hforHILLARYYY's tamalog! (:


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Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Whoots! HI! :)

It's my first post, yay. I have actually been here before yet... Stopped playing with my tama for a while due to the lack of time. But now, I have restarted my v3 and just bought a new v6 today! ;) This is super awesome. It's the black headphones one. :)

Being rather confused now, it's like, v6 is so different from v3. Trying to figure my way around. :)

I've decided t let my v3 die, because I won't have time t take care of both haha. Well, music city's a bit time consuming eh? xD Having the school holidays now, of course I have time. When school reopens, aye, may start to have very little time. Hehs. Okayokay. So, my v6! :)

BEEP! :unsure:

A BOY. :)

Hehs, I named it ENGLAND! xD Cos my dad and I are crazy fans of England, and it's the world cup now. So, yeah! :wacko: It evolved like after one hour later? :) To a kuchitamatchi. Oh no, it means I took bad care of it. ): AHHH! ): Shall try t care for it more! x) Oh well! That's all I have to say for now. I played lotsa games, so all his music points are pretty high now. :) Hehs!

Alright alright, I shall stop here for now. :) It's asleep! YAY! :) So adorable. :ph34r:


DAY 2 with ENGLAND! :)

It just grown to be a kikitchi, like 20 mins ago! :) SUPER CUTE! :D It reminds me of a monkey. :3

Just now I went to school from some activities, and I left it alone for a few hours. >< Like 3 hours, and it's stress went up to 39. I feel so bad. :x MUST TAKE CARE OF TAMA! Ack. >< Okay, the mailman's been visiting alot. O.O Just got 2000 p and grapes from the king. :3 So cool haha, didn't know it ould work like that. :) Hehs.


HELLOHS! :lol:

England got a new banddd! :) Super cool. Uhms, I named the band "STARRY!" So, the band consists of. England as a singer for now, John (I'm not sure what character it is) playing the piano and... Penny the mametchi also singing! :) Apparently, they do hip-hop music. Haha, so cute. :)

Now, England's sleeping, cos it's like 10:50 pm here. (IN SINGAPORE! :( )

I realized that my log's a bit boring compared to others. Hmm... PM me to give suggestions as my log goes on okay. :) I'm interested to know how I can improve it! THANKYOU PEOPLE! <3

hee-luh-ree. :)

Hey this is Desi. you may have read my log, but I'm not sure.anyways, i like your log. definitely keep going and count me in as a daily reader =]

Ha. read my log if you haven't but I like yours alot =P

  :lol:   :p   :p   B)   :)
That was from Ripped_Jeans! :) THANK YOU! :D I appreciate your encouragement alot. ^^

Well, today I'm bringing England for a barbeque! :D HOW FUN! :)

I just went to tamatown and played lotsa games! :) Even created a CD, but it isn't very good. >< Hehs. Well, I'm gonna try to earn as much points as possible in tamatown. :) It's a bit frustrating cos it always tell me that the server connection is lost or something, and I lose the game I'm playing! :( That just sucks big time. :wacko:

But, I guess England is having fun! :) Oh and I figured I should let England come here too! :) THIS IS ENGLAND!

Heyyy! :) So did you have fun today in tamatown? :)

Yeah of course! :) I loveee the drum competition thingo. :3

I know you do. :)

I can't wait to evolve to an adult! Turning 2 todayyy YAY! Life is good. :) HAHA!

You know, you shouldn't spend so much time playing games. You should practise more okay? :3

Oh man...

Okay okay, I shall sign off now. I should be back here tomorrow! :) Hopefully, tomorrow will be more eventful? :3 Haha! OFF TO THE BARBEQUE PIT WITH ENGLANDDD! OLE OLE. :)



HIHI! :)

Just a quick question, should I start up my v3? I have a v big temptation to, but it's like, v3 can't even connect to the v6. So, IDK what's the point. Suggestions, people! :) Will it be too time consuming? Or maybe it will be much more fun? :)

PM ME! :)

Please and thank youuu. B)

hilley! } starstrukk!

P.S I must really get that panda toy for my tama! :) It's really sooooooo cute! OH COME ON, work hard. :wacko:

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Poor England and band. ):

They've failed their auditions so many times, I'm so upset. GAH. D:

Btw, England evolved into a mametchi. :) That's a piece of good news, uhms, it happened yesterday. Or was it the day before? I lost track. >< I'm going crazy with school co-curricular activities. ): GAH.

Well, okay. So I think the day before when he was 2, he went for the auditions 3 times, and failed all. Yesterday, he was 3, he failed I think twice. Today, he's supposed to be 4, but he isn't... AND THE TEACHER DIDN'T EVEN COME TO SEND HIM FOR AUDITIONS. ): This is upsetting. Then I read in the manual that it's possible that Starry may become STREET MUSICIANS! Now, I'm like praying all day long that the music teacher will come and give them one more chance. OH PLEASEEE. Why can't they just pass one audition. ): Uh, this is so depressing. ):

Well, England's sleeping soundly now. Days have been rough for both England and me. ><

Oh well. I've got nothing left to say now. I'm left with 550 points, and I think there are no more chances for auditions, and I think England's gonna be broke and hungry with no way to raise his future baby. ): dang. And if he turns 4 tmr, THE MATCHMAKER WILL COME. Oh gosh. This is all going too crazy. o:

HILLARY. [am i crazy or falling in love?]


I am so happy! :) HAHA! :D Currently, he's sleeping. I find that I always post when he's sleeping? O.O Sigh. Well, actually, I'm not really in a mood to post. :X IDK why. But, yeah, I will make it up some other time. :X

