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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
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British Columbia
What marks do you usually get on report cards?

I used to get A+ an B+ but I don't know what happened.

This year my marks dropped to B+ and C+ ;_;

Anyway, what are your usual marks??

Last quarter (which wasn't too long ago)

I got two A's and two B-'s.

I usually get C's.

I'll be honest with you - I'm not exactly the brightest crayon in the box. Up until recently, I thought Mexico and Spain were the same thing. D: I'm more interested in the funny accents my teachers or the selection of coloured pencils in the classroom than with the actual lesson. And last French lesson, I got through a good hour of it before I realised that it wasn't Spanish.

But I get by, and manage to do pretty well. :3

Last time I got my report card, it was all A's. Execpt for 1 B. ;_; I was so upset.

First B this year. Stupid 88 in math... Dx

my grades are c's and d's except in english where i got a b and science where i get a b also.But in art i'm making an a.I'm smart but most of the classes bore me.

Well, in my school we dont exactly do the ''A-F'' thing. We use excellent, good, satisfactory, partial and more support needed. So here is my last report card:

English: Excellent

Maths: Excellent

Science: Excellent

S.O.S.E (Society and Environment): Excellent

P.E: Good

Computer: Good

Drama: Good

Social Skills: Good

Gymnastics: Good

My brain works well on the little things, but not on the big ones. I had to draw a map of the world today and only just when I handed it in, I realised I drew China, Russia and France as islands D:

I pretty much got D's and F's. The occasional C or B, and the very rare A.

Most of our grades relied on homework and projects, which I never did. I only did school work and tests, and I actually did really well with those.

Classes like Art and Health, which require VERY little take home work I passed with flying colors. Everything else, no.

I've gotton all A's all my life up until last semester, when I got my first ever B - a 91%. D:

Here are my marks from last semester, about 3 weeks ago:

Honors English - A.

Honors World History - A.

Honors Biology - A.

Honors Geometry - B (91). D:

Child Development 1 - A.

Girl's Chorus - A.

Japanese 1 - A.

I really hope to get an A in Geometry this semester. If I do, since it's an honors course, I'll come out with a 4.0 in the class. :wacko:

Language Arts: 5 :3

Maths: 5 :33

Social Studies: 2

World Studies: 3 - 4

Spanish: 2 - 3

Oceanography / Misc Science: 4

Science: 2 ._.

Drama: 5 :D

My school uses the baccalaureate grading system, it's 1 - 7.

7 is basically A++, they're extremely rare, 6 is above standard, 5 is an A, 1 or 0 is an F.

I got a B on a pre-test, and A+ on the real thing. x3

We don't really have much tests, and our "reading" one was exactly like homework we get xP

Cecib :wacko:

I don'tget grades like that we get like from levels 1 a,b,c to a levels Like







History, Geography, Citicenship are all the same lesson so-5a


I hope thats all

xD mostly 6es on the stuff I like ♥

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Usually A's. I might get one B here and there.

Last grading period I got a 4.0,

And this period I got 1 B. (Other ones were A's)

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