Height.. (:


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I'm not sure how tall I am.

I used to think I was tall, but now I'm normal-ish. A lot of people are taller than me lately. xD

I'm 13 years old and 4'10"

I'm the shortest person in the 8th grade. On the flip side, the tallest is Adam. He's around 6'1" I think. So the range of height in my grade is a foot and three inches, give or take.

Mikey, we used to be short together, remember? <3I haven't grown since last year.

I'm about 5'2", and I'm 12.

FreakishlyshortIknowright. o:
You're not freakishly short. I'm older than you and I'm shorter, if you've read my other post you'd know.

I'm nearly 14 and 5 feet, 8 inches tall. Grew tons.

I actually measured myself today ;p I was bored, at my dad's office and he has one of those measuring thingies... I'm actually 5'4 and half.taller than I thought.

im 12 and im 5'6. i hate being this tall.
Finally someone else who's my age and almost as tall.

Try being 12 and 5'8 D:

Everyone's always like ''roaaar being tall is good blah blah'',

But I'd love being small.

I was average size until I hit 11, and shot up 20 centimetres. I hated it because I grew out of ALL my clothes and everyone was shorter than me.

But these days, my friends are only a few inches shorter because they've caught up now :)


Like I said before, I'm 168 cm (5'7) and I'm 17.

When I was 12-15 I was around 5'6.

I grew 3 centimetres last year.

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