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That's nice :) My exams start from Friday, so I'm going crazy with work right now :/

"Well, I for one think you look like a handsome rockstar. And I guarantee I'm not the only one. I saw girls watching you while we were at the airport," Angie replied, adamant that he would accept her point. "Besides, I don't see why what anybody else thinks of you should be a problem. I'm in love with you, I hope that's enough." She smiled up at him and asked, "Well, you're the newer one to London, what would you prefer to see first?"

Brandon got up and then made his way to the water, kicking off his flip flops before he set off for the edge, in no hurry. He watched as she jumped in and as he neared, he saw that he expression said that the water was cold. He wouldn't feel it, of course, that was a bonus. He dived in and then just kept swimming underneath for a while, using the fact that breathing was unnecessary to his advantage before surfacing behind her.

Evander, on the other hand, didn't really mind that he would never have another child of his own. He had come to accept that centuries ago, and the fact of the matter was, it didn't matter to him either. If he'd never had a child in his human lifetime, and he had died childless, he wouldn't have minded. Prudence needed not feel guilty, for he was quite content with what he had. He wasn't sure that he would want a child if he was able, anyway.

Good luck!! =D I believe in you!

Mikey rolled his eyes and gave Angie a kiss, then hugged her tightly. "I swear, I love you so much, and the fact that you love me makes me the happiest guy in the world. And those girls, well, I didn't even notice them. I was too busy making sure no other guy would try and steal you up. I'd have to beat him down if he tried, you know."

Sadie looked around, unable to see Brandon while he was under the water. She gasped and spun around when he surfaced behind her, then threw her arms around him. "I was wondering where you'd gone off to," she told him, giving him a brief kiss. "So now that we're in here, what do we do?"

Prudence smiled as Cosette began to babble at the pair, as if they could understand what she said. Of course, the words mama and dada popped up every once in a while, which made Prudence's smile widen quite a bit. "Well! She's started talking," Prudence exclaimed, tickling the baby gently. "She's so precious!"

Thanks :) They're mocks, so not the real things (though Friday's exam is) but still important. I think I'll do okay, though. I hope so, anyway :3

"I know you didn't, but I did, because I wanted them to stop staring at my man!" Angie giggled, squeezing his rear before smiling widely at him and giving him a kiss. "They have no right, and I was so busy watching them that I didn't notice any other guy. Besides, I have eyes only for you."

Brandon smiled his crooked smile and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I assume that because we are in water, we shall swim. Oh, and, you'll get cold if you touch me for too long in the cold water," he said with a chuckle, returning her kiss.

Evander smiled when the words 'mama' and 'dada' came out of Cosette's mouth. The babbling just kept coming, and when she stopped and just looked at him he said, "That's a mighty fine story you've got there, the whole world's gotta know this one!" He chuckled and she giggled as well, clapping her hands together excitedly at his happy reaction.

I think you'll do well too! what kinds of exams do you have to take?

Mikey said, "Well, then, I'm glad that neither of us were looking at members of the opposite sex! Because there would have been some crazy awkwardness going on there. Still, I bet when the girls saw you on my arm, they realized they had no chance. Seeing as you're my girl." He smiled and kissed her back, tensing up at the feeling of being groped. Not a bad thing, of course!

Sadie said, "You're warmer than the water is, though!" And after she'd said that, she clung to him even tighter. "This water's like ice, and you're more like... a rock or something! No offense, you know what I mean." She buried her face in his chest and said, "Can you carry me?"

Prudence tousled the girl's hair, then smiled at Evander. "She's quite the storyteller, isn't she," Prudence exclaimed, her smile widening. Then she looked at Cosette and added, "You're so very smart! How about you tell me something too!" With that, Cosette was off again, babbling wildly, her voice getting louder and louder as she talked, until she ended her story by bursting into contagious laughter.

GCSE qualification exams. They're really important for job applications and university.

"And I don't see why on earth I should want to look at anybody else," Angie added with a smile. She then giggled and said, "Oh, please, I'm sure they were thinking, 'he can do better than her!'."

"Really? I can't tell," Brandon chuckled, apparently happy at the thought of being of assistance to her once again, holding her more tightly. He then nodded and said, "Alright, of course I can. Where to, love?"

