Guitar Hero wii


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
I seen pics of the game so now I wanna know if it's 4 one player because I'm getting it and I wanna play alone. So is it good or what?

It's meant to have a 4 and a half rating out of 5 if you're talking about the ledgend of rock one

You mean Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii? Yeah I like it! It's all single player except for Co-Op,Multiplayer,and Nintendo WFC.

I've tried it before at my friend's house, but I don't have it. It's really fun, but I don't suggest you do it when you just started it and you are dared to do Expert on a song. I had to do that once, and then I died after the first 5 seconds. xDD

There are 2 guitar hero games on wii and all are new Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (spin-off) and Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (proper!) Both are great!

yeah, it's great. I can already play expert, but it takes a LOT of practice if you're not that naturally talented. If you want to get off at a good start, here's some tips.

*Try to get to medium as fast as possible. If you play easy too much then you'll tend to not want to use your pinky later.

*When trying hard and expert, don't try to move your pinky down. Simply move your whole hand down and use your index finger to hit the red and greens.

*Even tho it's not a real guitar, it does help to build calous... lol.

*When first doing online matches start off *unranked* then when you go to *ranked* try it one level *below* what you're used to until you get the hang of the stress of the fact that it's ranked. *note*- ranked matches tend to be harder than unranked, because the people are usually more experienced, but there are occasional begginers...

*Don't overdo it. If you try to hard, you CAN hurt yourself. My brother says he knows someone who broke thier pinky on it before.

*Do yourbest and don't strain yourself mentally. If you can't do a song, you can't do a song. Practice it and work on it, but remeber to takes brakes and just keep it up. There are online tutorials for some expert songs you can find of youtube, but that's just a little too far for you, huh... lol.

oh yeah, and here's my GHII# 03449291315

*This is temari's brother posting on behalf of himself. The owner of this account doesn't know, so shhhhhh*

Anyway, Guitar Hero 3 is a very good game ^_^ My sister probably has it covered on the game play (didn't read her post tbh). But if you have an Xbox 360 or PS3, I would recommend getting the game for one of those systems. If you can connect your system to the internet, you can get DLC "Downloadable Content), for extra songs. The Wii and Ps2 versions don't have this tough =(

And I heard that the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions have better graphics or something. Just giving you the heads up ^_^

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