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Ho hum... recalling my YEARS of bullying would take twelve pages.

In short...

Two girls were in my same class from pre-k to 5th grade, then a third came along in 4th grade, and I didnt see the end of it until i went to a MUCH better school. Elementary school at PS191 SUCKED!

Well, I used to be untill I beat this one kid up becuase he said I was a little weakling and the bullies stopped being mean.

Oh geez I get bullied a lot :/

I'm Asian so yeah I get called a ***** and told to open my eyes which I don't really get because I don't have monolids..?

And these girls thought I was trying to be Mexican because of how I talk I guess hahaha. They talked to me quite a bit.

Since I'm a freshman all these super cool kids mainly sophomores and juniors are just like oh you're small I guess I'll make fun of you. Just today I was walking with my friends and this guy came up to me and yelled in my face how he got a permit and how tiny I was and I was like, "Don't talk to me, fish."

I'm 4'10 so yeah that's pretty short which is another reason people make fun -___- And I've had so many problems with pervs it gets annoying but I get over it.

This wouldn't be a bump, would it? IhopenotthistopicmakesmefeelbetteraboutbeingavictimXD

I was sitting alone on the bus just approximately 40 minutes ago and some boys who were sitting behind me kept making ugh...do I have to say it? Fine. sexualremarks about me and just in general. becauseimwaytoobiginmybrasizetobetwelveXD and then they just made fun of me in general. Not with racism or anyhting super offensive, but just saying I'm fat and emo. The emo part is kind of true (there's no cutting involved.) and I just have a big build!!! I just ignored them the whole time and sometimes I would hit the seat behind me really hard, but the seats on my bus could survive a tornado oAo

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I have been bullied since Kindergarten. For one thing. My size.

Unlike xxxkiroxxx, I'm older, (not going to put my age) and flat. I'm also extrememly short for my age, and underweight. (Not anorexic.)

I get bullied terribly for it. It sucks. -__-

well, it isn't exactly bullying. But people think I am weird and exclude me.

- When I make a suggestion that seems a bit weird people just look as me as if though I'm weird and walk away

- when I make a GOOD suggeston, they ignore me completely and get on with their own ideas.

- No-one really gives me a turn because my social ranking isn't high enough (well, people don't like me for some reason) and/or they think I am a weakling.

- Some people have been racist when I was year six because I am asian.

Thursday i think i bullied someone my friends were facing off in a board game and she cheering for her friend, her hands were on my other friends shoulders and she started jumping up and down, because my best friend won. i started telling her to stop and she stops but like half a second to late. then i started to yell at her and i got up and started to boil over and a threw a tishu box at her and she threw it back at me harder and then i charged at her she ran and i cornered her so she picked up a chair and held it out in front of me. i ripped it out of her hands and stabbed her with the leg of the chair (only lightly) then i yelled at her "get your ugly face out of my site before i smash you!" and i amm a black belt in takeondo so i felt kinda bad afterward when she went in the bathroom crying.

as a result of that incident i got suspended for 5 days and the 5 days start tommorow so im not going to school for 5 days. i was PMS'ing at the time so i dont beat up people. please dont hate on me i am a really nice person when im not PMS'ing plus my mom is getting me pills to help with my PMS hopefully this wont happen again!!!

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Yes. I'm one of the few people my age who doesn't view the 1980s as some kind of golden age because I was going to school at the time and school was, to put it bluntly, a living hell.

I got it at school not just the students but some of the teachers seemed to love to humiliate me as well. I got it at home ( thanks dad ). I was almost drowned at one point. run down by a car at another.

As a result I have depression, anxiety and trust issues and tend to avoid social situations like the plague. I like dogs ( both the flesh and blood and electronic kind ) better than people. I just prefer to keep to myself these days.

Bullying is becoming more and more common these days. I don't think I haven't met someone who has been bullied horribly about something at least once in their lives. I was bullied when I was younger, although it was verbal name calling, etc. It seems to me that the people who get the most bullying done to them are the "larger" kids. I know it happened/happens to me a lot. I'm a fat kid, yeah and I'll admit it, but some people can be so cruel, saying that I don't deserve to live, and nobody loves me. I also think that bullying at home is becoming more of a problem, too. I am still bullied (physically and verbally) by my sister on almost a daily basis. I know bullying is never going to stop, but I really think that schools and parents should not necessarily "crack down", but perhaps find counseling for the bullies AND the victims?

I'm somewhat ashamed of myself; I get bullied by younger children. Usually only by months, but still.

Mostly because I have a crush on a fictional character [ubuu~], I like oldies music, and the fact I'm very much a hipster. Everyone just thinks I'm so stange xD

But there's also this kid in my class that everyone thinks likes me. In reality we are mortal enemies and no-one respects that. Not even my best friend :<

And most of my own friends are extremely strange. They say 'OH TWO WRONGS DONT MAKE A RIGHT LOLOL!!!' but they don't follow this rule themselves.