"She definitely is," Evander agreed with a beaming smile, waiting for Cosette's next story to begin. When the babbling ended, and the laughing that had been caught by all of them had subsided he said, "that was even better than the first one. We'll make a writer or an actress out of you yet!"

Oh, I see! Well then, extra good luck for you!

"If they thought that, then they are pigheaded idiots who don't know their own flaws. They much be conceited, for sure! Not like you, though. You're so modest about how amazing you are, so humble. Which makes you even more beautiful." He smiled then squeezed her rear in response to her doing it first. Then, he gave her a kiss, before leading her out of the hotel room. "How about we get some food to start?"

Sadie jumped into his arms so he held her bridal style, then made a face of mock thoughtfulness. "Well, let's see... I could be cruel, and tell you to carry me all the way home. But that would cut our picnic short! I could be very kind, and ask you to put me down now, but where's the fun in that? I guess... well, anywhere is fine by me!" She laughed, tilting her head back so her hair was swept by the waves.

Prudence took Cosette into her arms, nuzzling her and planting kisses all over her, which resulted in more giggling and babbling from the baby. Prudence couldn't help smiling, then started singing to the baby, a soft, happy song, not quite a lullaby. It was more like a story, a folk song.

Thanks :)

Well, I was going to go downstairs to watch The Apprentice but my parents are fighting :S

"Modest, or that I don't really believe it, but I am glad that you think so highly of me," Angie chuckled, returning his kiss and giggling when he returned her previous action, before holding his hand tightly as they went out of the room. She walked close to his side, always wanting to be as near to him as possible. "Food sounds really good right now, actually." She hadn't even realised that she was hungry until he mentioned it.

Brandon smiled and then just took an aimless direction in which to walk in with her in his arms, with no sense of where to go, or how far. Journeys like that, however small, were always the most interesting, in his opinion. He continued through the water, sometimes feeling himself having to swim just slightly, and sometimes feeling the water drop where a mound of sand had built up, humming to himself as they went along.

Evander tucked an arm around Prudence's shoulders hand listened just as intently as Cosette was. Cosette already loved and was well accustomed to music, at least one of her parents was usually singing at some time of day, and she liked to listen. It was a funny sort of sound to hear somebody different, but she liked Prudence's voice all the same.

Oh no! Is everything worked out now?

I'm sorry, I'm not feeling good, so I'll post post soon

Well, I don't know, it's about how much my mum's working again, and my dad's just trying to tell her that she needs to take more note of it, but she just doesn't even realise she's doing it.

Okay! Hope you feel better soon <3

I felt completely disgusting. I had a huge headache, and was super nauseous. Today, I'm feeling much better! :)

D: That's not good. Does she work a lot?

Mikey gave Angie's hand a squeeze when they got out onto the sidewalk, and said to her, "Let's see... Do you know if there are any good places nearby, or not?" He looked around, obviously not super familiar with London at all. He still forgot sometimes about driving on the left side of the road. He was used to driving on the right side, of course. And he didn't like having to transfer money into different currencies, he always got mixed up on who used what. But oh well, Angie would keep him focused.

Sadie traced lines on Brandon's chest with her fingertips, then started singing raucously, tilting her head back with a huge grin on her face. "Isn't this awesome?" Sadie crowed, moving her head to give Brandon a passionate kiss while they were still in the water. "You're like my knight in shining armor. Minus the armor and a shirt, which is definitely alright by me."

Prudence smiled at Cosette and said, "And when your baby brother arrives, your parents are going to be soooo happy! Although, they won't really find out anything for a while. But is it my job to tell? No! But Your little brother is in your mommy right now, and she'll figure it all out very soon. And then you'll get to be a big sister!"

Oh, that sounds like me last week, it's horrible, isn't it?

She works way too much. Last year she actually left because she was under so much stress, and she's doing it agin now but she just doesn't realise it. ):

Angie said, "I think it's just going to be best to go with the flow and pick somewhere out." She led him down a few streets, taking note of the address of the inn before they left, and eventually they came across somewhere that looked nice. Finding food in London was sometimes surprisingly difficult, so she checked it all out, and she reckoned it looked nice enough for them. They got a table by the window and the waitress handed them some menus.

