I wouldn't call it bullying or anything like that, but I am always teased for things I like, how I dress, what I draw, etc. I guess you could say that I'm an "outcast" in my school because I don't wear make-up like 95% of the girls in my school do, I read manga and watch anime (really, is that such a crime?), I actually have my own style unlike the typical girls in my school, and I draw things that look "goth." (

I draw happy things, lol. It might be because I add a lot of shading to most of my drawings. >.<
So people find ways to tease me all the time, but, since I'm quiet in class, people find it so weird that I actually stick up for myself when they do so. xD It's mad funny.
I find bullying so pointless and stupid. Especially when it's a group picking on 1 person, or some huge person on a wimpy kid. I mean, how much of a b*tch (sorry, that's the only word I can use for this) can you be that you have to, a. pick on someone smaller than you, and b. pick on someone when you're in a group? That just screams to me that you're a punk and you're insecure about yourself. They find it cool, but people with sense find that you're a punk. >.<
Things I hate that bullies say:
1. You're fat. PEOPLE CAN'T ALWAYS CONTROL THAT, YA KNOW? It's passed through genes, morons. And when you say it to a girl, that makes me even more p*ssed. Women have more trouble losing weight then men do, so shut it! -.-
2. Racist "jokes." THEY'RE NOT FUNNY. It REALLY ticks me off when a black person calls someone who's white a "cracker." Okay, so in America you got your Civil Rights and now you're throwing the racists words around to any white person you see? Own up and show white people that you're better then they were back then. -.- It ALSO ticks me off when black people say "Niger, or, Niga!" You're saying that to another black person which means you're calling your "homie" a racist name. AND HALF OF THEM DON'T REALIZE IT. Also jokes against Hispanic's and Latino's; not funny. In America, some of you may know, we have an "immigration problem (or whatever you wanna call it)," and people call Mexicans some ugly names and make stupid statements. It pisses me off. >.< There's this kid in my class and he's Mexican, and kids ALWAYS make fun of him... He always laughs it off, but you can tell that he's upset about it.
3. Sexist "jokes." I hate when genders feel they are superior over the other. It's not true. It mostly happens where the male gender feels they have more power over the female gender. NOT TRUE. And it's so disgusting. I mean, go scr*w yourself if you feel that way. >.<
so many racist jokes against Asian's in this thread. >.<