Example. The other day I scoffed at my friend because she said 'oh, standing in the middle of the soccer pitch is fun, you get to see all the action' and she got hit with the soccer ball. She then began yelling profanity at me. Because I was right.

* I'm lucky I'm Chinese. Many of the kids in my school are asian so I'm not usually picked on for that.

** In the younger grades (K-4) I was bullied constantly. I suppose it was because I was weird, or because I looked like a boy. Or maybe I was an easy target [i cried a lot but more at home rather than at school].

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I've been really shy from day 1, so I guess I was an easy target. People always picked on me through school and I never had the guts to say anything back. It got really bad when I was around 12-13 so I just used to cry all the time, but then I realised that crying wasn't going to get me anywhere. It was only going to make the bully feel better about themselves, so I toughened up a bit and forced myself not to cry even though I wanted to, and eventually things eased up because I stopped giving reactions and just sat in my seat with a blank expression on my face. They got bored of me after I'd been doing that for long enough, and now I'm much stronger. :D

... I cry all the time. In the bathroom at school, outside by myself, in my room with the door locked. I get bullied alot, so my grandparents and I went to school to tell the principal and they were going to do a bully investigation but noone bullied me for a few weeks so it was cancelled, but then it started again. Now everyones saying that what they did too me and turning it around and saying I did it too them. Plus my life sucks.

in 7th grade ( I have like 8 days left) Kids Have been telling to shut up and some of my old friends don't even like me anymore .It sucks :(

I was made fun of a fair bit in Primary School, usually because of my appearance. I was that tall, thin kid with zits who was pretty much the teacher's pet and whose best friend was a dinosaur loving freak. I remember on a few occasions people would come up to me and ask me if I had heard of all these skin care products and crap, it hurt a lot. I got through it all pretty easy though, and never took it way too close to heart.

Now I don't get bullied in reality, but on my Formspring I often get anonymous abuse messages.

Bullies only bully because they're not content with their own lives, always remember that. :)

I wouldn't call it bullying or anything like that, but I am always teased for things I like, how I dress, what I draw, etc. I guess you could say that I'm an "outcast" in my school because I don't wear make-up like 95% of the girls in my school do, I read manga and watch anime (really, is that such a crime?), I actually have my own style unlike the typical girls in my school, and I draw things that look "goth." (o_O I draw happy things, lol. It might be because I add a lot of shading to most of my drawings. >.<)

So people find ways to tease me all the time, but, since I'm quiet in class, people find it so weird that I actually stick up for myself when they do so. xD It's mad funny.

I find bullying so pointless and stupid. Especially when it's a group picking on 1 person, or some huge person on a wimpy kid. I mean, how much of a b*tch (sorry, that's the only word I can use for this) can you be that you have to, a. pick on someone smaller than you, and b. pick on someone when you're in a group? That just screams to me that you're a punk and you're insecure about yourself. They find it cool, but people with sense find that you're a punk. >.<

Things I hate that bullies say:

1. You're fat. PEOPLE CAN'T ALWAYS CONTROL THAT, YA KNOW? It's passed through genes, morons. And when you say it to a girl, that makes me even more p*ssed. Women have more trouble losing weight then men do, so shut it! -.-

2. Racist "jokes." THEY'RE NOT FUNNY. It REALLY ticks me off when a black person calls someone who's white a "cracker." Okay, so in America you got your Civil Rights and now you're throwing the racists words around to any white person you see? Own up and show white people that you're better then they were back then. -.- It ALSO ticks me off when black people say "Niger, or, Niga!" You're saying that to another black person which means you're calling your "homie" a racist name. AND HALF OF THEM DON'T REALIZE IT. Also jokes against Hispanic's and Latino's; not funny. In America, some of you may know, we have an "immigration problem (or whatever you wanna call it)," and people call Mexicans some ugly names and make stupid statements. It pisses me off. >.< There's this kid in my class and he's Mexican, and kids ALWAYS make fun of him... He always laughs it off, but you can tell that he's upset about it.

3. Sexist "jokes." I hate when genders feel they are superior over the other. It's not true. It mostly happens where the male gender feels they have more power over the female gender. NOT TRUE. And it's so disgusting. I mean, go scr*w yourself if you feel that way. >.<


so many racist jokes against Asian's in this thread. >.<

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Every so often they'd push me past my limits. I once picked up my desk and chucked it at one of my tormentors. They kind of backed off after that. Too bad it was only temporary. My problem then is the same problem I have now, I'm afraid to hurt people even people who are picking at me. In a fight I don't give it everything I got because I'm afraid I might go too far so I usually end up losing.

