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I've only ever had a sezier ........i still don't remember taht day..I just remember my Dad carrying me to A & E
whats a sezier like,i get scared when i c stuff happen to poeple,i like freeze and think of what to do and i cant think of anythingI've only ever had a sezier ........i still don't remember taht day..I just remember my Dad carrying me to A & E
behold the wonderuos air conditioner!!!!the amazing things technology can doWell, I never REALLY fainted but on the 100-degree day last year, I ALMOST fainted in the car!!!!! I couldnt think straight and felt like I was going to die any second!I had to look at random objects and say what they are in my head! And then my life was saved by the air conditioner!!!! xD
Same, I have never fainted but have come very close to it.I've never fainted but I have come close to it just the once.
I was back in year 11 and it was the semi finals for debating. I had the flu at the time and wasn't feeling the best. I just remember trying to stumble through my speech and it was like everything was getting foggy. I felt like someone had put something over my ears that was making a rustling sound so I couldn't hear properly. My thought processes seemed really slow and I knew something wasn't right and I just kept saying "I'm sorry". At some point my debating teacher got up and forced me to sit down and dragged me outsite, head down.
We lost the debate but only by two points and it was my fault. I always felt bad about it because at the time I wasn't as strong 3rd speaker as I had been previously and then I had a near-fainting episode.It goes without saying that I didn't return to the team the following year!
Because fainting is something only drama queens do?Im not the drama queen type- no offence
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seizurewhats a sezier like,i get scared when i c stuff happen to poeple,i like freeze and think of what to do and i cant think of anything
Why would you slam your head against the floor???!!!I've fainted twice, and knocked myself out once.
I fainted in 10th grade in my art class from lack of food, and another time when I was really young from having blood drawn.
I knocked myself out in the 'hospital' by slamming my head against the floor.
i think it was an accident. but at least she was already in a hospital! XDWhy would you slam your head against the floor???!!!
For a month? I'm guessing you were still drinking fluids because you die after 2 weeks without consuming anything. o_oI almost fainted once because I hadn't eaten anythinything for a month. I was limp, my vision was cloudy, and I could barly walk. but my mom gave me chips and I was fine.