Fawnpaw meowed, extremely tired from his nap. She heard a rustle, and a smell she didn't recognize. Running to some bushes under a tree, she camouflaged with the green leaves.
"What is that... sound...? What's that smell? Smells like a kitty-pet... Ew. Stinky..." Fawnpaw got out of her hiding spot and started to run around and play, a kitty-pet couldn't hurt her.
Fawnpaw ran up to Dawnpaw and nudged her.
"Hey, Fawnpaw rhymes with Dawnpaw. Hee hee."
Dawnpaw was so exited about the kitty-pet, she continued to run around exitedly and nibble at branches, bushes, everything, until she spotted the kitty-pet. Running behind her, she nudged the kitty-pet forward.
"Hello!" she said, giggling. Then, she ran back into her den and hid.