Height.. (:


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I've grown 1cm since the last post. I'm 148cm tall now! 2cm taller than my sister >=D

I haven't grown AT ALL since the beginning of this year. xP I wanted to be at least 5'7" before I stopped growing. ;-;

^ Same here. I think I'm done...

I'm flipping taller than EVERY girl I know. Well, except for two. It makes me feel like a giant and I hate it. D:

I am so tall I swear :)

Haha. I'm used to it now.

One of my best friends is 4'8", and I'm 5'8".

It's hilarious seeing us stand next to each other.

I'm 5'5" and I consider myself "tall" for an Asian. I'm a girl and 22 years old, by the way. Oh, and don't worry about being 5 feet right now. Boys are late bloomers (especially in relation to girls). It's just biology. Boys typically shoot up right before high school or maybe even right in high school and they don't stop growing until college, at least! Don't you worry at all. :ichigotchi:

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I used to be tall, but now I feel small.

I remember about a year and a half ago, my class got measured in science. I was rather taller than Jay, and now he's taller than me. He's teases me about it. xD But everyone seems taller than me lately... It's rather I'm shrinking or the world is suddenly growing and I'm being left behind.

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