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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
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Hi! Yes, I'm a newbie member, but I'm not entirly new to this site. This place is SO cool! I could stay on here for hours... but then again, I can't. I can't wait to explore. Bye!

Ok, since I'm here, I probably should tell you about my tamas. I got my V3 on Oct. 10,2006 and was resetting it continually for the first day. My first two charecters died during two tornado warnings that were exactly a week apart. I managed to get up to six generations before I got a Decotchi and reset. I got my V4 on Febuary 17 of this year. I've had 6 charecters on it so far.


type: I don't exactly know, but it's the guy with the curl on his forehead

age: 2 (he's in the teen stage)

Generation: 1 but my tama has a glitch and thinks that it's on the second with my dead tama's parent. ???


type: gozaruchi

age:3 (he's an adult)

generation:2 mine had a violetotchi mom :eek:

Sorry for the misunderstanding, and thanks for your offer of help

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My tama has a bit of a glitch. It won't let me enter the secret codes now that i've done them all once. Does that happen often?

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Hi! Welcome to TamaTalk!

We're always glad when a new member joins so you're very welcome here!

Make sure you visit all the forums!

Here's a list of useful links:

If you're new: User's guide to TamaTalk

If you have a question: Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to talk about Tamagotchis: Seriously Tamagotchi

If you want to talk (but not about Tamagotchis): (Non) TamaTalk

If you're in the mood for a game: The Arcade

If you want to know what can and can't be said: Alternatives to swearing

If you want to read over the rules: Rules and Regulations

If you want to read over more rules: Rules and Regulations 2

If you wish to use your acting skills: Role Play Games

Make sure you read the pinned topics at the top of the pages. These will tell you what can go into that topic or what can't.

I know it seems like alot but it's really easy to get used to here.

PM me if you need help or a friend!

Have fun on TamaTalk!


What?! That's quite rude, Dr.Tama! !Stupid! Was welcoming you to the site! He/She was show ing you the rules, and asking to be your friend! I don't see what's not nice about that... If I was new I'd say thank you. Well welcome...

EDIT:Oops, sorry, didn't see your apology. :eek: Hope you forgive me.

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