Brandon smiled widely when she started singing. It was the little things like that that she did that made him smile and made him happy, and he couldn't help but laugh a little bit. It pleased him more than anything that she was enjoying herself so much. He chuckled, "Well, you're my beautiful princess whom I'd risk life and limb for. And I like princesses that come in bikinis."

Evander looked a bit surprised and overjoyed at the same time at the news, as did Blaise from across the room. "Sadie's pregnant again?" he said excitedly, just to clarify, "That's wonderful news."

Oh my gosh. Harry Potter was SOOOO EPIC!

Mikey followed Angie willingly, smiling from ear to ear as he gazed at the buildings and streets and people of London. He couldn't remember a time when he'd traveled that he'd been so happy. Then again, he hadn't been married at those points, and he hadn't been with anyone else for that matter. Once they had reached the restaurant, he held the door open for her, then offered her his arm and led her inside. He looked around with mild curiosity in his eyes, then sat down at a table, but not before pulling Angie's chair out for her.

Sadie corrected him, "No, you like THIS princess in a bikini. Not any of the other princesses, past or present or future. And if I ever think that there's a princess trying to catch your eye, her a** is grass!" Sadie pounded her fist into her palm, then laughed and nuzzled her face into Brandon's neck. "I know you'd never look at another woman, though."

Prudence said, "Yes! I'm not exactly surprised, I knew it would happen, I just didn't know when. But you can't tell them, okay? I want them to figure it out on their own, and right now isn't the right time to tell them, anyway."

Really? :) I feel a little out of the loop :/

Angie thanked him as she sat down for pulling her chair out, then flicked through her menu to see what there was to offer that she fancied. She looked up at him and asked him, "Do you know what you're getting?"

"You are quite right," Brandon chuckled, "Excuse my slip of the tongue; you really are the only princess or any other kind of girl for me." He then tightened his arms around her a little bit more with a gentle smile and said, "I love you."

"No, I wasn't planning on telling them. I'm sure Brandon will find out soon. He'd know already if he wasn't blocking her mind from him as he does," Evander said. "I'm just happy for them, and for you, Cosette, you'll make a wonderful big sister."

You NEED to go see it when you can. You'll love it!

Mikey looked at the menu, the choices much different from what he was used to back in the states. He finally chose on fish and chips, feeling that it was the best option for him at that moment. He didn't want to eat completely foreign food right after getting off of a plane. He placed his order and asked for a glass of water. "What are you getting?" He asked Angie.

Sadie stuck her tongue out at him, then chuckled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Brandon," she told him softly, beaming at him with adoration. Once they reached an interesting little pool of seawater, Sadie climbed out of his arms and went to examine the creatures that lived in the water. "Look! An anemone!"

Prudence said, "Now, I can't be sure if she's pregnant right now, or if she will be soon. Sometimes the lines are very fine, which is why I don't want to say anything. All I'm sure about is that it is going to happen."

I'm not so sure. I haven't liked them much since the first two. I haven't even seen the last one. They've lost what thy had when they were small and cute.

I'm really trying to think of something particularly British in terms of food that you wouldn't have.. Er.. Not a lot xD

Angie looked thoughtful for a few moments before she said, "Well.. Okay, I'm going for a shepherd's pie." The waitress took down her order, as well as her request for a glass of wine with her food, and then left them to it. She looked around and stated, "I love how British this is."

Brandon bent down to take a look as well, spotting all sorts of interesting things. At one point he pointed out something that he particularly liked and told her an interesting fact about it that he'd learned from a friend a long time ago [vague, because I don't have enough imagination spare to think of what it could be..]. "We really don't come here enough, I like it a lot."

"Well, I'll just patiently wait for it, then," Evander said, "It's such great news, though, that they can have another baby in time." Truly it was, he knew how much everybody had hoped that something would happen before Sadie turned twenty and therefore became a vampire.

... I disagree. I mean, the sixth and seventh movies are so dark, and emotional, and just..... awesome!

xD I figured as much. Do you have taco bell?

Mikey nodded and said, "It's definitely different from an American restaurant... except for the ones that try to be like British places." He chuckled, then took a sip from his water, then gave a sigh of content. "It's great to be here, especially with you," he added softly, taking her hand from across the table.