My school life really does suck. I'm constantly bullied every single day. I've taken it further to the school and even to the social authorities, but nothing has been done.

I'm being bullied both physically and emotionally.

For starters, I am going to explain why people pick on me.

1) I can't walk, I have cerebal palsy so I can't walk at all.

2) I have asperger's syndrome.

3) I admit it. I'm gay.

For those 3 reasons I am constantly verbally and to a lesser extent, physically abused.

It's been like it ever since I started at primary school. It wasn't really bullying in the first few years of my school life, more so curiosity. The children would stare at me like I'm an alien. I couldn't stand it, so I would look away and not pay any attention in class. This hit me hard and I'm a very low level student.

The proper bullying started when I was around 7. This boy who was 11 at the time was constantly asking me questions about why I'm in a wheelchair. I told him that it was none of his business and he should leave me alone. He shouted at me every day and it got worse and worse until one day when he told me to get up and walk. He dragged me out of my wheelchair and kicked me really hard. He was suspended from school for the rest of the year. He killed himself a few years ago over drug insanity or something like that.

After that incident, I was placed into special school for the rest of my primary school life. No problems there.

I'm now in a mainstream high school and the problems are back again. People call me an Aspie, a mannequin and an Irish *censored*er. (I'm Irish.) I don't get on with any of the children except my boyfriend Sam. He's just about the only person in real life I trust.

I get loads of hate-mail and abusive messages every day on my facebook. I've shown the messages to the school but they've done nothing about it. There's no physical abuse right now, it's verbal, sexual and internet.

Since I have aspergers, I have to work with this woman every day. She constantly makes fun of me and picks on me. I don't want to go into details about what she says.

In a nutshell, my life at school is dreadful. My mum is thinking about home schooling me. I think that would immensely help my education in the long run, and my mental health.

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I'm not absolutely sure but I think people (behind my back) think i'm 'That weirdo who is always reading'.

My school life really does suck. I'm constantly bullied every single day. I've taken it further to the school and even to the social authorities, but nothing has been done.

I'm being bullied both physically and emotionally.

For starters, I am going to explain why people pick on me.

1) I can't walk, I have cerebal palsy so I can't walk at all.

2) I have asperger's syndrome.

3) I admit it. I'm gay.

For those 3 reasons I am constantly verbally and to a lesser extent, physically abused.

It's been like it ever since I started at primary school. It wasn't really bullying in the first few years of my school life, more so curiosity. The children would stare at me like I'm an alien. I couldn't stand it, so I would look away and not pay any attention in class. This hit me hard and I'm a very low level student.

The proper bullying started when I was around 7. This boy who was 11 at the time was constantly asking me questions about why I'm in a wheelchair. I told him that it was none of his business and he should leave me alone. He shouted at me every day and it got worse and worse until one day when he told me to get up and walk. He dragged me out of my wheelchair and kicked me really hard. He was suspended from school for the rest of the year. He killed himself a few years ago over drug insanity or something like that.

After that incident, I was placed into special school for the rest of my primary school life. No problems there.

I'm now in a mainstream high school and the problems are back again. People call me an Aspie, a mannequin and an Irish *censored*er. (I'm Irish.) I don't get on with any of the children except my boyfriend Sam. He's just about the only person in real life I trust.

I get loads of hate-mail and abusive messages every day on my facebook. I've shown the messages to the school but they've done nothing about it. There's no physical abuse right now, it's verbal, sexual and internet.

Since I have aspergers, I have to work with this woman every day. She constantly makes fun of me and picks on me. I don't want to go into details about what she says.

In a nutshell, my life at school is dreadful. My mum is thinking about home schooling me. I think that would immensely help my education in the long run, and my mental health.
Wow. Seriously, if you're getting picked on by your worker you seriously need to talk to your parents. Here that kind of thing would get you fired.

I was made fun of a fair bit in Primary School, usually because of my appearance. I was that tall, thin kid with zits who was pretty much the teacher's pet and whose best friend was a dinosaur loving freak. I remember on a few occasions people would come up to me and ask me if I had heard of all these skin care products and crap, it hurt a lot. I got through it all pretty easy though, and never took it way too close to heart.

Now I don't get bullied in reality, but on my Formspring I often get anonymous abuse messages.

Bullies only bully because they're not content with their own lives, always remember that. :)
Or because I'm bored.

Yeah, I was bullied in 6th grade. A few boys in my class used to tease me because when I smile I get these wrinkles under my eyes and I guess I just look like a rat. :rolleyes: I don't think they really meant it though, they said they were "just joking", but saying my face is as ugly as a rat... I don't know, that still gets to me.

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