Have Bandai just gone too far?


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I just started my 2nd generation of the V5, and I do have to admit, it's a little easier to feel responsible for the 2nd generation. Maybe 1st generation is a little strange, but my 2nd gen is so cute... maybe I see what Bandai was going for now. How many generations can you have? Infinite? Anybody got a really high number?
On my v1 I got to 104th Generation (though the generation counter on any Tamagotchi from v1-v5.5 will only go up to 99th Generation). It's because of this that I got a bit stressed about keeping my Tamagotchi alive (though pretty much all the Connexions are pretty easy to keep alive) and when that one showed the low battery sign, I took out the battery for good. I was also running my v5 at the time, so I just kept looking after that one. And then a few months later, I stopped. Why? Because it was getting boring- I'd raised around 17 generations by that time.

It might not have been as bad if I was running another Tamagotchi simultaneously, but I wasn't, not after taking the battery out of my v1 anyway. Unless it's in the baby stage, the v5 will lose a heart every hour exactly and poop every two hours exactly (if I remember correctly and I might be a bit off there).

Somehow or other, I could raise 104 generations on my v1 and not get bored (or 103 if you don't count the most recent one- it's an unmarried Tamagotchi that just evolved into a Kuchipatchi if I remember correctly). And yet I could only raise around 12-15 generations on my v5 before getting really bored (the last few generations I raised were painfully boring). What is it that kept me going on the v1? Is it that it's harder to determine what it's going to evolve into? Even though there are far fewer characters on the v1 than on the v5, you can't determine exactly what it's going to evolve into. On the v5 and v5.5 you can. If you know you've used mostly one type of item and you've got your bonding percentage in a certain range, then you will know what your character(s) will evolve into. (The third child often isn't as predictable though.)

I find it kind of boring but I love it a lot more than some tamagotchis that keep track of your tamagotchi's weight.

I always have to play with it during class to keep its weight down. I just feed my tamagotchis on the v5, flush it's poop and stick it right in my pocket again.

Honestly, I thought Bandai went too far with the V4 even, but this is worse. Bonding points, dating, traveling... dear lord. I always belived that the Tamagotchi was a virtual PET. Now, with the removal of the 'weight' and the unchangable family name, it feels as if you are controlling a family, rather than actually raising a pet. It defeats the purpose of a virtual PET. The simple, enjoyable concept of feeding and caring for a virtual critter has been blown out of proportion as Bandai crams more and more gagetry into the Tamagotchi, in an attempt to increase its popularity and generate sales.

Oh to heck with it. The V5 is just a grab for cash. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and find my V1...or better yet, my Gen1.

Please note: this is just a rant - no personal offense is intended, and I do respect your views. This is just an expression of mine.

I got so bored of the V5. I bought 2 of them, only to find they were absolutely boring and a waste of money. Thats why I got out my V4s and V4.5 and used the V5s's batteries for them.

I should have just bought another V4.

I don't like the whole "family" thing either, I liked it when there was just one tamagotchi on the screen.

And we couldn't name the individual characters, I thought you would be able to when I first got it.

Lame games, no Mail feature, no school or jobs. Just boring Bondings, TV channels and only connection with other V5's.

The V5 was a big disappointment for me.

Really? Well, I don't have a V5. (Wish I did, though)

So, you're saying that the adding of "family" makes it more bori----------wait a sec? ONLY connections with other V5s? No weight? Can not change family name? What the?

Wow, Bandai.

But then again, I don't really know much about the V5 Tamagotchi. Could someone PM me about it?


Yes, i like only the v2s and v3s. Serisly 3 tamas in 1 tamagotchi? whats wrong with bandi?

If anything they went to far on the Tamagotchi Color. I simply thinks it takes the fun out of it. but since the topic is about the v5 , then I say no. They didn't go to far. Infact , I find older versions to be more fun! ...oooh... Now I see. yes! They did go to far. The reason it's boring is because they rushed into it an didn't take their time like they did the v4 and v3. Pppftt.


No offense to any V5 lover...but..

V5 sucks eggs, total waste of money as far as I say.

the regualr ione are waaay better then the family

its boring and I agree a TOTAL WASTE of money

good thing i only got 1 I'm still going to take care of it until it runs out of

battery again, its difficult to bond with them and I dont care for the games either,

its not simple or complex id rather it be one of those but it's neutral

boring. unexciting. sorry but this is my opinion.

Totally disappointment then how everyone was hyped up for it a few months or so ago. :unsure: :kuribotchi: :unsure: :huh: :)

Yes, I do agree, although Dating show on Tamagotchi is fun for some ages, there are a lot of little children wh will buy v5 that could be, what? Only like 6-7 yrs old. Things like that are a bit too mature so Bandai should be careful. ;)

Some features can be interesting but Bandai should be aware that although their ideas can be good, "good" must apply for the young kids too. ;)

i myself owning a v5 and v5.5 do miss the mail and jobs! im not a big fan of bonding rather but i still enjoy it! its a great tam to get high gens on because it has gens faster! but im glad the music star tama has no bonding and mail back!!

Have Bandai Gone Mad on The V5?
I mean 3 Characters? Dating show?

It's Just gets so boring! You Can't even Change the Family Name!
I guess your right. I even took the battery out of mine when my other v3 needed one. The games are boring, the lighting is horible, but, the 3 characters arnt that bad. They are all alike so it is like taking care of one

I never actually got a chance to play with it. My friend has V.5. Honestly is sounds boring because I here the games are 'baby-ish'. Well I think I would prefer the V.4 or V4.5.

But hey, who am I to say anything.. I never actually played it.

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the thing thats really dumb is that it says on the cemertial,''you can rais 3 tamas at once'', you can only see 3 charecters...and when you eat or something, only one tama gets to eat. ^_^

its fine too me i had fun till i drowned it in a cup ^_^

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I dont like the V5 because they JUST realeased the V4.5 like 4 months ago!!!

when i got on 10th generation it got boring.

I think its CRAP!!!

the V1 are better lol

I wouldn't say I [SIZE=21pt]HATE[/SIZE] it,I just think it gets boring.I want the music star now!

Yeh. That's The Whole Point. You Can't Change Your Family Name, Can You? Exactley :huh: Btw I Agree, Music Stars Rock :( :p :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

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