Sadie picked up a snail and laughed as it trailed along her hand. "Look! Look!" She crowed, putting it on him, and watching it create a trail of ooze on Brandon's arm. "Isn't that awesome!? It's all squishy and cold and... gross!" She found another snail, and let it glide around her palm.

Prudence beamed and said, "Yes. And after tonight, many things are going to change. Sadie's mortality, the situation with the baby, and... well, a few other things." Her smile softened and she said, "Not all for the better... but mostly okay."

The papers are not agreeing with you, Becca ;]

Nope, we don't, actually.

"It's wonderful to be anywhere with you, you know that," Angie replied, squeezing his hand whilst taking a sip of her wine. "But definitely, already this trip is wonderful. London is beautiful and I'm glad we get to come here together."

Brandon didn't mind the snail being on his arm. The fact that the smallest things made Sadie so happy was enough to make him beam with joy. He chuckled and said, "But I don't think it'd be a very fun life to be a snail. People would just think you're disgusting and either step on you or your house or a bird would eat you and you can't get anywhere very quickly."

"What do you mean?" Evander asked her with a great sense of curiosity.

.... LIES!!!!!! HP 7 WAS AWESOME!!!!!! D:

*sigh* everyone's a critic! xD

And the UK is missing out BIG TIME! Taco Bell is delicious and inexpensive at the same time!

Mikey said, "I'm not that great, but thank you! You know, we're insanely romantic. It's cheesy, but I like it. It gives me a reason to be overly romantic." He chuckled, then thanked the waiter when their food came. "You know, I'm wondering how big the population... like us... is here. I mean, this society is a lot older than American society, you know?"

Sadie said, "That's true, but it's kind of cool to carry your own house on your back. Like a turtle!" She put the snails back in the water, then reached in to pet a starfish that was clinging to a rock that was submerged in the water. "Come feel this, Brandon! It's amazing... I wonder what it would be like to live under the sea sometimes. To be able to breathe under the water, to swim wherever we want. How cool would that be?"

Prudence shook her head and said, "It's not my place to say what will and will not happen. Not all of it concerns Sadie, though, I will tell you that much." She nodded slightly, then went back to playing with Cosette.

I have to wonder about the legitimacy of your opinion if you love Neville so much. Sorry. xD

Well, Mexican isn't so big over here. We have Chiquitos, but often we either have a sandwich in the park or a slightly more expensive sit down meal. It's just the way people like to eat here, I think.

Ahhh, I want to know what's going on! What will happen as a result of the evening's events?!

"You are wonderful, Mikey," Angie protested, "You should stop putting yourself down, I love everything about you." She then moved so that the waiter could give them their food before she contemplated his question. "That's an interesting one. I mean, I'm sure it spread a lot to begin with because they obviously weren't so controllable, whereas by the time they started to go to America, things were more civilised. I imagine the density is much greater than in the US."

Brandon said, "I suppose. But I think it would be cooler to be a real turtle instead." He then reached down to pet the starfish and he smiled. "Well, breathing underwater is great. Or, rather, not having to breathe is great. But living would be an entirely different thing. It would be interesting, amazing, in fact."

"Okay, if you say so. I only wish you hadn't mentioned it so that I wouldn't have to keep on wondering about it now," Evander replied with a humourless chuckle.

Neville's only in it for a couple seconds, actually! xD Which made me sad.

Ahh, I see!

Muahahaha.... well, I haven't got it quite figured out yet. I'll let you know when I do

Mikey chuckled, then started eating some of his food, before contemplating the spread of vampires from Britain to America. "Well, I think I have to agree with you there. But because this is Europe, we have to be careful about vampire hunters. In America, it's easy to go underground because of all the cynicism. But tradition still lives on, especially in some of the more rural areas."

"It must be great, not having to breathe," Sadie mused quietly, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach intensifying just a bit. Soon, she would no longer have to breathe, she would be like Brandon-- eternally. The thought was pleasing, but at the same time it was very daunting. What of she hurt someone? What if she lost the connection she shared with Brandon? What if she hurt Cosette?

Prudence had zoned out a bit, simply murmuring and whispering things to Cosette. She smiled slightly, then nuzzled Cosette's stomach, giggling. "I'm sorry for making you anxious, my dear," she said to Evander, not turning her attention away from the baby.

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