Wow I haven't been on this board for a while
Its nice to be back!
So I just found out that my "friend" is saying very mean things behind my back. Over the internet. On a freaking hamster forum!!
*I am going to refer to this person as my "friend"*
My best friend and I bought hamsters yesterday. Both of us have had hamsters before, so we knew how to take care of them well. We are going to breed our hamsters, and beforehand we did TONS of research on hamster genetics and such, we know what we're doing. My "friend" told us about this cool hamster forum that is a good source of information. I went there after school today, and found this topic written by a user with the same name as my "friend". I clicked on it and she basically said that she has two "stupid friends" who want to breed hamsters, and she went on and on about how stupid her friends were. Now i'm thinking that these "two stupid friends" that she referred to on the post are me and my best friend. I am positive actually. Cause she goes on this hamster forum ALL THE TIME...and the person's username was the same as my "friend's" real name!
I'm not sure whether to confront her about this, or to just let it be...any advice?
So I just found out that my "friend" is saying very mean things behind my back. Over the internet. On a freaking hamster forum!!
*I am going to refer to this person as my "friend"*
My best friend and I bought hamsters yesterday. Both of us have had hamsters before, so we knew how to take care of them well. We are going to breed our hamsters, and beforehand we did TONS of research on hamster genetics and such, we know what we're doing. My "friend" told us about this cool hamster forum that is a good source of information. I went there after school today, and found this topic written by a user with the same name as my "friend". I clicked on it and she basically said that she has two "stupid friends" who want to breed hamsters, and she went on and on about how stupid her friends were. Now i'm thinking that these "two stupid friends" that she referred to on the post are me and my best friend. I am positive actually. Cause she goes on this hamster forum ALL THE TIME...and the person's username was the same as my "friend's" real name!
I'm not sure whether to confront her about this, or to just let it be...any advice?