Hand Sweat


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
My hands sweat all the time and it's really starting to bug me when I have to hold somebody's hand or something. Is there a special cream or something that can help me?


My only suggestion is to be all like, "Hold on. *wipes hand on pants* Okay!".

But then again, I am really practical. I don't know of any creams to use, sorry. xD

lol! xD

That's what I do, but whenever I get my hands on something they start sweating. I tried searching on google for a possible solution, and all they recommended was chest surgery... *shivers*

There's this product named 'Dry Grip' you can buy it online, tennis players (like you!) carry it around. Or it could be a possibility of low iron, iron is found in meat and vegetables. Maybe you want to check with your doctor, if it is getting extremely sweaty.

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Luckily I've never had sweaty hands.

I've heard that people's hands sweat when they are nervous. Maybe you're under some stress/pressure?

Good luck!

Tina - Could I buy it in a store, such as Wal-mart, Target, Khol's, etc.? My parents won't let me get anything online.

Snowy - Ehh... maybe a teensy bit. But then again I always am. I always have to be some where, some time, doing something... But not anything like "OMG I'm going to fail school" or "I'm going to die". Maybe a few things I have to do for school, what I'm going to wear, and if I should ask the boy of my dreams out... but that's all, nothing major.

Thanks everyone. :)

It may not seem like much but lots of little things can add up to a big thing...

My friend Gina has very sweaty hands but she has an odd method of fixing it. She wraps some clingfilm/gladwrap round her hands and leaves it for a few minutes. Then she takes it off, puts some talc powder on her hands and they don't sweat for a short amount of time, say about 1-2 hours. Re-apply as necessary.

Tina - Could I buy it in a store, such as Wal-mart, Target, Khol's, etc.? My parents won't let me get anything online.Snowy - Ehh... maybe a teensy bit. But then again I always am. I always have to be some where, some time, doing something... But not anything like "OMG I'm going to fail school" or "I'm going to die". Maybe a few things I have to do for school, what I'm going to wear, and if I should ask the boy of my dreams out... but that's all, nothing major.

Thanks everyone. :)
Let me see if you can buy it at stores.

meowbark - I was thinking of trying that! xD

Snowy - Heh, that's weird. What's talc powder? Sorry, I'm kinda dumb...

Talc powder is a sort of baby powder. It is also called Talcum powder. It's non-perscription so you can buy it at Woolworths, Coles, or any chemist.

Baby powder will work as well! =]

I don't think you can buy the products in stores, try asking your mom to buy it for you for lets just say sports!

Put Deodarent on your hands!
That's actually a tip I reccomend, Believe it or Not.

I've tried it, and it works. It also makes them super-soft. :ph34r:

And try rubbing your hands with Baby Powder.

Talc is known to absorb excess oils/moiusture in the skin.


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