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kuchipatchi love

Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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New Zealand
This Is why I think I may be over dosing on Tamagotchi's.

*I put 'tama' in front of everything, e.g. tamapizza, tamasofa...

*I pretend I live in tamatown and play pretendy tama games.

*I have stuck pictures of Tamas all over my stuff

* I pretend that Kuchipatchi and other tamas are real, and they are my friends

*when I go to a store I head straight for the tamagotchi's.

* I am constsntly talking about them

* I do Tamagotchi homework, assignmants and stuff

* I have rung every toy store in the area to see if they have pouches

*I constantly browse Ebay for them

* I watch Animes of them on Youtube

*I take them every where

*I constantly play with them

* I have a folder full of growth charts

*My sister and I have made playing cards with them on

Am I too obsessed with them?

I agree with princess08. There's nothing wrong with liking something you, well, like to do! ;)

Just as long as it doesn't interfere with your priorities. I worry a lot more about my family, friends, and school than I do a Tamagotchi. But that's just me. I think it's OK to like something a lot, just don't let it interfere with your life. Unless you want bad grades in school. :angry:

I'm not telling you how to live your life, just sayin'. :angry:

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I am totally like that.

This is what I do:

Take my tama everywhere

Even in school I sneak out of the class ( I even once did it in WASL ) just to check on them

I have 10 so far

I doodled tamagotchi pictures EVERYWHERE

I make my own games of tamas

I made my own STUFFED TAMAS

I sang the tamagotchi tune everywhere

In every conversation I have with anyone the word 'tama' or 'tamagotchi' comes up in it

When my tama went in the wash and it broke I went back to Toys R Us and asked for a new one

Even during P.E. or something I secretly check my tama

If a teacher takes my tama away I secretly steal a check on it's health when the teacher isn't in the room or I just take it back

I also-take my tama's to school, kiss them, buy stuff for them, love them, talk to them, scream out the window of the car if it grows, talk to them in public, and generally yak about them endlessly.

OMG! I'm the same way! XD There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with being overly obsessed. Join the club, hon! Looks like you're not the only one!! Hah!

kutchipatchi love my dear friend! what are u talking about!! u can never be to obssed with tamas :angry: if u like tamas then u like tamas! i love them too! don't worry i wil always be there when u need help with being to over the top with tamas! ;) :angry:

Yes you're obsessed. But nothing's wrong with being obsessed.


I was like that once.... Good times.. Good times...



You can't be 'too obsessed' with something. ;)

It's OK that you like tamagotchis a lot. Everyone else likes tamagotchis, too. When I was in highschool, I used to bring my tamagotchi because I didn't want to stop the growth process for a while by pausing it, and I'm sure that my mom wouldn't take care of it properly.

Don't give up on Tamagotchis! ^_^

Absolutely nothing wrong.I love tamagotchi's myself and print growth charts and tape them all around the house,they truly are fun.

Obsession is a good thing.

My obsession with Tamas:

I brought them to school until my teacher took it away and gave me and friends a detention.... Stupid teacher! :eek:

I have like 30 v-pets in all....

I always check the Tamagotchi section in the store....

I have the Tamagotchi modern board game!

I have like 5 lanyards and 1 or 2 pouches and a bunch of key-chain ornaments....


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