Have you ever fainted?


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2005
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I have only fainted a few times, one was in a study of hunting. I was showing the class my project to a video, and someone (on tv) shot a wild deer. I started to feel dizzy and when he butchered it I dropped all my stuff and fainted. ( i love deers to the point where its extreme) I was sick at least 5 times in an hour and I CANT watch that video ever again it was my second worst moment.

The second time was when these two tried to use knives on my sister Captain Jack Sparrow (shes my twin and im sorry about your scar what runs all the way down your cheek i tried to help :furawatchi: ) she was like screaming VIVIENNE come on! You need to help me!! and she sounded so scared so I ran into the bathroom and I saw everything and I screamed my head off. I fainted while I was still screaming.

The third time was when I was forced by my gym teacher to climb up the high rope ladder in gym. As you know, I have a great fear of hights, and when I almost fell and saw how high I was, I started shaking like crazy and fell off. I THINK I fainted when falling down.

The most recent time (last month) was when I cut my shin and I was fine and all that I went to medical for a plaster and there was a WORM on it. I was sick as soon as I woke up.

The main times I faint or feel faint is when someone kills an an animal.


Yes, I have... three times. Lets see now... first was in 5th grade.

We had a concert and I was doing a sign language thing with my friend. We had to get up off the risers and do it. Our school had very poor ventilation so it was soo hot in there. I got up and they were playing the music and I blanked out and fell on the ground. Some people say I fell on someones lap and others say I fell next to someone, I never did get the full story, but then one of the teachers picked me up and ran me to the nurse. I woke up in his arms and was so confused.

Next time I was in 7th grade. We were doing a lab where we had to burn food to see how many calories were in it so it smelled really bad. I was trying to put the peanut on this rusty pin and it slipped and I put my finger on the pin instead. It hurt and was bleeding a lot so I told my teacher I was going to the nurse. I got down, washed it out and then went back to the classroom. When I got back i felt super dizzy, party because of the horrible smell and partly because of the pain and bleeding in my finger. I sat down while my teacher was talking to another student, waiting to ask if I could go to the nurse again. Next thing I knew, she was looking over me and said "Did you just faint" I was pretty much lying on her feet on the ground all groggy and said yes, so she told me to go back to the nurse and people came with me so I wouldn't faint again.

The third time was when I was going into 10th grade.... actually it was last summer. I was watching TV and I got up to get something from the top drawer in the kitchen. I got up fast and went to reach my arms up to the drawer and I fell back onto the trash bag on the florr that was ready to go out. My vision went all black and everything around me became loud sounding. Next thing I knew my mom was standing over me asking what had happened.

So that is pretty much it.

I've never fainted but I have come close to it just the once.

I was back in year 11 and it was the semi finals for debating. I had the flu at the time and wasn't feeling the best. I just remember trying to stumble through my speech and it was like everything was getting foggy. I felt like someone had put something over my ears that was making a rustling sound so I couldn't hear properly. My thought processes seemed really slow and I knew something wasn't right and I just kept saying "I'm sorry". At some point my debating teacher got up and forced me to sit down and dragged me outsite, head down.

We lost the debate but only by two points and it was my fault. I always felt bad about it because at the time I wasn't as strong 3rd speaker as I had been previously and then I had a near-fainting episode. :furawatchi: It goes without saying that I didn't return to the team the following year!

i have never fainted but i nearly did.

i was playing this game and it was like 34 degrees and i was boiling hot.Then near the end i started to feel dizzy and was swaying a bit.But then the bell rang and the classroom was really cool so i felt better in a few minutes.

I've fainted before because of the heat. It went on for 7 seconds.

And then there was the time I was in a coma for a day after falling off my horse when I was galloping *shudder*

So yeah, I've fainted.

I have never fainted... I don't have problems with people blood... but I once saw a whale being caught and cut up and all that and I felt sick and nearly cried.

My Nan lives with us and my dog jumped on her and cut her leg and it was beeding everywhere but I was OK with it... I was more worried about her then the blood.

I've fainted twice, and knocked myself out once.

I fainted in 10th grade in my art class from lack of food, and another time when I was really young from having blood drawn.

I knocked myself out in the 'hospital' by slamming my head against the floor.

I have never fainted... I don't have problems with people blood... but I once saw a whale being caught and cut up and all that and I felt sick and nearly cried.
My Nan lives with us and my dog jumped on her and cut her leg and it was beeding everywhere but I was OK with it... I was more worried about her then the blood.
Sometimes it's the blood loss that makes people faint. Like my mum once fainted because my cat jumped on her head and clawed and bit into it, and mum fainted because of the blood loss. Dad wasn't there, so i had to call 000 (my only time, thank god) and the ambulance came and by then mum was up and drinking some water.

Yes, whaling is sick and horrible.

Yeah Ick... I don't like seeing bloody tissues spread out across the floor but I can live with seeing it once in a while.

Oh well Back on topic I have never fainted or knocked myself out...

I have never fainted or gone unconsious etc.. And I don't plan to.


Edit: Wait, I remember once I fainted when I was in Grade 3.

I went sledding on the hill near my school, and when I was walking up the hill someone went down really fast and whammed into me.. The next thing knew, I was in my classroom and my teacher said I looked green and I should go home.

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Yea, I have abnormally low blood preasure says my brother who is an EMT. So when I cut my finger and lost just a little blood I fainted. It's not the sight of blood, just the blood loss. It is a surprise I didn't faint when I cut open a part of my hand with an Xacto knife. Eeck, that hurt.

u people r so lucky,i wish i could faint when im tired so i dont have to waste time trying to fall asleep^^

Haha, it's not all that fun, and you wake up, you don't stay alseep. Plus it makes your hands clamy and sometimes you get a headache. And i got a bruise on my face once from landing on it.

Haha, it's not all that fun, and you wake up, you don't stay alseep. Plus it makes your hands clamy and sometimes you get a headache. And i got a bruise on my face once from landing on it.
hey id rather get a bruise than kill time trying to fall asleep

Beleive me, it's hard to fall asleep with a headache and also, you wake up. Unless of course you go into a comma wich is different than fainting but much more serious.

It's is not exactly what i would call being lucky about. Or fun. And sleeping doesn't kill time. WHOO sleeping is fun!! Haha, random bombasting.... again with that cool word!! *.-

Yes, I have fainted and have felt faint very often.

It happens when I think of shots and blood, etc.

But the one time I passed out was in 4th grade. It was during the puberty assembly. I started feeling light-headed and pale. I started to sweat so uncontrolably that I was shivering because I was cold. Then bam, I was sent to a place where everything was pitch black. It felt so good, though. I assume it was only for a few seconds, because my head landed on my friend's arm and she moved it and I woke up. It was very scary though.

Here's a tip: After feeling faint or fainting, eat calories. Examples are candy, ice cream, stuff that has sugar in it so you will be able to gain energy. Oh, and don't forget water! It keeps you hydrated.

Often I'd become faint during fishing, because of the intense heat. Or if I got the hook stuck in my finger, then I'd get a bit queezy.

o that reminds me,one time i was sitting and i started to sweat uncontrolably,my face,legs,every part of my body was sweaty and then i felt light headed and nasiuos(sp?)i started to get a stomach ache and then i just closed my eyes and a friend gave my a cookie and i felt way better when i ate the cookie,idk,i was freaked out and i was paniking

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