Highlands Hero High


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"I... I'm awake..." Emma muttered, clutching Erza's arm. "Come on, let's go before she changes her mind..."

"Well, that was eventful." Jade smirked as she yanked open the doors, walking out.

Ezra nodded, picking her up and running out the door.

Eli nodded, following her.He also had a smile on his face, but for a different reason. "You really do care about me, don't you?"

Fauve watched as the scene dispersed, and she gave a sigh of relief. Americans... they were so bizarre. She looked over at Claw and Adrian and shook her head. "C'est bizarre," she murmured, still shaking her head. With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, singing under her breath.

Fauve stopped upon hearing voices coming from where she'd just been. She turned her ear towards the sounds, wondering what exactly was going on. She crept back towards where Claw and Adrian were, raising an eyebrow.

Adrian blinked in surprise, before slapping Claw across the face. "It's me, you idiot!"

"Yes." Jade said stubbornly, not looking up at Eli. "But at least try and fight him off if it happens again."

"Who exactly are you?" Claw then asked.

Eli pulled Jade into a hug. "Thank you, I will."

Once again it took Adrian a few moments to recover. "I'm Adrian, you idiot. Now get up. You're sitting prey for Jade."

Jade hesitated before relenting, wrapping her arms around Eli. "Good. Come on, let's get out of the area."

Eli nodded. "Got any place in mind?" he asked, picking up his pace.

Claw frowned. "Who's Jade?" he asked, obviously confused.

"Not really. Should probably go back to our dorms - act like we were there all the time." Jade frowned, before saying "We'll have to get rid of those two at some point, you know. I don't know about the other girl."

Adrian rolled his eyes, getting up and pulling Claw up while being mindful of the knives. "Come on, you daft sod. Get up, we're going back to our dorm."

Eli nodded, before a thought coming to his mind. "Can I come to your dorm? Mine's gonna be like hell tonight."

Claw slowly got up, following Adrian with a confused look on his face.

After a pause, Jade nodded. "Sure. Don't expect anything too exciting though. I have to keep up appearances."

"So who do you think won that fight? You or Jade?" Adrian asked, before laughing. "Acrually, I think it was that hero. Wow."

Eli laughed a bit, before slipping his hand into Jade's.

"What are you talking about? What fight?"

Fauve pressed her back against the corner of the hallway, listening intently to the conversation between Adrian and... Claw? Again, Americans were really bizarre. True, she knew a lot of the students from her previous years at the academy, but still, this was ridiculous. And a case of amnesia... that was going to be interesting.

I'm super derpy at role-playing so get ready for this.

Also hi bunnyyyyy

Name: Janine I. Hiyrie

Age (14-18): 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Janine has bronze-blonde hair that reaches down to about her shoulders, silver-blue eyes, and has a pale-ish complexion. She stands at about 5'2", and dresses in a striking kind of way.

Personality: Outgoing, friendly, and a bit easily distracted. She loves to meet and get to know new people as often as she can.

Power: The ability to speed up or slow down the movement of atoms in substances. This allows her to heat up or cool down things to an extent and may do something else if I actually study atoms for the development of this character

Hero or Villian: This really isn't about heroism or antagonism to her, she's here more for the purpose of honing her powers and being around other people with them.

Other: She was accepted this year into the academy upon learning of her powers.

Janine lay down on the ground outside of the school, observing blades of grass. She would stop occasionally to pick one. Then she would carefully observe it and choose either to throw it back into the mess of stalks, impossible to relocate, or lay it down in a neat pile of the others she had chosen for it.

Wow, a lot of new people. I like it. Accepted. Now Ellie, post something GDI.

Name: Jocelyn

Age (14-18): 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long, straight, night black hair, emerald green eyes. About 5' 4". Wears jeans and baggy sweatshirts and is medium-sized.

Personality: When she is around people she is flirty, but not on purpose. She feels nervous normally, and she is self-conscious. She is trustworthy, but has problems trusting others.

Power: Pyrokinesis.

Hero or Villian: Undecided.


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Sorry, not accepted. You're character is a Mary-Sue. Read Runner's guides in the OOC section, they always can help.

How can I edit it to help improve it? To help it from being Mary-Sue.

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