality is even an issue.

I agree with everthing here, except the last paragraph. Homosexuality, whether it should be or not, is very much about religion. It's only because of religion that homosexuality is even an issue.
Oops, sorry, i mean out of this topic because this isn't a debate about religion. :) Should have worded that better.

I forgot to add that i read this article somewhere, too, that homosexuality and even gender association existed thousands of years ago, when they were studying this early culture and they found a male buried in a grave in the same position and with the same artifacts as a female.

Oh wait, I found it! https://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/stories/archaeologists-unearth-5000-year-old-third-gender-caveman

The fact that this man was buried in such a way with a culture who took burial very seriously, one has to assume that they were very open and accepting of this. I would be under the assumption that if they were not, they might not have even given him a proper burial at all, either traditionally for a man or woman.

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About people talking about Gay Pride parades, I completely agree with you. I think they're an absolute disgrace to the LGBT community. We spend so long building up that we're normal people and that we lead normal lives, but extremist gay right activists just ruin everything setting up these ridiculous parades.

It also makes me feel super duper sorry for Lesbians because the parades are so clearly aimed at gay men...

About people talking about Gay Pride parades, I completely agree with you. I think they're an absolute disgrace to the LGBT community. We spend so long building up that we're normal people and that we lead normal lives, but extremist gay right activists just ruin everything setting up these ridiculous parades.

It also makes me feel super duper sorry for Lesbians because the parades are so clearly aimed at gay men...
To add to what I said before, there are many kinds of parades, not all of them classified as such.

How a group parades definitely reflects how much they respect others. I think that if people want their rights, they should join gay rights parades that hold up signs, etc, rather than the style that is so often used in gay pride parades: i.e. bodily exposure, flaming, etc.

Not to say that all gay rights or gay pride parades are like that. In my opinion, people should parade in front of others in a way that they would want to be paraded in front of, while still being effective. :)

This is my personal belief:

There is an explanation for everything that lies in the numbers. The standard model explains almost everything, and what it doesn't explain can be explained with other formulas. It makes sense.

Also, much of religion, even in one religion, is filled with contradictions and falsehoods. Someone previously said that Man wrote the Bible, and that Man is fallible, which I completely agree with.

Not to say that everything is false, just that now all of it is true. Much of what Jesus Christ said is very wise, and he probably existed too, but he wasn't the "Son of Man," or "God." Just a prophet teaching Judaism.

To anyone on this page who is religious, can you answer this: How do you know that every word of the Bible] is true?

I know it's fine to love any gender but I'm in Grade 6 and there a two boys who have a crush on each other and I don't find it right especially during 6th grade.

This is my personal belief:

There is an explanation for everything that lies in the numbers. The standard model explains almost everything, and what it doesn't explain can be explained with other formulas. It makes sense.

Also, much of religion, even in one religion, is filled with contradictions and falsehoods. Someone previously said that Man wrote the Bible, and that Man is fallible, which I completely agree with.

Not to say that everything is false, just that now all of it is true. Much of what Jesus Christ said is very wise, and he probably existed too, but he wasn't the "Son of Man," or "God." Just a prophet teaching Judaism.

To anyone on this page who is religious, can you answer this: How do you know that every word of the Bible] is true?
How can you know if Jesus wasn't really the son of God? You apparently believe He excisted and was wise, but you deny the part that He did miracles, and all.

The thing is, The Bible does not contradict. Yes, Jesus put some things straight and showed the true meaning. But He himself said, I came to "fullfill" the law, but not remove anything from it.

I have studied some things in the Bible that seems to contradict, but if you look at the true meaning, the purpose is the same.

Why do I believe it to be true? Because the Bible is infallible (at least in the non-traslated version). You should read this, for example: https://lifeshandbook.wikidot.com/trivia:a-mathematical-error

Also, if for everything where isn't a proof for, I wouldn't believe, what kind of person am I?

What more, than the Bible, did those people have to make for proof. There's nothing they could really do, except write it down.

Ah the modern day topic of Homosexuality.
In a personal note, I have no problem with homosexuality at all. But i do have trouble understanding it and if you knew me, you would know I have trouble with stuff I don't understand.
But the important thing is I look around that and accept the person for who they are. My girlfriend is bisexual and I still love her. I started loving her before i found out, then i found out and one year later i asked her to be my girlfriend. 1 1/2 yrs later we are still together. Many of my other friends are homo/bisexual. Although 85% of females I am friends with are bisexual. Coincidence? I think not xD. All in all though, I am not religious. But I do believe in the after life and karma. I am strait as a telephone pole. Don't mind homo/bisexuals and keep to my views. I hope to read more comments here.

Actually, the Bible is very contradicting, if you look hard enough. It says that God is forgiving, and yet he drowned out the entire world with a flood in the chapter of Noah and the Ark..

Yeah, very forgiving.

Also, there are plenty of things wrong. It says that God made a light to govern the night, implying the moon. But the moon isn't a light source, it just reflects light.

Here's another one: If Eden was the place where all people originated, where is it? Can you point to it on a map?

Here's another very good one: If God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of Knowledge, why did He put the tree there in the first place?

I think a really ironic thing is hat i'm questioning the Bible, given my Real Name. It's quite Ironic if you know it. xP

"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually."

They were sinning constantly not planning to repent.

So when it was enough for God, which will happen again when God destroys the world, he killed them all.

He planned to destroy man, in general. But because because Noach, was still good he decided to give them another chance and said he would never cover the earth with water again.

God is very forgiving because he let his only son be killed as a sacrifice for our sins. So because of that, we can be forgiven for all our sins if we truly repent.

If that's not VERY forgiving, I don't know it.

God said a light, not a light source. There's nothing funny with that source. It's just a matter how you look at it.

Who am I, to know where the Garden is? It is not noted down somewhere, as far as I know, and also it is not of importance to anyone.

(Because if you're looking for a proof, you will not be given one, according to the Bible).

God, gave them the choice to obey or dissobey him. He didn't want them to be forced to obey him, but wanted them to do so from their own free will.

I believe in God, and the Bible to be true. Homosexuality is a sin.

I just want to try to show people that they must have a very good reason to explain their sin to God, if he does appear to excist.

To be resposible themselves.

well, im a bisexual, so my views are that its ok. if two people love each other but are the same sex, then they should be allowed to be together.

well, im a bisexual, so my views are that its ok. if two people love each other but are the same sex, then they should be allowed to be together.

We have sattelites EVERYWHERE! We have mapped the Entire globe. I think we would have seen Eden.

Also, light IMPLIES a celestial body which creates light under its own power, which the Moon does not do. However, this isn't a religious battle, this is a Homosexual rights one. This is a fruitless "quest" anyway... We aren't gonna change the other's opinion, so why bother.

Kajah995, this is about homosexuality, not about the Bible.

Please don't turn this into an argument about religion and whether or not the Bible is true or not.

People have their own beliefs.

Kajah995, this is about homosexuality, not about the Bible.

Please don't turn this into an argument about religion and whether or not the Bible is true or not.

People have their own beliefs.
Ahem, I said this at the end of my last post: "However, this isn't a religious battle, this is a Homosexual rights one. This is a fruitless 'quest' anyway... We aren't gonna change the other's opinion, so why bother."

Just look...

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