I hope I don't sound like a freeloader, but I hate gym. I don't want to be participate any more, but my grandma will kick me out of Jazz if I don't. I juts walk around in ROB or Gym. xD
I usually get As and Bs, and maybe the occasional C. :I But in my overall grade, it always has that cute little letter, A. :3 Last year, on my progress report, everything was As. :]
My marks are usually all over the place, but they all are passing even if barely. This quarter, not so much. 4 B's, 2 C's (both C+s) and one D. The big range:
last year i kept failing math and i got low marks but somehow this year i got the best report card ever. i got all B's and A's (even in math; i don't know how) except for a 68 in gym. i never really was good in gym. and somehow i got a 95 in french even though i really suck in french.